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Posts posted by TheFishes

  1. After spending a week PVPing something obvious is really bothering me.


    90% of all matches end up with Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors on top (and their mirrors).


    Don't really bother me I play a BH, but it's so obvious I don't know how anyone can say PvP is anywhere near balanced.


    And yes, it's not all about kills and damage, but you got to be a fool to think that doesn't matter. In the end no matter what game type it comes down to killing. You need to be able to kill to guard that door or capture that turret.


    I'm sure Bioware is on it, though.


    You clearly have not played with a Sniper who knows what he/she is doing...


    Nor a high level Rage specc'd Marauder...


    And the oversaturation of the population with your 2 mentioned classes speaks for itself... Inquisitors/BH's will be on top everytime when they're the only things in the Warzone...

  2. Interesting, I was having a much harder time as my Guardian than my Marauder, but again, those alts are also mid 20. So it may be just me. That said, I think it would be excellent if bioware would change things up a bit so sorcs bloomed a bit later, and the jedi knight classes a bit sooner. However, it may be too late to hope for this, since it would be a very disruptive change.


    Marauders/Sentinels tend to be a little like sex with a 98 year old...


    Incredible, denture free beginning,

    A Lackluster, disappointing middle...

    But by the end you're killin' it!





  3. Please add:


    Having to reform a group after every group warzone que. This needs to be fixed and deserves any hate that it gets.


    QFT - Agreed... So agreed... That's on the 6-10 list though...


    I mainly wanted to debunk the things that aren't actually ingame problems and are just misconceptions...




    /exit warzone

    /queue warzone

    /unqueue warzone

    /accept invite

    /queue warzone

    /unqueue warzone because someone forgot to /unqueue warzone last time

    /throw empty Jack Daniel's bottle at wall

    /queue warzone


  4. Agreed on all points, saving that having played a Sage, I do think sage/sorc is a little much. And believe me, it's not because all of my Sage abilities look like lightning. That said, I've only gotten one to 22, so it may even out. In that case, they probably just get a few too many good things a little too fast (opposite of the Jedi guardian problem.)


    Truth be told, that's exactly what it is... I have one of each, and I'm still using my core abilities that I got before leaving the second starting planet...


    Cuz they're AMAZING!


    in response to myself on the "how fast classes bloom" thing...


    First are Sage/Sorc

    Second are Powertech/Vanguard

    Then Assassin/Shadow AND Sniper/Gunslinger

    Then Operative/Scoundrel AND Mercenary/Commando

    Then Juggernaut/Guardian

    Ending with Marauder/Sentinel around 40 or so...


    An oversight on BW's part, yes, but it all evens out at 50...

  5. Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


    1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


    This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


    2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


    Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


    3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


    Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


    4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


    Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


    5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


    A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


    So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


    Any Questions?

    Emperor Punjab


    Terentatek (PvP)

  6. Yes I know the potential for trolls to feed on this thread, but in all seriousness, is anyone enjoying this pvp? I have played pvp in UO, Daoc, Warhammer, and even Rift........this game takes the brown medal for craptastic pvp.


    The resolve system is terrible imo, I don't like it at all. The delay between hitting an ability and it actually firing off is ***. I absolutely hate Huttball with a passion and it seems to be the one wz I get every other queue if not 5 in a row.


    Anyone else feeling this? PvP just feels bad, wrong.


    So you have a problem with a PvP mechanic that has been said it's being looked at, even though you've given no explanation why it's dissatisfying...


    A core scripting problem that has nothing to do with PvP directly, except for the fact that it's used everywhere...


    And the fact that you're getting Huttball essentially everytime because you most likely play on an Empire overpopulated server... Would you rather not get into pvp for 20-30 minutes each queue?


    Are you level 50? Have you done the world pvp on Ilum yet? No? didn't think so...

  7. We have one high level Marauder in guild...


    From 10-35 he got eaten alive in pvp...




    Of all the problems I see with the Nerf/Buff posts on the forums, This is the worst...


    Different classes bloom at different times in their leveling progression. I play a Sorc right now, heal spec, and I realize that I got some of my top utility pvp abilities VERY early in my life. Electrocute, Whirlwind, Force Slow, Static Barrier...


    Now go out and quest, then whine about it after you've hit 50 and played whatever the Sentinel Rage spec equivilent is...




  8. Unpopular response:


    Make we who form up as ops groups wait longer...


    Institute a single line of code that makes premades of >4 have to wait til another team of >4 queues up... Then fill in the holes with pugs...


    Just saying, I wouldn't mind waiting another 5 minutes or so for a queue pop if I was able to play with the people I want to play with...

  9. As I've read and understand it, there's a chance that Ilum PvP will be "Every man for himself..." Which has gotten me more excited than a 45 year old divorcee watching a Lifetime Movie Marathon...


    If this is so, I have to assume the way you split it up is either by Ops group, or by Guild, or both... If it's done by guild, then I beg of you Bioware, Please put an in game mechanic for Guild Alliances... I was so hopeful it'd be in the game at launch since you allowed us to preform guilds and choose allies and enemies... Just some little ditty that let's 2 guild leaders invite/accept each other's guilds as a ally, then a small alliance tab on the social menu for "Alliance Members Online..." That way, we're more likely to field Ilum groups quickly and have an overall better world pvp experience...


    If you have to, tap your Mythic team and tell them to write it...


    Thanks! :D

  10. Ok people...


    1 - Want to compete with 50's? Buy the lower tier PvP gear that has expertise on it...


    2 - Run premades yourself so you stand a better chance...


    3 - Don't have any friends to pvp with? Make some... it'll be hard, based upon what I see in the forums, but we have faith in you!


    4 - You're getting a bolster, what more do you want? Go quest, hit 50, then you have no excuse for losing in WZ's


    I agree 50's need to be in their own tier, not to protect the lowbies, but to protect the 50's... But it's the first week of game, getting frustrated over something simple like "There's 50's in my Warzone" is a NOTHING point when the quick fix for it is you yourself hitting 50... Let the short queue times live for now, spend your time leveling, and whine after the first major patch...

  11. god...WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!WROOOOOOOONG!


    srsly the amount of clueless scrubs u see here...u probably also FAILED HARD at arenas..hence ur hate towards them!...the aout of skill required to win a competitive 3x3 match above 2.4k is not even COMPARABLE to a 10 v10 zerg match ROFL...AND in 10v10 u can carry 3 BAD players(specilay if theyre dps...or even the FC)...in a 3x3 match u MIGTH be able to carry one DPS...



    srsly get a fkin clue


    Actually I spent 4 seasons above your oh so impressive 2400... and one of them near 26... And since apparently WoW is the only game you ever PvP'd in, I'll say this...


    I don't give a damn about the Warzones, you're thinking too small... Tactical world pvp where everyone is working towards the same agenda... That's what it's all about...


    So take your 3's team back to the arenas, there are more discerning tastes in this game...

  12. Ok guys I never pvp'd on a serious level, But now i wanna get serious about.


    Idk how when fighting real people your all running back and forth all around me while doing specil moves, meanwhile im just trying to click on you and looking on my keyboard for my hot keys.



    Im totally using default controls here and i mostly click" on my special moves in the action bar and on the player i want to kill.


    Can you share some tips On speed fighting and your controls for player movement?




    Here's a few questions, and a few suggestions...


    Questions -

    What archetype are you playing in pvp? Healer, Tank, ranged or melee dps?


    What games are you coming from?


    What Mouse/Keyboard are you using... Many of todays gaming mice have 5-17 buttons that can be keybound to do whatever you want them to... If you're more comfortable using the Keyboard to move, this might be an option for you...


    Suggestions -

    Learn "Tab" targeting... As you hit the tab button, it will cycle through targeting the most local enemies...


    I personally keybind T,R,F,C,V and G, as well as Shift+those buttons... Then use the mouse to move and target friendlies through raid frames, and occasionally click the longer cooldowns I have (or speeder, rez, etc) Only keybind the most often used abilities first, and learn them by muscle memory, not by looking. Anything previously bound to those keys, I keep it the same +CTRL...


    Learn to control your character fluidly using both the mouse and the WASD keys. Keeping on the move is essential in successful pvp, and kiting is one of the most basic skills you can have, no matter your class... Learn to do it well...


    Personal suggestion... Anything you have keybound, put into your left and right action bars... You will need the space down at the bottom for abilities that you actually do click...


    Choose the option to use raid frames in party... Graphically inferior, Efficiency wise it is FAR superior!


    I've forgotten many things, but this is a good start...

  13. Bring it. I'm sick of scrub bgs.


    Screw this...


    Give me rated BG's but Never bring in Arenas...


    Let's see how many former WoW PvPers cry when they have to field a team of 7 other skilled players rather than just getting 1 person to help them shower themselves in epic loot...


    A good PvP game keeps putting their PvP on larger and larger scales...

    WoW keeps going smaller and smaller...

    Therefore stop thinking WoW is a good PvP game...



  14. No, I didn't. But If you really are playing a 50 healer you should know you can't face dpsers in WZs. Maybe in regular PvP with a companion doing the DPS for you, but I don't think you stand a chance vs a good DPSer alone. Do you?




    So now you want to heal AND dps an attacker... So now you want KILL the opposition yourself rather than just heal through them...





  15. Responding to more than a few things in rapid succession, as my holiday took up my ranting time...


    No one of you has played a sorcerer healer and don't know what you are talking about, you are OK with healers as they are because it's easy for you to kill them.


    Actually, the OP (Me) and most of the people who originally replied to this do, in fact, play high level if not 50 healers, in pvp, on a regular basis...


    Look at it this way: Your attacks have a fixed cast time, some of them instant. To counter a single attack that usually takes 1.5 seconds (GCD) we need to cast 1 heal that takes almost 3 seconds to cast, more if you take damage while casting. We can't break your instant casts, you can break our heals easily. We can CC for 4 seconds to cast a single heal and heal 2-3k hp that you can take away again in 1.5 seconds. You can CC for some seconds too breaking the current healing, preventing a healer from healing for that time, and making him start casting again when the cc goes off. You can drop him to 0% hp in that time and if he survives the CC or breaks it, you can break his next healing again and finish him.


    Actually, to "Counter" one attack, or better yet, let's say you get jumped by a stealth class, they stun you and lay into you for half your health and you wanna counter THAT...



    Sprint (not on GCD)

    Dark Infusion once you're around some cover (now a 1.5 second cast or lower if you're properly specced)

    Static Barrier

    They're back on you so Overload to knockback

    Whirlwind to CC (As they've probably already used their CC break)

    Resurgence again to gain forcebending AGAIN

    Dark Infusion @ a 1.5 or less second cast AGAIN...

    100% Health, pissed off opponent


    If by now you haven't trained them to the others in your BG (because all but 2 of these abilities are castable on the move) then you have no say in what healers should be able to do since you're playing yours poorly...


    To be clear, I'm talking about SORCERERS here, that's the class I play and unlike you, I talk from the experience and about a class I know. We don't get spammable instant heals like some other classes, we don't have medium/heavy armor like other classes, and we don't get a shield for dmg absorb like other classes do.


    It's funny because people seem to be hurt when a healer complains about healers being underpowered when they don't even play one.


    And yeah, I know this game is based on teamwork, but that doesn't make it less true that healers are underpowered in PvP (at least sorcerers) and are close to useless unless you have a good team setup and your rivals are noobs that don't focus on you. I sometimes cast a heal on someone and 2-3 enemies jump on me, CC me and kill me before the CC is over. And even if they don't CC me, I can't cast at all because of the pushback and the looong cast time.


    There is just too much dumb in this last portion for me to address, so I'll summarize...


    1. We are playing healers, most of us Sorcs.

    2. I'm complaining that we are perfectly balanced because we ARE if you're playing it right.


    3. I never said a healer shouldn't SURVIVE a 1 on 1 encounter with a dps, I'm saying you shouldn't be able to stand there and OUTHEAL it...


    4. As for your very last statement, /Shield/sprint/run


    My brain hurts...

  16. The other skills aside, they can sprint from center to the goal line and don't need to pass, all while essentially being immune to the flames.

    If this isn't the most OP skill in PVP then I don't know what is. It completely defeats the purpose of the zone when only one class type can just it.


    You're like listening to a drunk baby...


    Sprint lasts for 2 seconds, exactly... and it's on a cooldown... And consulars get it too...

  17. I think I said it wrong. I agree there, it's all about teamwork. You don't need to really know how to counterspell perfectly, fake heal, make great use of los, know every ability of every class and their weaknesess (which are the skills arena requires) as long as you are working for your team. It is more important to defend, go for objectives etc., and that is what swtor pvp is all about at the moment. In terms of induvidual play, arena type is obviously much more demanding, but it's not easy to coordinate bigger team in bg's either.


    True, but that's why I've been lobbying for the IHL (Intergalactic Huttball League) for ages as a form of rated WZ's... It's easy to min max 2-3 people and have them work as a team, it's a lot harder to get 8 people to do it...

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