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Posts posted by silvershadows

  1. Knock it all you want. His guides aren't very good for:


    1. People with questions

    2. New players

    3. People with a desire to think and/or react

    4. Fights that are not against a target dummy







    **chokes on her own spit**


    Rydarus' guide is excellent for anyone with the ability to comprehend it. If you can't comprehend it, you should play an easier class/spec.


    He even flat out tells you in the guide that dummy parses don't mean jack crap, so your fourth 'point' is as invalid as Donald Trump's attempt to win the presidency. Bunch of loud mouthed bs with nothing to back it up.


    If you think it sucks so much, then write a guide of your own - and then let's see if you out dps Rydarus, or me, or anyone else with intelligence who followed his guide.

  2. I disagree. When you see the majority of PuG, you see people with 105% accuracy, A mod, unoptimized enhancements, no augments and who press buttons when they light up. What the game needs is not nerfing "harder" content (if UL sm is even considered hard these days), but teaching better to those people how to play, force them to pass proving grounds before being able to queue for or even to enter an operation. The game doesn't need to be dumbed down anymore, it needs its player to become better.


    This x100000000000


    Underlurker Storymode (which is all GF can do anyway) isn't even remotely hard.

  3. Okay...and your point is?

    People have been doing this forever now. Why are you posting about it? Complaining because your guild can't do it? Go recruit more people.

    There has been discussions on this before. They can't really do anything about that without screwing up a bunch of stuff.



    When you do something that you know isn't really the intention of the game's design, that is called exploiting, and it's against the TOS. Just fyi.

  4. Even worse really is when you have an imp vs imp or pub vs pub 4v4 arena pop, and the enemy team has two or more healers, and your team has like, two dps and two tanks. Like seriously, how hard would it be to implement something that evenly distributes healers among faction pops?


    I know that as a healer myself, it's also frustrating as hell when I get in an 8v8 warzone and there's 2-3 other healers on my team. Then we have no dps, and win by attrition just because we have so many healers. That's not fun, for me or for the enemy team.

  5. I have noticed that sometimes when doing Heroic version of Star Fortress they sometimes refuse to spawn Paladins on the second part of the dungeons. Where there should be mobs and paladins there is only an empty room. Makes getting the Achievement for Paladin kills rather annoying...


    Bug appeared so far in Horh fortress and Tatooine fortress for me, both multiple times..


    First paladin seems to spawn just fine, issue only with second spawn.


    It's random, there isn't always two paladins. There is a chance for up to two to spawn. It's not a guarantee.

  6. I click through and I do just fine... All those people who need the crutch of macros and and a gaming mouse need to develop better skills and faster reflexes.....


    It's not really hard to click faster then the GCD....


    I still don't buy the OP claim that it is an AFK fest... Video or it didn't happen....


    Macros? Try quickbinds, lol. No gaming mouse or 3rd party software required - quickbinds are built into the game.


    It really is way better than clicking. You just have to get used to it. If you did, after about two weeks, you'd wonder why you ever clicked.

  7. Why is a "challenging game experience" good? I don't ever want to lose in solo play for any reason short of leaving the keyboard.


    Because it's satisfying to approach a challenge and conquer it.


    What kind of satisfaction do you get out of steamrolling things or getting things for minimal effort? Isn't it better to look at a piece of gear, or a title, or a decoration and say, "Hey... I earned that."?

  8. Are we playing the "Single player/Story Games Have No replayability Card"?


    Baldurs Gate 2, released in 2000, still installed on my PC and played.

    Dragon Age Origins, released 2009, still installed on PC and played.

    KOTOR 1, released 2003, still own, xbox out for repairs.

    KOTOR 2, Released 2004, still own, same xbox issue.

    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Released 2004, installed on PC and played


    I can add more to the list, do i need to? Perhaps a screen Capture of my desktop with all its game icons? :p


    One game to blow all those out of the water:


    Skyrim. 1248 hours played.

  9. Most importantly since there are some dangerous ground mechanics in play you want to keybind companion skill #2 which is their passive/active toggle. Mine is Z so I can hit it quickly. Passive companions will move to your side so you can guide them away from the 'bad', just remember to take them off passive.


    By default, this is bound to CTRL+2, btw.

  10. I see this in my stronghouse somtimes, and this time near me in taris




    anyone know what it is? I know it happens on my Imperial Agent, not sure if it happens on other characters


    Do you see that whenever you dismiss a companion or send a companion off on a mission? Some of them are currently bugged and when they disappear they leave their weapon, or the effects from their weapon, behind.

  11. After the 4.01 patch the only Bracers have dropped in the Heroic Star Fortress from the Exarch set.


    Used to get a variety each time, from all items slots, now just bracers every time. This is well over 20 runs of just bracers, so it isn't just coincidence that it has only been bracers a few times.


    No, you NEVER got any of the other Exarch pieces. You ONLY got bracers. Different skin bracers, but only bracers. The item set pieces are from the QUESTS you do when unlocking the Heroic Star Fortresses for each planet. If you want more of those, you'll have to do the questline on an alt. The other pieces of the set are not, and have never been drops.

  12. On Lana, Reinforcing Taunt places a shield on Lana, so that's the Absorb floating text you are seeing.


    On my Pierce, I'm not seeing any Shield or Absorb values listed at all. Like, the companion panel lists Defense Chance then nothing underneath. Whereas my Lana lists Shield Chance and Shield Absorption both at 0% underneath.


    This is a bug they know about already and are planning on fixing. It likely has somethign to do with the fact that companions no longer wear gear, as the only thing in the game that actually gives you shield chance is to be wearing a shield. You could have all +shield mods, but unless you're actually WEARING that shield, you won't ever block anything.

  13. I've spent probably close to 300 million + credits (I'm not even exaggerating) on my three strongholds and a fourth and fifth stronghold (ostensibly owned by my best friend but shared between the two of us). Why? Because it's virtual money and it means nothing and can be made back. Why else? Because I roleplay and I'll be damned if my strongholds aren't perfect.


    You want something, then earn it. You don't have to pay real money, you can pay credits. Or... you don't have to pay credits, you can pay real money. You don't want to pay? Then you can use all the free basic decorations and achievement only decorations.


    What's that? You want that awesome light/throne/bed/couch/rug/chair? GUESS YOU BETTER EARN IT THEN. If you aren't willing to earn it, you don't really want it.

  14. http://oi67.tinypic.com/207oo6x.jpg


    I bet you tell me that I photoshopped this.

    Not completely augmented PVP gear (2018 expertise) with rank 22 companion healer, just about hour ago. Whole run took me about 35 minutes. I just did this to test myself. I really dislike repeateble PVE (never did an operation).


    You are a juggernaut. I promise you that most other classes would not be able to do it unless they managed to do so by the skin of their teeth.


    Juggernauts have better DCD's than any other class in the game. Stop acting like you're a hot turd. I posted a nice long, REAL account of what it's like to solo a Heroic Star Fortress as a good player on a juggernaut. Only *I* was able to admit that if I didn't have Enraged Defense and a giant HP boost, there were several occasions where I would have died and probably not have been able to progress. I also had the guts to admit that I *did* die, several times. There is no way in hell you a) did it in 35 minutes (it takes me at least 45) or b) sailed through it with no rough patches, deaths/near deaths.


    You do realize you can still be a good player and admit that the companion nerf was a bit overboard, right? lol

  15. Only founders get heroic moments? I am not a founder... weird. That said you do not NEED a heroic moment... Just finished a second SF and purposefully took it off my Hotbar to see. You just need the right level of gear... a companion with more than single digit affection and push the right buttons.


    Everyone gets heroic moment.


    The abilities you can use during heroic moment are granted for completing the class storyline for every respective class. I've had all 8 for a good long while (read: since they came out). They aren't hard to get, just time consuming - but much less so than they used to be, considering how quickly you can level now.

  16. ^^ Now this is an informative post on the state of affairs and rather neutral too.


    Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's the heroic SF right? Not the Solo SF which is desigined for ... well solo players.


    Seems to me they've fixed an issue but maybe got a bit too far in that the achievement will be nigh on impossible now as it stands.


    See most players can still do the solo mode no worries, those that want a challenge and a grind can do the heroic OR they can group up.


    BW biggest mistake was releasing OP companions in the first place because they've now given too many players a sense of entitlement.


    Seems more people are annoyed at the removal of easy pay days and rewards then any true sense of lack of content.


    No solo content has been removed, period.


    Yes, it was the Heroic Star Fortress. Belsavis, to be precise - I was hoping to finish up my Belsavis paladin achievement. Of course both paladins that spawned weren't the ones I needed, go figure.


    I have a HM S&V in 15 minutes, but later on I'll go back through and see how I do without using the meta-computer, as if I was trying to get the achievement, even though I already had it. I expect there will be a few deaths and a lot of waiting for Heroic moment :p I'll report back with my findings probably in 5-6 hours, lol.

  17. The problem is, that you used the buffs. Star Fortress was hard, but doable solo. It is nigh impossible now.


    They nerfed companions 75%. 30% would have been a good starting point, 50% at the worst.


    Bioware sucks at game management. I think I was too generous when I said they got their programmers from DeVry.


    I did use the buffs, but to be honest, getting your alliance guys to rank 10 isn't that big of a deal.


    However, even though I was able to complete the Star Fortress, I realize that I am not an 'average' player. I'm not the best, but I consider myself to be above average-good, depending on the day :p I could easily recognize several places where a player not as familiar with their class as I am might have died, or even a good player of another class that doesn't have as much survivability as my Vengeance juggernaut.


    I do think it would have been fine to nerf companions a bit, but not to this extent. Many players will now find content they used to be able to do nearly impossible.

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