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Everything posted by Vervada

  1. and i mean this in the kindest way possible. how did this game cost $80 million to develop. dont get me wrong. i love TOR, and i understand voice actors must cost a fair amount (plus u have to pay devs). but $80 million for a standard MMO; (aside from voice acting) which is not a bad thing. i love mmo's. its not like they created a new engine or something for the game. from what i hear it runs on a quite dated hero engine. any thoughts. im just curious where the money gets spent? Sources: http://www.industrygamers.com/news/star-wars-mmo-costs-an-estimated-80-million-to-develop/ http://digg.com/news/gaming/star_wars_the_old_republic_development_cost_could_exceed_80_million http://www.starwarsmmo.net/news/analyst-estimates-80m-in-development-costs-for-the-old-republic/
  2. tbh i think the point made here about not seeing other people is a good one. you shall get no flame from me mate. but u will get flamed by the fanboys who blindly follow mythic dressed up as bioware
  3. ill happily bump it for you. some good points here
  4. clap clap bioware (ie mythic)... bug free game
  5. makes me feel like im in a MMO. love being trapped in a perpetual square or shapes with four sides. dont get me wrong guys. i love bioware. but you can really tell that the remnants of mythic (what is now bioware austin) had a big say in this game. so many things in this game scream warhammer at me! love and peace to all!
  6. a mistake of truly lobster proportions i fear
  7. is he or is he not a bit of a lobster?
  8. LOBSTERS!!!!! CRAYFISH AND SALMON!! thats all i have to say on the matter!
  9. go nuts! things to improve on? how refreshing story is! How long will it last? what you would like to see in future patches? opinion on sharding etc. like i said. go nuts. see how big we can get this thread!
  10. thank you! i was beginning to worry i would not get a constructive response
  11. this is a truly great idea! hire this man for the love of god!
  12. k before i begin let me just say that i love bioware and form the large part enjoy this game. i could reel off all the bioware games i have played but i am not going to. instead what i wish to do is highlight why i think this game will ultimately (and rather sadly imo) fade into the void along with the likes DC online an warhammer. i say sadly because i have enjoyed it alot. I WILL however CONTINUE TO PLAY. is it just me or do the maps on this game feel very boxed in. very much cookie cutter shape worlds with different terrains and quests all placed neatly into large squares...why not oblongs i ask? Everyone talks of bioware as being a great company which they are. bioware austin however largely consists of many former mythic employees. warhammer online any1?while on the one hand in TOR you have many great bioware elements (compelling story), we are reminded time and time again of this games mythic origins (Ilum any1?). Then we come to EA who sunk millions into this game. many of which was well spent. but need i say more. EA...humble, non money grabbing EA... this game currently feels barren and lifeless thanks to sharding. the engine is not optimised to run as well as it could have (xmas launch any1?). this is why you see so many people complaining about how their rigs run the game (when its not the rigs problem). wonder if EA had anything to do with a rushed launch? no UI mods (and other WoW like nuances) dont flame me! i shall come back to this point in a moment. i could go on about what this game lacks at launch. and likewise you could tell me that it just launched so dont expect all this stuff. BUT this game cost $80 million to develop...r you telling me that despite this $80 million budget they simply could not include things like mods etc? Oh wait...of course they couldnt. this game is headed by EA who rushed this game to launch so they could grab all that sweet sweet money at xmas. To conclude things like UI mods, sharding, and a sub par engine are all temporary. It will improve i hear you say! patches galore! on top of this we will get more great content from bioware. IMO however a game with an $80 million budget which fails to launch with such things sorted seems a tad silly. these problems are all compounded by the fact that the game does very little WoW doesnt. yes it has story, and yes i find myself caring more about my toon. but i would make the argument that WoW feels more alive storyline aside. The maps are not all cookie cutter squares and i am accompanied by a soundtrack of footsteps. poor design it what will see this game fade away. the things people whine about now. things like lack of UI mods and no LFG tool etc. there all very small things. but they are elements which point to a larger truth. poor game design (STORYLINE ASIDE!). while its easy to add mods and what not, it is something else entirely to redesign an entire game. and that is my opinon. an opinion which holds just as much sway as yours. now if you excuse me i will go back to playing TOR. seasons greetings!
  13. in openworld (im on pvp server) #just saying gotta love sharding
  14. just me? love the game. but probably not ganna sub past max lvl. sharding seems to have torn the soul out of the game. not once have i encountered open world pvp. not once! plz dont hate people. im just telling it like it is. why would i pay montly for what is essentially KOTOR with a chat bubble (when not in PVP or FP)... what u reckon? plz tell me i aint the only one
  15. here here old chap! same issue over on my spiffing consular! no purple! gimme purple you lemmings!
  16. your welcome man! my pleasure
  17. i second this post! i want a curved lightsaber!
  18. u guys are so good at picking up sarcasm. or am i trolling? who knows. jsut thought i would point it out
  19. cant help but feel the two games feel similar...
  20. yes. my opinion is better then every1s. bioware should hire me and bow down... interested in peoples opinions tbh
  21. k so i got 8 people on tatooine atm. 37 in tat 1. is it just me or is this sharding not really needed MOST of the time. if u agree plz state why if not plz state why. interested in every1s opinion. game feels empty... also would it not be smarter to create a system which shards when it is appropriate and not shard when it isnt? finally when i change shards why do i have to reload area? surely there is not that much stuff extra to load other then the new players in the new shard...any thoughts? LOVE THE GAME HATE SHARDING!
  22. dunno bout you guys but atm im nearly lvl 28. on tatooine. been to 3 zones atm including dune seas and im nearly at lvl right for alderaan having not done all the quests in tatooine. is any1 else finding this whether it be on tat or other planets? im not complaining as such or boasting for that mastter. just making an observation...if this is the case for you guys how do you feel about it?
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