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Posts posted by silvershadows

  1. My internet is so bad it will literally take me days to redownload the game.


    All because I wanted to log in at a certain time... then not even five minutes after I came here to see what was going on, it starts the redownload. *If I had only waited ten minutes to log in this wouldn't have happened to me?!* Bleh.


    My max download speed is 346 kb/s


    Yep, you read that right.


    See you next week.

  2. Since nobody seems to have mentioned this yet, I just came here to say that I've tried to log in twice and had this issue.


    When I went to the task manager to end task the SWTOR application after it hung on the load screen, I noticed both times there were *two* instances of swtor.exe running. Maybe this is causing the issue since you can only have one instance of the game going at once?

  3. Further, deconstruction failures should only affect one item out of a stack - the one item the deconstruct fails on.


    Currently if I deconstruct 20 bonded syntex cloth, I *might* get 20 augment components, or I might just get Jawa Junk. If I deconstruct them one at a time, I might get 19 augment components and one might turn into Jawa Junk.


    There is nothing more aggravating than deconstructing 20 things for augment components and getting nothing but Jawa Junk because the roll failed on ONE item in the stack/window.

  4. So here we are coming up on the weekend and this issue has still not been addressed. This highly frustrating, game-breaking issue. There has been no word from customer support, no actual help offered - only the reiteration of things that have been tried (lowering graphics) and have not worked. There has been no acknowledgement of this problem/bug in the 'known issues' thread, either.


    That this is how loyal, long-term customers are treated is beyond incomprehensible. It is, quite frankly, morally reprehensible. We are paying for a service which is not being rendered. Worse, the blame for the issue is placed on the customer by an attempt to insinuate that his monster machine (a machine I have seen) doesn't meet the minimum requirements for the game - something which couldn't be any further from the truth.


    Our love for Star Wars means we will put up with a lot in order to enjoy a gameplay experience that immerses us in that galaxy. But everyone has a line, a limit which, once crossed, will drive away even the most loyal of fans. We're getting a bit too close to that line for comfort.


    Fix this problem, or at least acknowledge its existence and the simple fact that the onus is on you to fix it, not to shift blame onto the customer. Ignoring this problem is not going to make it go away - but it will make at least two monthly subscriptions go away.

  5. Later on in the chapters you need Theron again and he's still missing. So you'll get stuck again. Changing your choices won't fix it this time.


    My light side toons are stuck on wraith and ruin. My dark side toons get stuck later on in the chapters.


    I've had a ticket in since Saturday. The problem is when you skip to kotet a script runs and adds a bunch of companions to catch you up. The problem is Theron isn't one of them.


    Does this still happen if you try to complete the story on a character that has completed all of KOTFE? I haven't done any of the new chapters for fear of this bug, but my characters have been through KOTFE and would not be skipping ahead.

  6. What the title says. If I use the GC menu to queue for Warzones (which I do because I can click WZ's and GSF fast this way), the sound of lightsaber battle that starts when hovering over the warzone selector continues to persist the entire time I'm logged in game.


    It will follow me from character to character, zone to zone. It's very annoying as it drowns out all my other sounds.

  7. This can't be right, Reaping Strike/Vaulting Slash should not be prioritized over Ball Lightning/Psychokinetic blast since it builds stacks of Circling Shadows to proc Psychokinetic Blast.


    I've tested it and switching up Vaulting Slash, Spinning Strike, and Shadow Strike yields little difference in DPS, in the range of 25-75 DPS overall.




    Yep. I did it in 19 Force breaches with an unbugged stance, bugged you get about 35-37 per parse. He got 33 obviously cause it was faster and he probably had a pretty high crit rate due to the large margin of error with Shadow.


    ~ Eudoxia


    Well you can always switch it back after the opener. The thing is that after that initial use of everything you've got it basically just comes down to using whatever's proc'd. I tried it both ways myself, using it before and after ball lightning, and maybe what it comes down to is that it might just be more prudent to use reaping strike first in a pvp situation and not in pve, since in pvp you just want to get as much damage out in that initial window as possible. In any case, the rest of it is correct. Though who knows what it'll be like once they fix the current static charge bug.

  8. Bumping this because it is absolutely ridiculous that this problem has not yet been addressed.


    I know for a fact the OP has been a subscriber since Beta (as have I) and we've put up with a lot of crap we didn't have to because we love this game. We STILL subscribe. FIX. THIS. PROBLEM.

  9. Recklessness > Discharge > Reaping Strike > Ball Lightning > Maul > Voltaic Slash > Voltaic Slash > Ball Lightning > Discharge > Phantom Stride > Discharge.


    That's the deception rotation/priority. Basically that's your opener, and then use it as a priority guide with recklessness and phantom stride on cooldown to proc your discharge. If you get the utility you can throw in a free assassinate after the phantom stride as well.


    Sorry for the imp terminology.

  10. Spike > Recklessness > Discharge > Reaping Strike (proc'd) > Ball Lightning > Maul > Voltaic Slash > Voltaic Slash > Ball Lightning > Discharge > Phantom Stride > Discharge.


    :) That'd be your opener, then use the above as priority order, taking out spike and using ball lightning/maul/discharge as they proc, and phantom stride/recklessness on cooldown to proc your 3 stacks for discharge :)



    As an aside, if you skip the spike opener (on players) you won't build their resolve bar and can then stealth out after your opener and reopen with spike (if they aren't dead) for another round of your opener which is pretty much a kill.

  11. Trying to finish KOTFE content on my assassin so I can move forward into KotET.


    Start the Battle of Odessen chapter, finish the first 'clear the hangar of hostiles' objective. My character runs through the door out of my control, pauses, and the screen goes black as if a cutscene is about to start, then the black screen clears and she has teleported back to where she started, runs forward again, pauses, screen goes black, it clears, she teleports back, runs forward, pauses, screen goes black.


    Over, and over, and over. I can't use my mouse (cursor won't appear), and don't have interface commands set to quickbinds (I prefer to click my menus), so I can't even log out of the game, I had to end task. When I logged back in, I had the quest objective to speak to Lana, but she is not there and when I approach the area, the screen again goes black, and then fades back into me just standing there. Lana was on a crafting mission, so I recalled her and moved forward. Once again stuck in the move forward/fade to black state where my character is completely out of my control, only this time Lana is next to me with a quest marker over her head.


    Character is obviously unplayable in this state.




    One more end task, and I log back in to the first room where I had to clear the first objective. Lana is there with the quest marker, so I initiate conversation and am finally am able to continue on with the quest. Obviously there is a bug here where Lana being on a crafting mission will get you stuck in this fade to black loop rather than the game pulling her out of the mission at the start of the quest.

  12. Meh ill probably be up at 10 PM finishing the last bits of the event, i just need 3 ops bosses, 1 WB (worldbreaker monolith, which is a pain because you have to find people with access to Ziost which not many people have because they have not done the ziost storyline). and a handfull of HM's


    You only need one person with access to destroyed Ziost. Since it's part of the DVL events, shouldn't be that hard to find. You then then use a flagship summon to bring people who haven't done Ziost yet to the boss.

  13. To the contrary, I've seen things saying you can only remove a security key once. So if I remove my phys key and add a mobile key, I won't be able to remove the mobile key to re-add my phys key. Oh who am I kidding, they're never gonna fix it anyway, might as well go back to FFXIV.


    That's funny, seeing as how SWTOR crashed to desktop on me not too long ago, and I just removed and readded my security key again.

  14. He also said he wouldn't log out of game, so I guess its ok to put it back on while your in game


    Not that it matters, but she. :p


    And yes. My exact process went like this:


    Load launcher. Log into LAUNCHER without security key. I did not hit 'play' yet.


    Went to the website, reattached security key. Total security breach time was about 20 seconds.


    Went to launcher, hit play, entered game. I haven't logged back out because I don't want to have to remove the key and reattach it again.


    Edit: My goal was just to get in the game with as short of a security breach time lapse as possible. I'm paranoid since my Warcraft account was hacked years ago.

  15. Guys, I removed my physical security key and then put it right back on, immediately. As in I logged into the game without it, and while the game was running in the background, came back to the website here and re-attached the physical key to my account.


    You don't have to 'give it up'.


    Edit: And I'm still logged into the game. I just won't log out until I'm sure I want to log out for a while.

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