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Everything posted by Shaz

  1. EQ didn't fail. It was the WoW of its day, and a major success.. Exactly. EQ was a HUGE success. EQ was what proved that MMOs could succeed. EQ is the reason WoW exists. There is a lot I miss about EQ. Even some of the 'hard' and 'annoying' stuff.... and I don't miss it BECAUSE it was hard and annoying, I miss it because of the environment and community it fostered. I knew the people on my server. I still keep in contact with many, and I'm not just talking about guildies, but even random other people from my server. You honestly developed relationships with people, due to the time things took. And you knew that you couldn't be a complete <expletive deleted>, because your reputation mattered. Really and truly mattered. Leveling to 50 was hard. You knew that someone at level 50 knew how to play their character. If they repeatedly did something stupid, word would get around that they were bought off Ebay, and they'd likely be shunned. So, while a part of me doesn't want to have to, in games now, do all the work that EQ took... another part of me really misses what all that work fostered. EverQuest's height was both an MMO golden age as well as a dark age, and I really miss the best of it.
  2. If you qualify (by entering the pre-order code on this site), any time you create a character, that character should receive an in-game mail with the crystal. The crystal can also be purchased from the 'Pre-Order Crystal Vendor' on the Fleet for 10c. The crystal has a '+4 Endurance' bonus. This bonus is easy to outmatch early on in the game, so...yeah. You're not missing much for very long.
  3. There are also at least one datacron you have to 'slip through a crack in the wall' to get, and that crack is too small for male body size 4 to get into. There's at least one or two more that are somewhat like this. Regarding the Tatooine balloon... that's honestly the reason I haven't tried to get this datacron yet. If I spent all that time waiting on the balloon, and then all that time on the balloon headed to the destination, and then the balloon poofed right before I got there? My eyes would bleed, I would be so angry. So I tell myself I'm sparing myself the potential frustration. I just hope they change/'fix'/something to stabilize it, soon.
  4. One of the problems with the current LFG system is that it doesn't work as well as it should, because of the severe text limit viewable in the comment box. I am given more than enough space in the box to write (for example) 'DPS: Cademimu & Boarding Party' (and still have space left over I could write in!) but the actual WHO window will only show 'DPS: Cadem' (if it even showed that much). So, abbreviate it further? 'DPS Cad/BP?' nope, probably still cut off. 'dpsCadBP'? I'm edging towards complete indecipherability there. I do use the current LFG system when I can, such as when I can be short and concise enough to actually fit in the tiny little box we have to display our comment. That works, if there's only say, one FP and/or Heroic I'm interested in. If I'm interested in 2, or 3, it gets harder or even impossible to flag myself correctly. Sad thing is, even when I use it, I seldom get contacted. And twice, even though I was marked 'DPS' clearly in the comment box, I get asked 'are you heals?'..... <shakes head and sighs> Back on track to the OP: DDO's LFG tool is *FANTASTIC*. I would love to see something like that here, as I consider it one of the best out there. City of Heroes' tool is also one that wouldn't be bad to have. ...Nearly anything would be better than what we have now. Err, just as long as it doesn't go into the cross-server, insta-dungeon-porting mess. I'd rather not have that. I just want a beefier LFG tool that is just something to make it easier for players to form groups, not to automatically form them for the players.
  5. If you mean harvesting while you're adventuring... no, harvesting is the same for companion and player. Advantage? Well, if there are 2 nodes, you can do one while your companion does another. Or, if you need to use your 'heal up' ability, you can heal yourself & companion while companion harvests. Or you can send companion to harvest while you're running along, and companion will catch up once it's completed the harvest, meaning you don't have to stop. Lots of advantages like that, but not as in 'companion crits on node harvest'.
  6. I'm with those swearing that it slams into an asteroid. Or two. I've seen it lose nearly half its health meter in less than a second, and I don't believe it's getting hit by that many blasters/turrets instantly. I've completed this successfully a couple of times, but now I just plain and simple refuse to do it. It's not enjoyable. It's irritating.
  7. Ohhh this irritated me. I didn't get hit with the bug- I went back to the Fleet via my ship. But to go all the way to Lord Saviel and have absolutely nothing happen, makes me wonder what SHOULD have happened there. Having to go from Dromund Kaas, to the Fleet, to click on something/someone and receive absolutely *zero* reaction other than a quest update that tells you go to *back* to Dromund Kaas... yeah. Something is missing. So, BioWare, what did I miss? What part of my story got denied to me?
  8. Each class has 5 specific companions, tailored for that class, plus the ship droid, which is the same for all classes of each faction (thus there's 1 Imperial ship droid and 1 Republic ship droid). More may be added later that differ from this per-class companion basis, (and I also believe there was one 'special' companion in beta that wasn't class-based), but that's how it is now.
  9. I like the fact that there is more to do than is necessary to hit 50. I like it being possible to skip a side quest or area, or not have to do dailies every single day, or skip PvP entirely and not suffer for or fall behind on xp. However.... I would like to have the xp toggle. My main character did *one* flashpoint. One! (Black Talon.) She did less than a half dozen space battles- and some of them were done on a whim, without a daily quest attached. She missed over 80% of the Heroic quests on every planet she went to. She was never involved in any PvP. And at level 36, she was at least 5 levels higher than the quests she was doing (and much higher than that for many). That's excessive, especially for having missed so much. I simply did all quests I found, all side quests, all bonuses, went on crafting material harvest adventures and datacron hunts... and I vastly outleveled my quests. I started skipping areas. I started ignoring bonus quests. I still remained several levels higher than the quests I was doing. Some form of xp toggle would be nice... even if it's just toggling off the xp gained from killing things, while keeping quest xp turned on. Something to 'trim down' the xp inflow, for those that want to 'go slower'. I don't WANT to be 50! That's when the story ENDS (for now, at least!), so why do I want it to be over? I want to take my time and discover everything, on my OWN time, and without being so overleveled I'm bored to depression.
  10. You can still equip Social Light Armor regardless of your class, but it will remain Light Armor. There have been many unhappy conversations regarding that fact here on the forums.
  11. I am truly appalled at the state of the CS in this game. Not to badmouth any member of the CS team exactly, but simply the structure of how they perform the 'service'. It's not a service... because I have not gotten actual service for my petitions, I have gotten canned responses that were pulled from a list. It honestly seems like it's all computerized, with a bot scanning the petition for keywords and spitting out the 'most likely' response. And then, to top it all off.... My last petition was deleted. It was regarding severe harassment. It was not 'Passed On.' It was not 'Resolved.' Heck, it was not even 'Closed'!! It was OUTRIGHT DELETED with ZERO response ever given, SIX DAYS after I sent it in. Gee, BioWare, thanks for all that customer service. Don't I feel cared for. I have played many MMOs over the years since I first started playing them in EQ1 in 1999. I have even been customer support myself, back when EQ1 used player volunteers as actual CSR. Am I just spoiled in getting actual responses from CSR teams? With actually speaking to them? To actually getting more than copy/paste non-interactive letters? To getting into question/answer sessions with the CSR until we are both satisfied that the situation has been dealt with to the best of the abilities of the CSR- before they pass it on (if they need to)? Is: CSR: I hope that helped. Is there anything else I can do for you? Player: Nope, I'm good. Thanks! CSR: You're welcome. Happy I could help! just asking too much now?
  12. The shadows are really strange. In some situations my character has cast 2 shadows (I'm assuming due to different light sources). One of these shadows is paler, and has smooth-ish edges. The other is dark black and is highly pixelated Lego-style. The Lego shadows are the predominant ones, though. And oh boy are they ugly.
  13. Yep. I also know that their downtime coincides with MY prime time and despite the fact that I'm aware it's likely the least busiest time overall, my husband & I are still really tired of being unable to play day after day. I know they have to do this. But omg, it sucks.
  14. (Emphasis mine.) Heh. It sure feels like that that's the common assumption quite often, doesn't it, eh? My SI (female, I only play females) finally got a chance to flirt at around level 30, on Alderaan. AND she 'got lucky' with it, though to be honest, it wasn't the 'getting lucky' that mattered. I just wanted chances to flirt and/or say something flirty/suggestive over the levels. Why? Character development, extra depth, something more than 'Where do I go/How many do I kill/What do you need me to bring back for you' with the quest givers. Would I have always chosen the flirt option? No. Would it have been nice to SEE a flirt option now and then? YES. 'There is no peace, only passion'. Lemme show it, in more ways than my passion for death! My Smuggler seems to get chances to flirt often. My husband's Trooper (male) has gotten chances to flirt even more than I have, though I'm not saying that to complain. I don't expect it to be absolutely even across the board- it has to 'fit', and I'm aware of that. I just hope the story writers keep it in mind, that flirting adds to the options. I'm happy that my Smuggler at least gets chances- and it sounds like she'll get more, which is great! Flirting is exactly right for her. But my other ladies would like flirting chances - silly ones, real ones, off-the-wall ones, impossible ones, serious ones, will-go-absolutely-NOWHERE-ones, you name it. Toss a few more out there, please?
  15. Durzo Blint, from Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy! I hope he returns to and writes more for that world soon. My Legacy name is J'axx. It was *supposed* to be Jaxx, but that was already taken. Since I had my heart set on it, I had to modify it, but I refused to go too crazy with the modification. I'm happy enough. (Zani Jaxx was a name I used in an awesome GURPS campaign ...omg, a couple of decades ago, now. My Smuggler is Zani, and she just had to have her proper surname... even if I did have to stick an apostrophe in it.)
  16. If it's Open, they haven't read it. If they read it, I would have at least gotten the copy/paste 'Thank you, we've taken note of this and passed it on to proper channels blah blah blah.' I don't expect- nor did I say I expected- to know what they did/might do to another player. I just wanted to know that it was received. Which is exactly what my post was about, and not whatever assumptions you seem to have made about what I meant. I meant exactly what I said, if I meant otherwise, I would have said so.
  17. I wished for this the other day, myself. Most stuff I just shrug off, or ignore when it gets out of hand. But to see someone spam General chat with really, truly, TRULY vile and vicious speech and attacks on various players and then continue to do so in a very spammish fashion... well. It was obvious the guy *wanted* to be reported and banned. So I did, and it's been nearly 3 days now that I've had an Open, completely unanswered ticket on this. Yes, of course I ignored the guy, I'm not stupid. But there should still be a way to instantly report someone that doesn't take *days* for CS to respond to.
  18. A short list of my own, trying not to copy any that have already been listed: Chat font size resets itself to 14 regularly, most frequently during logout but even occasionally during zoning. Certain companion skills re-toggle themselves on during zones, elevators, & being de-summoned. (Example: Corso's blasted Harpoon.) The Companion skill hotbar is locked, and skills cannot be rearranged on it. Vette and Andronikos don't holster their weapons. They run around with both blasters drawn while out of combat over 90% of the time. Setting oneself LFG allows one to input a long LFG comment, of which only about a dozen characters of that comment can be viewed in the WHO panel. The Ubrikkian Speeder on display for sale on Tatooine has a completely different paint job than the one that is actually purchased. During the Sith Inquisitor class quest, post-Legacy, the Inquisitor is told to leave Dromund Kaas to speak to Lord Saviel on the Imperial Fleet. Clicking on Saviel gets nothing but an automatic quest update that tells you to go directly BACK to Dromund Kaas- Saviel says nothing and doesn't react at all. Something (conversation? story?) is completely missing here. Why go to the Fleet at all, then? C2N2's voice does not have the metallic 'robot' sound tweak during Crew Skills. Thus, when sent on/returning from Crew Skill Missions, he sounds completely human. Fabrics found via Underworld Trading are listed in the GTN as being under Diplomacy, thus making them impossible to find (since you can't just search for 'silk') unless you are aware of the bug. And perhaps not a bug, but a MASSIVE annoyance to me: There are auto-decline checkboxes for automatically declining Group Invites, Guild Invites, and Trade Invites, but not for Dueling? Please, add this. This is the most absolutely irritating/harassing one of the bunch, to me. Allow me to decline all Duel Invites automatically, or allow me to disable Dueling altogether.
  19. I haven't maxed yet, but I've heard repeatedly from people at max that once you hit 10k, any Light (in your situation) that you gain will negate an equal amount of Dark, until the Dark is all gone and you are at 10k Light. Good luck!
  20. I think the biggest problem with Silk is it's mislabeled on the GTN. You get it with Underworld Trading, but it's listed under Diplomacy. Buh? Since you can't just outright search for it, you have to know it's under Diplo and not UT. And with regards to the GTN? Yes. It's awful. It's horrible. It's terrible. It's bugged to bits. I can think of nothing about it that's any good at all.
  21. I'm another silly girl, in that it sure seems that every single person I have seen clamoring in-game for F/F relationships (and it's always F/F, it's never M/M) are hetero males. Now, I know the LGBT community tends to support BioWare, due to their growing inclusiveness of non-hetero relationships (huzzah!! I say, even though I am not interested in them myself), so I'm not trying to put you down. Goodness knows, you get put down too much as it is. Just that the loudest/whiniest voices tend to be hetero males wanting to see hot action between females. The LGBT community seems to lack the ...offensive whining. Y'all have more class than that, perhaps, or just stage your battles on actual productive fronts instead of in-game with other customers. And I'll never understand what the above-mentioned hetero males get out of lesbian relationships (since it's not like said lesbians would ever be interested in a guy), or how they can be so hypocritical with M/M relationships. They want the F/F, but so often they're revolted by the M/M. Please note: If you're a hetero male, I'm not saying you automatically belong to the above-mentioned whiny, hypocritical group. They just tend to be the loudest.
  22. I seriously doubt anything Humanoid/Near-Human will make it into the game for a long time, if ever... So my primary vote is Cathar and my secondary Togruta. Make it happen, BioWare!
  23. And see, I though those Asian models were absolutely horrific. Hated them, hate hate hate... and, well, so did every one of my friends. Personal taste, and all that. (On another note and back to responding to the OP: ) Also, earlier in the thread where I mentioned 'what you're missing' being the High/Medium graphics issue, I wasn't meaning to say that TOR's graphics are/will be awesome. To me, no, they aren't awesome, and I doubt they'll be awesome even with a proper High. But I still like them (and omg do I love having FINGERS), and I think they do a great job, even if they're not 'awesome'. Plus, I don't care for WoW's graphics much, either. Especially character graphics. They're just ridiculous. Again, personal taste.
  24. What you're missing is that TOR's 'High' Graphics settings right now are bugged. You only get Medium, despite it being set to High. Devs have responded to this issue before, so hopefully it will get fixed soon!
  25. Since BioWare has this ridiculous stance of 'near-humans only' (and the utterly asinine Cyborg 'Race' - adding cybernetic implants to a Human doesn't stop them from being of the HUMAN RACE), I'll list possibly realistic sometime-in-the-future Cathar and Togruta. I had really high hopes for those two. Especially Cathar!
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