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Posts posted by KrustyDog

  1. Freakin server merge would solve nearly all the problems people have with this game.


    Nah. I am on 1 of the heaviest servers and I am still bored out of my mind. Making the game more than a gear e-peen fest would be a start. A Star WARS!! that involves more than 8v8 and actually affects the world we play in is the only thing that would make me reconsider. Merge servers and give us realm v realm v realm where at the end of a pre-determined time the winning realm gets buffs until the next round. Or Superman capes. Nothing says "I'm better than you" quite like a Superman cape. And tights.

  2. It was weird. i worked 12 hours today and kinda wanted to pvp all day while working. got home tonight and logged in ready to go and long que's and ****** experience had me log out in disgust after about 45 minutes. i tried alts on a few servers and the same overall bleh experience.


    Its a sad day when a games forums are more exciting than the game. I keep checking them waiting for the devs to yell "April Fools!" then give us the real game. Today? 0 minutes played vs. an hour reading the forums. They are shooting themselves in the foot not communicating with whats left of the player base.

  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Icysunx


    No, people quit because the overall game is bad.



    a little harsh...I told them when I unsubbed that there was too much difference between premade vs PUG....due to build synergy Max/Min'ers. That the PvE dynamic effected PvP too much.


    That's my biggest gripe with the game.


    I would like more class/build uniqueness for pvp and not a "best build" pigeon hole.....but whatever. Games not terrible

    The truth is often harsh but thats about it. Its a very boring game.

  4. My guess? Most pvp'ers worth their weight in salt just arnt playing anymore. I have 20+ plus days left and I dont even bother to log in. Theres no real reason to. Whether I win or lose it affects absolutely nothing and seems pointless. That and 4 bg's over and over gets old really quick. Same crap as Rift. Grind gear so you can roll noobs, thats about all this game has to offer.
  5. Copy GW2's WvWvW and bg/arena system. Being as Star Wars has the name brand I think the game would explode. I think too many players are tired of the WoW/Hamster on the treadmill model.


    Pvp needs to have meaning and consequences. Not just an endless cylcle of meaningless 8v8 matches that have no effect whatsoever on the world or your faction.

  6. If you want to use War Hero as a baseline, then you have to use Hardmode EC for the PvE baseline. Most guilds can't even clear the place, but let's assume you can clear it in 6 hours (which is fairly fast, allowing for a few wipes on the more difficult encounters). You MIGHT get a single piece of gear from that run. Other people need gear too after all, you don't automatically get all the loot. And this only assuming you can do the fights in the first place. It doesn't matter how bad you are at PvP, if you can get at least 1 medal a game, you will eventually be in full War Hero.


    Are you still using this as an arguement for SWtoR > GW2? LOL! Having to play 6 hours to get a piece of gear that will be obsolete in a month or two? Pass. If this game ever gets its act together I would consider coming back but as is? Just no. I have a life and GW2 suits me much better where its more about skill than gear.

  7. Oh now I understand what SWTOR needs. A third set of gear to grind.


    No, in the "other" game the class specific gear for bg's and arena is free. In bg's and arena everyone is on equal footing gear wise. You can do nothing but WvWvW and level and gear up. Class/level specific gear is constantly dropping on enemies you kill so there really is no gear grind. Hey, if your a hater thats fine. I'm just talking about a way superior product as far as pvp goes here. I bought this game too and wanted it to suceed. It just hasnt though. I need meaningfull large scale world pvp to be a happy gamer. The bg's and arena in the other game are just the icing on the cake.

  8. Watch the game commentators on YouTube... some of them have said the same as the poster above albeit with more words.


    I think the problem with MMO's today is that everyone wants "what they want". Players of MMO's are inherantly selfish and want to be the best, they want it now and they want it yesterday. Ranked Warzones probably got yanked from the 1.2 due to a bug that would have set the forum on fire or perhaps they're adding X Server queues to the warzones to ensure that people have fun with them.


    I think BW tried their best with ILUM but it didn't work out.


    MMO's used to be about the hard slog to level cap, the grinding for gear and all that Jazz, I think the best MMO to date that I've played was Final Fantasy XI because it encouraged players to work together to accomplish PVE, without making friends outside your guilds you couldn't really progress by yourself.


    MMO's as a whole have become less about community and more about what the greedy players can pimp over the rest of their server. :p


    Drop the attitudes, express yourselves clearly without coming across like a petulant child and the BioWare gods might take you more seriously. To be fair though Sorcs are totally OP... shut them down now!! :lol:


    I disagree. UO had no level grind and is still the greatest game I ever played. And its obvious Bio is not listening. We dont have to make sense of what we want-we are the customer and yes we want what we want for OUR money. GW2 did what WoW did back in the day-they looked at all the popular games and took the best parts from all of them to make an epic game that will make a whole Texas load of us happy for a long time. If you dont give your customers what they want you lose customers. You cant say keep buying something you dont like in hopes that one day you might like it. Bio dropped the ball and doesnt seem to care. Us pvp'ers told them WAY BACK WHEN (!!!) when the community was screaming "its a pve game" that if the pvp'ers jumped ship it was over but they didnt listen. GW2 is ALL about the pvp and the game will be friggin huge. I am a rabid pvp'er and cant wait to play wow meets daoc meets sb. True pvp epicness is on the horizon. This game wants to give us rated bg's, rated arena and realm vs. realm vs. realm and actually make it skill > gear they MIGHT have a chance but anything less than what GW2 is offering is not gonna cut it. Too bad, really, cause I really wanted this game to be the one.

  9. Last day of my sub and I decided to log into the game and say goodbye to my guildmates. My guild was friggin huge. 300+. What did I find? 11 people in fleet and not a single guildie on. Guess I'll see them all again in GW2 or Secret World. Game folded faster than Superman on wash day.
  10. My subs up tomorrow so I want to leave this last thought with Bio. All you had to do was communicate with us. That is over half the pvp problem. If you'd have told us you were aware of problems (hacks, exploits, imbalance, gear>skill, etc.) and told us you were working on it most of us would have stayed. Your unwillingness to even admit theres a problem is why most of us left. All you keep doing is posting interviews about how big pvp is in your game and how proud of it you are. It kills your credibility and kills any hope we have that you are proactively seeking an immediate fix. Could have been a great game and its too bad really. So many of us Star Wars nerds would have given you our money for years to come but not under these circumstances.
  11. There is an easier fix tot his that would improve the teaming aspect of the entire game without increasing any waiting times:


    Game integrated voice communication for all groups


    Ive played a MMO that did this previously and it helped in PuG situations. Guilds will still obviously use their own channels, but it would go a long way to helping PuGs actually organise and encourage social interaction, which is increasingly lacking in this style of game where typing is counter-productive to playing.


    So I have to listen to some meglomaniac teen screaming the whole time cause no one listens to him? No thx.

  12. BUMPITTY BUMP. Bio seems to be closing other threads talking about game mechanics and using this one as a reason to close those threads so I thought I'd bump this one. As for this threads topic? Cant lose whats gone. My servers population is down a good 50%. Less than 40 in fleet at prime time last night (down from well over 100)and I'm betting it wasnt pve'rs quitting that caused the population drop. Soon there will be one less cause my sub runs out pretty quick. As for Bio-you guys just never listen/learn do you? You had Rift and Aion go down the crapper and you didnt look at those games to see why? Cause the pvp'ers left for all the exact reasons they are leaving your game plus some. To their credit they might have had bots and that was annoying but they NEVER had the level of exploits and hacking that you do.
  13. I agree that pvp needs to be fixed but so does your list. Exploits/hacks and imbalance need to be #1 and #2 on that list with content a close #3. And proof the game is dying? 2 weeks ago at primetime we would have 100 in fleet now it maybe peaks at 50. Either alot of Pubs quit or worse yet rerolled Imp. Either explanation does not bode well for the game. Hackers destroyed Shadowbane and caused them to completely close the game down and I dont see SWtoR being immune. Its one of the main reasons I cancelled.
  14. Uhm, there is massive incentives to roll Rep, it freaking sucks being Imp on a badly balanced server. Bioware don't need to do anything it will fix it self over time.


    Your just the normal crybaby that want more free stuff and you want free stuff that might end up being dangerous to the games health, because why would anyone roll Imp if you get free stuff as Rep?

    Queue at release, server faction imbalance, it's all EXPECTED, no dev is surprised about it and they have no reason to "fix" it because it's not broken. These things fixes it self over time unless the dev goes brain dead and give one side free stuff.



    Imps have been the notorious exploiters/hackers getting their free stuff since before the game even went live. What a ludicris statement.

  15. Surprised it doesn't happen more often. Cross server might help with this.


    Just make it so groups can no longer q together. Its rough but will solve the problem. Will also stop the premade rofl stomp express. Save group q's for rated bg's. Or just continue to let people exploit to their hearts content and continue to bleed accounts. Even then the cheating dogs will just find another way to abuse and ruin the game so what does it matter? If I was bio I would be friggin pissed at the people ruining the game I worked so hard on for so long.

  16. Man, seriously those were the times. I dunno bout your serv but remember the TBC launch and all the hordes and alliance duking it out in front of the portal and then inside?


    Also almost everytime people went for raid and stood in front of entrance waiting for rest of people there were pvp wars :>


    TBC-one of the golden eras of pvp. Quel Danas-roaming gank squads ACTIVELY stopping you from completeing your quests which were the faster daily money maker in the game making it a neccessity. THATS how you do world pvp.

  17. It's most likely due to what you were doing to the boos, not the players. Even in WoW, you could be banned for the same thing IF you were abusing the boss in order to make it more difficult for players. If you were killing the adds and watching it explode their raid, most companies will say it is not pvp and you'll get your warning. If you were tagging the boss, even though you knew you'd lose, just so they would have to reset it, you were griefing. Real pvp at a world boss means killing them while they try to kill the boss. Douchebaggery and griefing is when you know you can't so you exploit mechanics to stop them. That's when you get a warning.


    My, how civilized.

  18. It takes two stuns to fill resolve...


    So the only increase would be ONE STUN, then you're full resolve.


    That's not smart and encourages bad play.


    Add roots, slows and all that other crap to the items that fill resolve bar. Better yet diminishing returns would be way better and would discourage teams made up of only 2 or 3 classes.

  19. Later! Dont need players that complain 24/7 and don't understand the concept of 2 months old...


    They had what, 5-6 YEARS of development. Would you be happy if you bought a 2 month old car and it didnt run right? All those years and this is all they came up with? Add all the beta time into the 2 month equation as well. Been a helluva lot longer than 2 monthes. I think they are losing the pvp base because face it-its just not a pvp game. I'm sure they'd love to have the pvp base but they have not shown nor earned it. Thats fine. Its a great pve game and tons of people will play and love this game for years to come, just not pvp'ers. Only thing I am angry about is a pve game billed as pvp and another 75 (60 preorder+15 1st month sub) down the drain. Same thing happened with rift. They said pvp would be a big part of the game but once it went live it was just another raiding pve game.

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