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Everything posted by jtzako

  1. Just make the solution that you CANT hurt someone if you're not flagged. There really is no other alternative that is acceptable to those who do NOT want to PvP under any circumstances. I should have to manually flag myself before I can attack another player.
  2. Supposedly if you make one and dont equip it, then put it in your bank, then come back and make a 2nd one you can have 2. Once you equip one it wont let you put it into the bank and you cant make a 2nd one.
  3. Its OK to over level if you dont mind things being overly easy to complete and not getting gear upgrades appropriate to your level. If you are enjoying the story or just want to complete every quest go for it. There are a few places in the 30 to 50 range that will 'catch up' to you by a level or two at a time also. (which sucks if you are NOT over leveled at the time)
  4. If you are re-doing a FP you have previously completed those light/dark points do not apply. (not sure if thats a bug or intended) You need to earn NEW light points (from a mission you have not done before) to get it to move again.
  5. All healers have a 60 second crowd control. Most pure dps/tank do not.
  6. Upgrade gear from drops and quest rewards as needed, but the best thing to do seems to be get Orange (modable) gear and make sure you get the best mods you can use as you level up. I recommend focusing mainly on Armor Rating and Damage rating mods, the other 2 mod types are of secondary concern and should be updated after the main two. You can get armor/damage mods from Commendation vendors on each planet as well as from crafters/GTN. Another key thing many people miss is that they need to upgrade their companion gear also. Kira, for example, doesnt use the same gear/stats as a JK so you have to get specific stuff for her along the way.
  7. I'm sure its a balance issue. You want them to be useful, but not to the point that you MUST use them in order to succeed. You dont generally want consumables them to be a requirement for PvP, Raid, Group etc.
  8. I had about 1.5 million saved up by 50 even though I did not sell anything on GTN and had maxed out all 3 of my crew skills. The credits really start to roll in 40+.
  9. You should be fine if you arent spending credits on Crew Missions or buying from vendors/GTN. I personally dont buy the level 40 speeder license til 50 then just buy both at that time.
  10. The only commendation vendor on Tython sells a Chest piece for each type of Jedi. Its 8 commendations to buy it.
  11. I gather the ones I can get without going out of my way as I level. I go back later, perhaps when I dont feel like questing to get ones I've missed along the way.
  12. Even on PvE servers the only way to 'trade' an item is via the Hutt Cartel Exchange on Nar Shadda. You cant direct trade or email items cross faction.
  13. You need two separate username/password. Everything else, including the email address its linked to can be the same I believe.
  14. You could do it, but I just dont see how you could come even close to enough buttons to manage it.
  15. There are quests all through most class stories that 'force' you to use a particular companion or can even cause one companion to be unusuable AFTER that quest ends. Its really a stupid system. There should never be any requirement to use, gear up or lose a companion.
  16. I dont think there is any built in galaxy-wide chat channel. Your server might have one setup for that purpose though. The problem is, only people who know about it will be in there.
  17. There are currently 3 of each color available to each faction. The top level relics require 3 of the same color to make.
  18. It is a queue system. You can have 1 ability ready to fire after the current 'cooldown' ends. If you press two different abilities during the 'cooldown' the last one you pressed will be the one that activates.
  19. For laptop you will need to significantly exceed the 'minimum' requirements for the game since laptops are generally considerably slower than a PC even with the same 'numbers'. Also, you will want to make sure the laptop has a 3D video card. (a gamer card if you can find one with that).
  20. Try turning sideways or sit/stand. I know people have complained about this and CSR cant help but it IS an issue since size 3 an 4 cant get through certain areas.
  21. I like Tython for the look and feel of it though it needs one more Heroic quest to compete with all the other starter worlds. Ord Mantell is pretty cool also for the war-zone ambiance.
  22. On your Fleet space station and Capitol world (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) for the Faction specific ones. Nar Shaddaa has a 'neutral' one as well on the lower promenade.
  23. Its an old term meaning 'process' but basically it is an effect that is on your weapon or a buff that has a chance to happen during combat. It could be damage, debuff, buff etc.
  24. If you are finding questing 'boring' ask yourself what specifically about being higher level would you find more appealing? There is nothing to do at a higher level except more quests. (or level 50 specific PvP if you like that sort of thing) Just try to slow down and listen to the story dialogs along the way and see if you enjoy it. If you are skipping conversations or not paying attention, the quests can definitely be boring.
  25. The thing with CPU is that you generally cannot upgrade JUST the CPU if you are trying to go from a 32 bit to a 64. (sockets and other things arent the same) You will need a new motherboard, new RAM and new CPU in almost all cases.
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