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Posts posted by silvershadows

  1. I found a vendor, can't remember where it was I think maybe Alderaan anyway I found this freckle faced contry bumpkin look that fits him perfectly! The only thing I hate about the different Corso looks is they all seem to have that ugly scar on his face, it must be part of the story at some point I guess...don't know



    The scars are part of what make him so hot. Wish he'd tell me where he got them.

  2. Killed him with 32 (after finishing all of Alderaan), after he wiped the floor with me at 30, outdamaging my heals on Corso, but at 32 it went ok, had a lot of Equipment-Upgrades in those 2 Levels... so with 32 i was able to heal Corso, and damage/interrupt Skarvac.


    Kinda very hard fight, as i dont see any clear Tactic that would make it easier, like Lightwell.


    Probably the best thing is to make sure that you spend time on tattooine/alderaan picking up commendations to give yourself upgraded blaster barrels, and make sure you visit the trade network or make gear for Corso (or Bowdaar if you choose) because if anything, this quest shows you how important it is to keep up on your companions gear :p

  3. Sucks ***. Stuck at the Skavak fight. Didn't have trouble with the quests so far, but going up against a 33 elite who hits harder than the quest boss dude I defeated a minute earlier while being level 28 myself? This crap is impossible. I guess I get to grind out a bunch of levels now, or what? I'm neither impressed nor amused. "fun" is something else.


    I did this at level 29. It took a while to figure out how to do it, and as a gunslinger, I couldn't even heal myself or Corso beyond use of a medpack and All In.


    It IS possible.

    I basically did it by actually "tanking" skavak myself - I turned off all of Corso's high threat abilities and put him into his dps stance. I then rolled into cover behind the boxes directly behind Skavak and started blasting to get as much threat as I could while I had dodge up. Then, because Skavak is ranged and I was in natural cover, most of his attacks missed me - aside from his grenades, which I just soaked up, used a medpack, throwing my own grenades and bleeds out on him when I could, and let Corso dps him down. When I coudn't take any more damage I taunted with Corso and started doing more dps.


    My first few attempts I died with Skavak at about 50 percent, the 3 after he was around 25 percent when I died, and then a couple more tries later I had a string of lucky crits/hits.



    Not sure if that would work for a sawbones or not, but I know I got lucky - and annoyingly enough the quests after Skavak are so much easier it made me roll my eyes.

  4. Silvershadows, I think we may be the same person....


    Here is my story, my main was SUPPOSED to be Jedi Sage, I was only going to TRY Smuggler to see what it was like...honestly that was the plan! Jedi Sage is level 16...Gunslinger is level 34 and not stopping. I agree with sooo many of these comments, I adore Corso, and default Corso at that, dreads and scars all the way! I got so into the whole personal storyline that he ended up giving me his level 45 quest at 31, he was really jumping the gun, but I figure he loves me that much lol


    Yea I got.. and did the level 45 quests at 30 :p


    Since I'm headed to Balmorra anyway, I'll see what I can do... I tend to have decent luck taking down elites 3-4 levels higher than me, oddly enough :p Makes my fiance angry! Also about 50 away from 10k affection so soon I'll actually have to give companion gifts to like... Bowdaar or something.

  5. Guss is ridiculously fun. He's probably the most underrated companion in the game.


    To the OP, did you get Corso's poem yet? It's beautiful. :D






    He told me he was gonna work on the love letters and roses, so I EXPECT SOME DAMN ROSES.

  6. Oh just love this post. I love the romance option so much that I am thinking of making another smuggler just to do the story all over again! I like Bowdaar as well but as I told all my friends I'm not trying to get into the Wookies pants. My other female friends who play all agree that he is the best romance option for light side.



    I'm actually definitely going to do this, lol. But for another reason anyway - my main smuggler is a gunslinger, so I'll make a scoundrel for a healer just so that I can go through Corso's quests again :p

  7. there's a headband for him? I hate his helmet... where would I find this headband?



    It's actually meant for a jedi guardian, you can buy it for 12 nar shaddaa commendations. Just go run some side quests or kill tons of mobs till you get enough for it, then remove the str/endurance mods and replace with aim/endurance and boom, you got a fully moddable headband for Corso to use forever :D

  8. Dear Corso,


    Your body popped so nicely after I ejected you out the airlock.


    Now Risha fights by my side in that skimpy slave outfit I gave her.








    Gearing up Risha is easiest because you just give her all your old mods.


    I want to throw Risha out the airlock. Maybe then she'd lose those gaudy purple rings and that ugly *** pink suit she wears.

  9. He's...annoying. Thats all. But compared to Kaliyo, who's always like "Crippes!" He's pretty cool. But he'll be bantha fodder once I've got ma wook.


    My wookie does all my crafting for me. That's all the big walking carpet is good for!

  10. Hey all,


    I was hoping someone could assist me with this. I'm looking to complete the RD-07A Spider set. I have two pieces so far: the shirt I got from finishing the Gree quests on Coruscant and the pants I got from completing the Taris bonus missions.


    Now I have checked all the online sources and they all claim the rest of the pieces to this set exist, but no source that I have found can tell me WHERE. They also say the other pieces are lower in level suggesting they are from Coruscant or Ord Mantell or something. I don't remember getting any pieces like these from all the quests I did on either of those two planets. Did I sell them and not notice?


    Anyone who can remember anything about these pieces, it would be greatly appreciated.





    My pants were actually crafted I do believe, so perhaps there are schematics out there. I know you probably don't want to wait, but if people are diligent, in a few months, TORhead and the SWTOR wiki should end up with all the information you need to find them. You also might want to look around for boss loot tables and see if you can't find a moddable look-alike set, or the possibility that some lower level flashpoint bosses drop them.

  11. Wow...


    I think Corso's a great companion personality-wise, but...



    /inb4 "Team Corso"


    Hey, gimmie a break. It's not like there's any other hot man-candy for the women in this galaxy! My poor commando. :eek:


    "We're pretty tough, bet we'd last at least ten minutes!"




    Haha yea that had me laughing pretty hard. I do occasionally find myself talking to him, so sometimes he says the most perfect things.


    "Corso, I think I'm going to have to rip all my hair out if we have to do one more quest for this Hutt."


    "Anything you want, captain."

  13. Honestly I couldn't stand any of the customizations so I left him as he is. I love his hair :p


    Farming up Nar Shadaa commendations so I can give him a fully moddable headband and not have his face covered by some ugly helmet is pretty nice too.


    I have a problem with loving my smuggler too much - my main is supposed to be my sentinel, but every time I get a few levels on her, I switch over to the smuggler and catch her up lol.


    Looking forward to finishing up the romance quest and whatnot. Glad I play on an RP/PVP server, though it is a little hard to RP being married to the same companion every other smuggler gets, lol!

  14. (note - this thread is probably more for the women, though I'm sure a few men will chime in too! After seeing all the threads hating on Corso, I just had to make one like this. The poor guy needs a pick-me-up!)


    My dearest Corso,


    You have fought by my side faithfully through many battles. You have bled and died for me, and each time I bring you back to fight by my side again, you let me know just how much you love my company.


    You have brought me mountains of underworld metals, and you decorate the bridge of my ship so wonderfully with that handsome scarred face of yours that I can hardly sit in my captains chair without wanting to ask you if you've ever done the deed over a 3d map of the galaxy.


    Other companions have come, but you are still the one I turn to, still the one I want with me. The night you kissed me on the bridge I knew all my dreams would come true. I got my ship back, and I got you.


    Other people may make fun of you, call you a farm boy or say that you're stupid, but I know the truth. Besides, they must have just forgotten another hero from another time who was nothing but a farm boy from Tatooine before he saved the galaxy.


    So, my faithful companion Corso, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and your presence with me through all the trials we will face on our trek through the galaxy.


    All my love,

    Your Captain, Lilli'an

  15. In all honesty it's too early in the games life to split the pvp up into brackets. What I would like to eventually see is a 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-49 and lvl 50 bracket set.


    However, this early in the games life there aren't say, enough level 40's on a server to make a full warzone queue, their times would be horrendous. So for now, leave it the way it is until we have enough people spread across all levels to make it worth splitting them up.

  16. Didn't make it high enough in the beta to be sure whether or not this would actually work out to be a viable spec. Also not sure if the tree is exactly the same anymore, as I made this build as of last beta.


    I had planned on using it for both pve and pvp if possible - not sure quite yet how my end game is going to play out.


    So, could some knowledgeable people help me out here and just take a peek?


    sec fixing it lol


    k fixed:




    keep in mind I want to use this both for pvp and pve - not sure i'm planning on doing ops or just pvping mostly in the end with some occasional runs with friends.

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