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Everything posted by TheFishes

  1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=97110
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=97110
  3. I really think I'm just going to start spamming a link to this post in all of the threads where it's relevant... Let the chaos begin!!!
  4. Please stop posting anything that would fit under this type of title... Please... I hate huttball... Everyone else is OP... I'm going to unsub cause I can't have my way after one week of play! I'm going to write a block of text devoid of punctuation and/or proper spelling/grammar... <Insert least favorite aspect of the game> SUCKS!!! PvP is terrible and will never get better!!! Think back to when you were in high school... Or, for most of you, look forward to when you will be in high school... Didn't your teachers properly instruct you on how to construct a sound, and formidable argument? Would you have/will you pass the class if you spoke/wrote in the fashion you do on these forums? Try and realize that all you did in those English classes was not just for a grade to help you graduate, but rather can be applied to everyday life, including but not limited to these forums! Embrace your education, and set yourself free through the power of vocabulary and sound grammatical structure... If all else fails, type as Yoda would... And sound more respectable you will! E.P. From the Coalition for a more educated internet
  5. Roll the opposite faction on your server, you'll almost never see Huttball again... And by the way, punctuation saves lives... ex: Let's eat, grandma Let's eat grandma Use it...
  6. This happens to me all the time! I find myself stunned, or dead, and I could have sworn I saw the lightning animation... Totally going to blame the SI:Sorc for causing poverty and world hunger... I was killed while I saw the lightning animaion... I am the 99%...
  7. Absolutely, and one can only dream... Historically speaking, most MAJOR implementation patches happen after about one full month of subs... While I can't fault Bioware for its thinking, I must say that after a month, most people will have their primary characters at level cap, and you no longer need to worry about queues if you tier the pvp warzones...
  8. While I must admit, you seem to pwn at this game, you appear to fail at grammar, punctuation, and spelling... Which is the larger victory?
  9. I firmly believe that one cannot work with the other... Bioware, Choose to keep No brackets for the next month, or No experrtise for the next month... Bracketing 50's by themselves will allow Expertise to work exactly as intended...
  10. Hit us up... we're the Darth Jam Records alliance... Look for Lialya, Punjab, Belkamor, Malice or Riktors online... dastardly.sithportal.com plague.guildportal.com
  11. While I agree with you that PvP needs tiered, the endgame is what everyone needs to keep in mind... 10-49 and 50 is fine by me... Just make the Buff of bolster raise everyone to 49... It keeps with the epic feel of the gameplay, and let's the 50th level characters have their cake and eat it too... All of this is based around the assumption that it happens within a month of launch, and at the same time, rated group WZ's can happen so that the hardcore players can get their fix... (me included)...
  12. Except for the fact that they ARE working as intended and don't need fixed... As far as the 50's tier, I know, it's not in game yet, but it's coming...
  13. It's totally what you have if you're speccing intelligently... One of our main Assassins and most avid PvPers stopped pvping in his 30's cause he couldn't stand the drop in utility... 12 skill points later, pvp is all he does... It's amazing to watch the ebb and flow of the level progressions... Like I had said, our Marauder whined incessantly til he hit around 38-40... Now we can't get him out of Warzones...
  14. Yes, and I've noticed... Making your way on the forums today takes everything you've got... Taking a break from all of their whining sure would help a lot!
  15. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=97110 Come... Share your thoughts where people make sense... +1
  16. Healing, as you're referring to it, is not spamming heals... Shield your taregt, stun one of the dpsers on him, throw out a quick or instant heal, knockback the 2 or 3 guys on him, toss a big heal... Healing is an offensive sport now... It's no longer how much HPS you can output, but rather controlling a situation to make your heals count... I used to always say, "I don't care what my healing done numbers are at the end of a match, I care about how many total deaths my team racks up..." Think of yourself now more as a control/support class that CAN heal, rather than a healbot... You'll have more fun, and realize you're not underpowered...
  17. Nope... I felt it more reasonable to debunk misconceptions than attack Bioware's scripting... I can control neither, but I can try and enlighten one... E.P.
  18. Nope... Go back and play your Pally...
  19. Force Charge Crippling Slash Deadly Throw (Not a CC, but one of the only heal reducers) Force Choke Now, I will say that Marauders/Sentinels are in fact the fewest amounts of CC, but they do get the most CC breaks / self cleanses / mdps damage mitigation abilities... But you also have one of the highest dps outputs in the game if you get your rotation right... and oh is that damage HIGH! (Reported 5-6k hits from guildies...)
  20. 1. It's Bioware... Story wins... Huttball is the only one with a story that allows this... 2. Yes there are... A Ranged character standing on a catwalk is, by definition, ON A CATWALK!!! Run under the damned catwalk... 3. Neither am I, but if I can't make it around to the outside to get up on the catwalk, I'm willing to take that chance. 4. No matter if it hits you in the face, or the ***, the door swings both ways... A ball carrier's team can blast the opposition off the catwalk the same way the attacking team can blow the support off... and most times, the ball carrier is immune to CC, so it keeps him up there with you, unprotected... 5. Go outside your house, build a bonfire, stand in it... are you stunned? 6. Yeah, but after they get over that BS, they'll want to start winning games for the Valor... give it time.
  21. 1. It's the only WZ that can be Republic vs Republic too... But Empire is over populated so that's that... 2. The map setup actually favors melee players, with all the cover and LoS breaks, not my fault if you don't use them... 3. The jets are a last ditch effort to get out of dodge... dodge being the only area of the map with no cover... 4. Yup, they do... Sorry you're not able to run around willy nilly as you please. And ball carriers get immune to the knockbacks because EVERYONE is trying to do THE SAME THING that you are... 5. The map hazards can be exploited my any class who has a pull, knockback, or stun... So in other words, all of them... 6. Screw the medals... In huttball, you can't win unless you complete the objectives more times than the opposition... If you want objective rewards beyond xp, Valor xp, and credits, put a gold star on the fridge at your house for every time you score...
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