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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. I think this is semi true. In that they have expectations of how people will play vs. how people do play. Lets look at the ready check issue. It's a good feature and should be in. It has likely been in in one from or another at various points in the dev cycle. It however didn't make it into release (Ui revisions or just plain missed in assorted changes) now people who play pretty much exclusively with their guild and on vent/TS may not ever have need of a ready check. they just use voice which is quicker anyway. As for LFG I don't like it. Less from a "It harms the community" perspective and more from a whats the point? perspective. There are less tanks and healers than DPS so even with cross server wait times for DPS are long. It's not like there is some server where all the tanks and healers play and can't get groups waiting for DPS to log on. So for no real benefit you put at risk the community building opportunities of in server LFG. Once again the Devs expect you to build robust guilds and friends lists not just spam general chat. If you do so and are not a total tool in the flashpoints you do you'll not have trouble finding groups.
  2. KOTOR 2 (I really can't count the obsidian {Redacted}. It was ok on it's own but did not feel like KOTOR to me) I would love to see KOTOR given the Mass Effect treatment of a complete story arc. The ending of KOTOR was such a beautiful cliffhanger. X-Wing VS. TIE 2 (4? since it was already basically X-Wing 3) I loved those games so much. I don't do flight sims and I went out and bought a serial joystick just for this. (And I've dated myself)
  3. Well in short yes and no. He defends them in a way as he believes them to be more true to his vision than the Original trilogy. On the other hand he doesn't even try to get into anything about why he thinks they are good beyond that. On a related note. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escape-to-the-movies/5357-The-Phantom-Menace-13-Years-Later a really really well put explanation of why the prequel hate is quite so overblown. In short they are not the best movies ever and our ten year old selves can't cope with that. They are also not nearly as bad as the fan rage makes them out to be. Personally any vitriol I had towards the man has been largely ameliorated by the unspeakable things Michael Bay has done to my childhood with his entire 'film' career. If I'm gonna get my hate on for lousy let downs of a beloved franchise there are many better options.
  4. Firstly to the OP. RevAn Was not all that powerful a jedi. He was a near peerless general and leader and quite the scholar. He out maneuvered Mandalore the Great as well as being a force of personality able to split the Jedi order and earned the respect of enemy and ally alike. Then went on to discover the star forge and the infinite empire as well as several lost force techniques. He was not however all that potent in the force, he was skilled and his knowledge of lost techniques gave him an edge at times, or as a duelist compared to the big names. More generally I think Vader is both nder and over rated depending on who you ask. There are TONS of Fans who will slate Vader as the most ****** thing ever due largely to his excellent portrayal in the Original trilogy. Equally there are those who came to the fandom through the prequels and have some delusion that Maul is anything special. Hell Dooku was a more successful apprentice to Sidious. Maul had a decent "actor" and I use the term loosely as he was mostly a stuntman/stage combatant with basically no characterization. Then on to Fandolorians who insist that the Jedi purge was due to ****** mando clones not Vader. Vader/Anakin was the prophesied chosen one. He was basically jedi jesus, child of the living force and all that, wrapped up with every classic literary hero. His Potential with the force is unmatched. He never reached that potential. Heres the thing. He chose the dark side. The dark side is quicker but not stronger. His fall limited him. He was unable to match Sidious until his redemption and even then it finally cost him his life. If he had been able to match Sidious before that he would have and he would have become the master. That is how the rule of two works. So untill he unlocked MORE (not all) of his potential he was weaker than Sidious. Sidious is the most powerful SITH. His machinations hid him from Yoda and the entire council. They sensed darkness but he was able to cloud the best and brightest the jedi's around vision of the future. Obi Wan beat down Anakin at Mustafar and left him to burn in a volcano (not a bright day for the jedi code). So he was at one point at least better than anakin. Of course as Vader in ANH he sorely outmatched Obiwan. Vader by ANH was probably better than just about anyone with a Saber. Some of the real big names in Saber combat (like Windu) might have been a challenge then but even they would not have been a big over match. Add to that that his mastery of the force was far above those who devote themselves to the saber and that his raw power overmatched almost everyone and he's pretty clearly going to outmatch just about anyone. I would posit that the closest match he has is Luke. Particularly Luke POST ROTJ. Luke fought Vader to a draw before the emperor stepped in. Luke was not at his peak yet at that time. So I'd say luke eventually over matches Vader. It is likewise possible that later generations would as well. The Solo children for instance. The key thing here is that Vaders potential is unmatched (except possibly by Luke but even that is questionable) What he realized of that potential puts him firmly in the neighborhood of Sidious, and Yoda and the rest of the "greatest masters of the force ever" (Nomi, Thon, Bane etc) If he had reached his full potential he would have outmatched them all. Now I'm not a particular fan of Vader. Personally I find Yoda and Obi wan to be far more interesting even if they are primarily Merlin figures of the mythos. But to try to argue that the literal Chosen One Savior of the Universe is over rated within the context of that universe is absurd. you want over rated look at Boba Fett, Darth Maul, or *shudder* Starkiller (that game really shouldn't be included in any serious, or serious ish this is Star Wars after all, discussion)
  5. They need to open up T7 as a romance option for both genders. I refuse to go near Kira's nasty
  6. Do we have confirmation of what causes this to bug? Does taking the Kira quest boot T7's? (Another reason to keep her doing nothing but running Treasure hunting mission for me in her dancers outfit) More seriously once the Kira bug was revealed they were all over telling us how it would bug so it could be avoided any news on this?
  7. Coming from tanking in other MMO's (Particularly WoW) tanking in SW:ToR is a little weird when it comes to threat. There's two tiers to this. Firstly it is HARD. This harkens back more to older MMOs many more recent ones just give tanks so much threat that you basically just have to have one in the group. Watching your threat becomes relitively pointless unless they are exceptionally bad. In ToR you have to be good at tanking to hold threat. Also your DPS has to pay attention to what they are doing. Under all of this is the need for CC, For kill order, for DPS not opening with huge burst DPS and making sure that when they do hit burst abilities (or when really well geared big crits) they pop a threat dump as well. The second tier is the one most alien to pretty much any tanking situation. And that is that in content that requires a tank you are not expected to (nor in many cases will you be able to) hold threat on the entire pull. most pulls are padded out with weak, normal, and strong mobs. Those are low enough damage and die quickly enough that you really only need to get very basic initial threat, IE force leap -> Force Sweep, to keep them off the healer and let DPS burn them down. While DPS burns down those you have time to get solid aggro on the elites in the pull that aren't CC'd. You do however need that threat lead more and more as you advance in content and gear as our threat does not scale up well in comparison to DPS we spend alot more item budget on survivability than threat. Tanking is also much more reactive than in other games. Taunt and guardian leap need ot be used when some one draws aggro. Not on CD but when something goes wrong. The taunt mechanic is not the standard MMO taunt that locks them to you for X time then drops you right back to your former place on the threat list. You are bumped to the top and they are forced to target you for X time. This means that when you taunt if you follow it up with some good threat gen and the DPS backs off you will hold that threat after the taunt wears off. Guardian leap lowers threat generated by a player not thier current threat. So you need to use it then follow up with a high threat move or even a taunt if they pulled way ahead. There isn't a rotation for optimal threat there is a rotation of optimal focus/GCD use to keep up your needed buffs, Blade barrier/Blade barricade, but there is room in the rotation for reactive abilities you need to use as well.
  8. This is why one should not launch an enduring franchise based on a college freshman understanding of Buddhism. Though more seriously I doubt it. If you look at the fandom, romance isn't what draws in the rabid inexplicable fans. Stoic bit parts with good costuming do. I mean really most romance you see is between a jedi and a non-jedi. the prohibition creates an obstacle that narratively adds alot to the relationship. A hardship it must endure. I think what would make jedi more popular is most likely to be better dialog.
  9. 750 is way off. Maybe after taking into account armor/shield chance it MIGHT approach that low but most reliable numbers I've seen at 50 put it around 1200-1700. there is a bit of variance from peoples attempts to get data on it. From data mining it comes out at ~1200 without any +power boost (It receives bonus as a heal basically so we're unlikely to see much boost but any +power would help it some) So Saying it is just at the bottom rung of 1200 damage absorbed that is before shield or armor protection. It will effect all damage types Unlike armor and all attack sources unlike shield. Most tanks will cap out at 30% absorb or so, We don't stack absorb so I'd say 25% is more realistic. Shield chance is going to be around 40% probably less since we don't stack it either and one assumes you're going vigilance hybrid so no shield spec either anyway. That'll cut your damage resisted down by about 10% 10% of 1200 will be 120. So after shield you're at 1080 reduced. Armor will reduce about 35% of that leaving you around 725. Keep in mind it's only reduced on Melee and ranged elemental or kinetic damage. It is more effective against anything else. So at minimum you're looking at ~700 reduction (being generous most would see more). You should be using Blade storm on CD regardless so in a 5 minute fight you're getting 25 uses off. Over the course of the fight after other mitigation is taken into account Blade barrier will stop 17500 hp worth of damage. Raid geared tanks come in with a health pool in that neighborhood. So it effectively doubles your health pool even taking into account reductions to its effectiveness by being outside of your armor and shield. This is not to say that it doesn't have it's issues. It scales horribly we don't stat for power or healing certainly so it will never improve no matter how much we gear up. In effect it gets worse the better your gear is. It also doesn't scale with incoming damage. A percentage reduction like Unremitting or protector actually improves the greater the incoming damage. That can make them much much better in certain situations. Like high DPS phases etc. To truly compare you look at it as 700 Damage reduced over 12 seconds. That's ~58DPS. So to compare it with Unremitting 20% it is better until you reach 5 * 58 = 290 DPS incoming. That is for the time Unremitting is up of course. So it works well to counter burst. Unremitting/Protector under constant use will be up around 10 out of 60 seconds or 16.6% of the time. Adjusted for up time Unremitting/protector becomes 3.3% reduction. So Once DPS reaches 30 * 58 = 1740 Unremitting/Protector becomes better on constant use. So it is pretty much always going to be better for a situational burst phase. Over the long haul it gets better at not terribly high a threshold of incoming DPS. Of course that requires use of Unremitting/protector on CD which can impede threat output and is certainly more difficult to manage than a shield on an ability you are already using on CD. Now I'm not trying to write of your basic idea. I do feel that for it's placement in the tree Blade Barricade under-performs. Particularly given the performance of skills like Unremitting/protector which are lower/equal in the supposed DPS tree. The fact that any kind of valid argument can be made that those "DPS" skills are generally superior what is clearly supposed to be a key mitigation skill in the "tanking" tree means there is a deep deep flaw in the design of one or both skills. But the numbers you try to lay out are wildly in accurate and do nothing to help your point.
  10. I baiscally agree but I'd say Macros have nothing to do with the casual bat. Casuals don't bother with Macros elitists trying to shave microseconds off activation times use macros more work then they are worth for anyone not trying to play on that bleeding edge. But the core tenet is correct. Multiple activations on one keybind is cheap and dumbs down the game.
  11. angrydurf


    Well I can't say I've run into this personally but there are some general trueisms for an unfortunately large portion of MMO Players. Firstly there is this idea that if you can spec to heal you should. People don't like healing, they want to be DPS. That means that if someone else is DPSing not only are they competition for group spots they are also reducing the total number of slots available since every person that is DPS not Heals is potential for another group to be formed. This is basically just selfishness. ON the plus side TOR has enough healing/tanking classes that it's pretty rare to find some one who didn't make a similar choice. Pretty much just sniper/gunslingers or Sentinel/mauraders. Secondly there is an idea that if you can heal you should suffer from less DPS. Even if the devs don't follow this line of thought the idea that "pure" DPS does better damage is pretty ingrained so people then assume you are doing sub par DPS when you should be healing. Thirdly Melee DPS is considered inferior to ranged DPS. To many fights have bosses with PBAOE or damage auras so any melee DPS is considered to be soaking up heals and slowing the group down. Lastly Operative DPS is bursty over all (less so with lethality though) and therfore considered to be a "PvP spec" so if you're trying to PvE with it it is assumed that you will be inferior to a "PvE" spec. This is tied vaguely tot he recent operative burst nerfs tht make people think op DPS is poor now. None of this has to be true for a certain all too common class of players to think you have no place in their group. Fact is that you don't have to be at the bleeding edge of DPS to be successful in ToR. Off specs are viable and optimized specs will roll content with relative ease.
  12. Keybindings are not for everyone definitely. In PvE you are very limited in the improvement you will see due to GCD. All in all for PvE better to hit the right abilities every time than risk misskeying for what is basically a nonexistent benefit. In PvE you just don't need to be in constant motion as keybinding and mouse moving allows. Also In my experience it is far far more vital for a tank to be able to quickly acquire a target than be panning their camera. Click target is vastly superior to tab target for efficient target acquisition. PvP relies on movement much much more. There clicking and keyboard turning are a huge hinderance. In PvE they just don't make much difference and frankly quickly being able to target the mob you need to is way more important.
  13. Well the impression I had was that Jorgen was the liaison to spec ops on Ord Mantell. It seemed like he was overseeing the rest of havoc squad as well. Like when they went in to the Sep stronghold you were watching over his shoulder as he monitored them. So while he was outside the chain of command he was in a position to be scapegoated about not catching on to what they were going to do. That's why you have the whole conversation with your superiors where you can blame/defend him.
  14. By canon wielding a light saber basically takes jedi reflexes. It doesn't handle like a sword at all as it has no weight. A few non-jedi/sith have used them at various points but in general the suspicion is that those are untrained force sensitives still able to use the force on some level to increase their awareness. Beyond that why would you? How many modern soldiers/policemen or what not do you see that wield swords instead of guns? The only thing that really gives a jedi an edge in fighting blaster wielding thugs is that the saber when guided by force precog can deflect blaster bolts. With out that it's a knife in a gun fight that you are fairly likely to injure yourself with.
  15. And it works horribly. Additionally DCUO plays more like an FPS than an MMO (I'm aware some prefer that I don't and if they had decided to go that route with ToR Unreal would have been a suitable choice) I won't blame Unreal for the issues with DCUO, I mean I've played enough SOE games to know they are masters at wrecking anything good. But the engine is both more and less than is needed for an MMO like ToR.
  16. It could be both but it's vague as to if the cathar, nautolan, etc are going to make it by the 1.2 patch. Additionally it has been clearly stated that additional playable races are something they'd like to see but not likely any time soon. There is little reason to suspect that has changed beyond wishful thinking. The tone is often that Bioware does whatever it does out of some malicious intent or even casual carelessness. Neither of those things have been evident in anything they have done previously nor in their handling of these issues. You can say that you'd like more information fine. I would like to know too. I think it is needlessly incendiary to state that they are somehow grossly mishandling things by not doing so. They have been pretty free about letting out intended features when they know they are going to be live at a certain time or patch number. The only time they have held back is when they don't have a date. Once they know exactly what features will be in for legacy on the 1.2 patch they will release that information. Before they know it is just invitation to more flaming for them to say anything.
  17. I addressed that earlier actually. Because until a feature is fully working and ready for deployment it can go away. If they announced one thing and it went away for whatever reason they now have "lied" and get even more hate than not saying it in the first place. They could use the "We intend to ... but as always things can change." language but that is ignored and the "promised feature is taken as gospel. Look at the reaction to the legacy system. They mentioned it all closed lipped for awhile and even though they said over and over in every comment that it may not be ready for launch they are getting raged at for it's limited launch functionality. Specifics can change at very late times in the development cycle particularly for a feature like this that is primarily in the category of what they choose to do not what is possible. They could say you get True sith Jedi at level 2 and miriluka operatives at level 8 but if that got changed they get more grief than not saying anything. That is why they don't give details. They will say the next expansion of legacy options is in 1.2 more than that is subject to change and that isn't the end of the system it will continue to expand so waiting on alts or anything else based on legacy is going to be a disappointing experience.
  18. Because Unreal 3 engine is an FPS engine and would not work at all for an MMO? It's based on physics and trajectory calculations and hit boxes not ability timers and positioning conditions. The answer to the original question is simple. Because they thought that it would do what they needed without the enormous cost of in in house development. Frankly there is a reason the ME games are all based on the Unreal engine. Because Bioware and EA are not companies that make engines they are development houses. there are very few companies that actually manage to make their own engines because the skills needed to do that are way way different than those needed to do the rest of development. Blizzard has always been a noted exception int he development community for building their games from the ground up. People who make engines tend to suck at making games. there are exceptions but usually that is due to buying other studios who do the rest well. Look at Unreal 3 VS. ANY GAME BUILT ON THE UNREAL 3 ENGINE and you will quickly see that good engine dev team does not equal good game. the core issue people seem to take issue with is the "ability delay" problem which has been largely fixed and the majority of which was outside of any issue with the engien and had far more to do with the implementation on the engine IE involuntary abilities interrupting activation of activatibles like defense(Dodge/parry) interrupting attacks That had little to nothing to do with animations. Animations have canceled on move or activation of another ability since sometime in beta. a couple of abilities are perceived to still cause issues but personally I haven't been able to confirm this. Activate your abilities based on when the CD finishes not when the animation completes and you'll do fine.
  19. the real issue in steep gear increases is not PvP gear disparities as mentioned that is easily corected by meaningfully different PvP vs PvE stats like expertise. the issue is the overall gearflation in the long term. WoW is the perfect example of this. A huge number of issues have grown out of the insane steps up needed from expansion to expansion. You end up with gear that is so much higher in stats that anything not scaled with gear becomes useless. It took a few expansions for them to really start to hit the wall but WoW is at the point of needing to make a massive across the board nerf of all gear to eliminate these big jumps or start to calculate things like HP and mana pools in the millions. Having content be impossible to complete without top gear from the previous content means that you will have gear grow to an insane level over an expansion or two. Granted some might say that planning on multiple expansions is over reaching but they have said they have development charted out for like 5 years in rough form at least. Also SWG which was not as a good a game managed 2-3 expansions (dependant on if you count NGE as an expansion it was certainly that much time and effort) just for having the license. So it's fair to say even if ToR doesn't topple WoW it'll stick around long enough for that kind of gear inflation to become problematic. This doesn't change the fact that the current gear is too easy to get in both PvP and PvE. The RNG in PvP means you CAN get gear in like a week or tow of play. Ops just plain drop too much gear. Of course there is also the fact that many many people haven't hit fifty no less gotten into raids and geared up fully. the minority that have and that care are of course very very vocal about it of course. How much of a fix is really needed for those few players? I don't claim to know but it is possible that being able to get BiS gear without an insane year+ long weekly raid grind will entice enough more people to stick around that those who would leave over having gotten that already is negligible to thier bottom line.
  20. The thing is they are for some people. Personally I have not yet hit fifty, I'm taking my time/don't have much time. When I do I don't really want to raid, I'll probably hit some hard modes and alt it up as well but finding datacrons and filling out my codex are what I plan to do for endgame. I like exploring more than raiding. If you don't like that that's fine too there are hard modes, raids, and/or PvP for you to do. The OP is right there isn't a lack of endgame. The only thing that is really lacking at endgame is that raids in some peoples opinion are not well implemented. So shouting that there is nothing to do at endgame is a bit of an overstatement. Saying that a selection of endgame content needs to be fixed is different. If you need harder raids ask for harder raids with better rewards. right now eights and sixteens drop the same loot from what I hear. they could "easily" upgrade the loot tables on sixteens to even better gear with a lower drop rate to give the more devoted raider something to strive for. Eights can be for "casual" raiders, Sixteens for "hardcore" raiders ( I hate both terms personally but they are what is used) Saying that Illum needs fixed, sure that's fine, world PvP is notoriously difficult to make workable but they do have the team with the most experiance at making it kinda work. The point is there is plenty of endgame content. The issue is that it is poorly tuned. Ask for fixes to raid drop rates not a blanket "MOAR ENDGAME!" and you might actually get somewhere.
  21. The Legacy system was hyped but also hyped as not being a launch feature. They had hoped to have it implemented for launch but didn't think it was likely. To be upset that it didn't make it in at launch is a little unreasonable (not that I PERSONALLY wouldn't have rather seen legacy than warzones, Ilum, or any other PvP nonsense) As for communication they have likely given as much as they can guarantee. Systems change through the development cycle. It is a bad idea to promise something that may not make it into the production version as it just leads to people being upset that the feature is "missing" no matter how clear you are that things may change/be delayed. So they have mentioned that they plan to have upgrades to the legacy system starting with 1.2 but not given specifics. Additionally I'm pretty sure it has been pretty clearly stated that its going to be new race/class combos not wholly new races. They've been pretty clear that whole new PC races are not likely to come soon and if they did they would be available to everyone not just those who have sufficient legacy XP. Now what happens when they say "Legacy will allow for players with legacy level 4 to play True Sith Smugglers." OH Noes! we can't do that the True Sith are proud warrior guys they'd never become dirty fighting outlaws! and it doesn't make it in. the reason doesn't matter it can be Lore it can be technical (oh crap Twi's look horrible in trooper armor can't do that!), or whatever else. The point is that they say X is true then it changes (as things do) and people now have held off due to being told directly that it would be like that and when it isn't they rage over their wasted time and Bioware "lying" or misleading them "Just to draw out more subs" Frankly it's pretty clear if you read between the lines of what has been said that races not attached to classes normally will become available through the legacy system. Which specific ones are not but if you are holding out hope for a true sith Jedi, or a mirilan Bounty hunter you are probably best off waiting to see if that makes it in. If you like what is available you are good to make alts. It hasn't been stated outright of course so it could be wrong. But you lose very little by waiting if you don't like the options you have now anyway.
  22. It's not a player run player driven economy. Crafting is a side show. It will not be a player Run Player Driven economy as that kind of economy does not work outside a sandbox game. This is not a sand box game and you can not turn it into one. The entire point of a raid based endgame is to raid to get gear to continue raiding. Crafting can not provide that gear as it removes the incentive to raid beyond one or two encounters to see the content. In this environment crafting can't be a central force, at best it can be an engaging side game with utility during the leveling process. This is not SWG part two. It is not intended to be and for that I am thankful as SWG was not only a bad game in many many ways throughout all its incarnations it was also a colossal failure. It had some very innovative ideas that I would like to see in games again someday, those ideas were horribly implemented and repeatedly broken. Most do not work in the landscape of SW:ToR. They can not be shoehorned in and trying to will undermine what is working here already. As has been stated RE is basically a variation of experimentation. It is a simplification but serves the same basic purpose, to offer something other than grinding mobs or buying off trainers as a way to get schematics. Custom colors has potential but introducing custom colors bloats file sizes (a problem in an age where digital download is so prominent) or drastically simplifies textures and can lead to lag issues. To put it simply it is not feasible to have gear that looks as good and is custom colored without horrendous lag (likely in the form of missing textures). Now crew skills could use some work. More use of RE would be nice, as would some ability to improve your RE chances or target certain advancements. A niche needs to be carved for all crew skills to have more use in leveling and a valid place in the endgame progression. Top end Crafted gear should be available without raiding and be at a place in quality around that of gear from heroic mode flashpoints. Worse than raid gear better than most other. They are already adding the ability to pull raid mods out of raid gear and to use customized gear. More of that gear should be available as crafted gear less as mission rewards and off vendors. Throughout the leveling process there is little reason to craft most of your needs are better and more cheaply met through commendations and quest rewards. A dedicated crafter should be able to craft with the resource types available on a given world be able to craft gear as good or better than that offered for questing.
  23. RE is not working as intended at this time. They are working on fixing it but it is obviously not as simple as the percentage being set to the wrong amount. There is a bug in the code that is resulting in a lower than expected rate of RE in some cases. However. RE is not just not working. RE's are still going through at the lower than intended rate. Your 35 attempts mean nothing beyond bad luck. If you're unhappy with the lower than intended rate of RE success don't RE until the patch notes state it's fixed and get on the test server when they are testing the fix to give feedback. Personally I haven't found the RE rate to be game breaking. Expensive and sometimes frustrating but not game breaking. If it is for you wait for it to be fixed, It's clearly not just that the success value is set at 2% instead of 5 or 10 or whatever they intend.
  24. Baby you too fat to fly ... It's an optical illusion, all jump heights and distances are the same, the larger body types don't look like they jump as high because the distance is a smaller portion of their size. There are some problems with collision with the larger body types (mostly type 3) as their head can hit a ceiling before they reach their full jump height but other than that they are the same.
  25. Two things. First Hutball - Sorcs are very good in Huttball and for some reason (I suspect severe population imbalances) Huttball seems to be all that comes up. Second - Force. Sage/Sorc Force pools are the best PvP resource pool. They can dump alot of resources without tanking their resource regen unlike Troopers/Bounty Hunters/Operatives/smugglers and start with a full pull unlike Warriors and Guardians. A close second is Assassin/Shadow which have the same basic resource pool only smaller. You'll notice most of the "Sorcs/Sage isn't so bad" is from Sin/shadows. The sustained healing that a Sorc/sage outputs in PvP is pretty much unmatched, they also have some very useful mobility tools that are hard to impossible to counter. That mobility and healing isn't particularly overpowered in Voidstar or Alderaan but is very useful in huttball as huttball is the only scenario where merely surviving for a bit longer wins games. You can't take damage and capture points and sage/sorc isn't particularly game winning in a group on group encounter to the death. They are very good at getting themselves or another carrier across the goal line and doing so repeatedly. Of course since they can be good carriers and support more of them on a team is even better. Best fix is actually a fix to huttball. If a ball carrier gets immobilized the ball goes back into play. Give ways to stop ball progress other than trying to DPS through a shield and heals.
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