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Everything posted by BarronWasteland

  1. I love Arsenal Merc. Its my first and favorite class in SWTOR. I tore it up in sub 50 WZ's then 50 WZ's then on to 55 WZ's. I can lay the wood big time, I am almost always in the top 2 in kills and damage. Now gets the sad part. In ranked WZ's I last seconds, everyone singles out the Merc and you die fast and hard. Its sad the devs in this game hate PVP and hate the Mercs/Commandos even more. Maybe someday a dev will play a Merc in ranked and feel the pain. Probably not though.
  2. You might know more if you played the game, or this class. What a tool.
  3. The combat team has never played Mercs, they have never been in this forum and base all their opinions from the Jedi/Sith classes who tell them Merc is fine where it is because Mercs are easy to kill. The devs in this game are real bad when it comes to actually playing their product.
  4. I liked the title so much I put it in my name. J/K I have had this name in all the games I have played. But I do like the title.
  5. The thing I use that really helps with the keybinding is the Belkin N52TE. http://www.belkin.com/n52te/index1.html This is really cool. You dont have to bind anything from your keyboard and you can do it all there. Like anything else there is a learning curve. Bur once you get it down you will never go back to a keyboard again. It is great for any game as well.
  6. This^^^^^. It was as the title of the thread PVP frustrations. Also I did not really trust him the way he was acting to un cloak at the right time.
  7. No the one pass that was thrown to him he did not uncloak, that is why it reset back to the middle. People were telling him he had to uncloak to receive the pass. He did not understand that part. He thought you could just stay cloaked the entire time. I was getting pissed at him the match but by the end I kind of felt sorry for him, yelling at everyone but it was he who had no clue as to what was going on.
  8. The other night I was in a Hutt Ball WZ. Normally as soon as I see its Hutt Ball I just leave the match, I cannot stand Hutt Ball. But this time I decided o play the match. My dislike for Hutt Ball was confirmed within moments. There was an Operative on our team that was cloaked the whole match. When one of the team had the ball and was getting close to the other goal he would shout to throw the ball to him. No body did because he was cloaked. I and others were telling him we could not pass it to him while cloaked. He was yelling at us all calling us noobs and that we didn't know how to play. Finally someone threw the ball to him while he was cloaked and of course the ball went to the middle, he was yelling at the person for throwing the ball poorly. It was a frustrating match to say the least because this guy did not help, and did not even understand the game yet was yelling at people all match long. I guess you just can't fix stupid.
  9. Dont be the scoundral/Op that was in the Hutt Ball match on Bastion last night. This guy went to the other goal line and waited for proplr to come near with the ball. He would scream at them to throw the ball, he screamed that we were all noobs, we told him he would have to un cloak for us to throw the ball to him. He told us we were wrong and stupid. LOL what a tool.
  10. I am in a similar boat as you. If I see some LOL smash monkey targeting me I hit him with the electro net right off the bat to shut him down. The next guy near me I try to stun and jet boost him off the ledge or just away from me, then I move away while starting to DPS. This does not always work and many times I die quickly but the 65% of the time I survive the initial onslaught I do well. But after that first round they see the damage I am doing and the next round I get everyone's undivided attention. It makes that initial attack much worse. All in all I do alright, but Merc could use quite a bit of help to put it on par with the other classes.
  11. You can buy a full set of entry PVE gear, it cannot be any easier to get. Stop QQing.
  12. Funny you post this. Just last night I was on my Merc doing dailies on Oricon to support my PVP habit and there were 4 Pubs ganking people. I was by myself and they kept trying to gank me, except it took them about 3-4 min to kill me each time. They were saying things like "This is a PVP server noob" and nonsense. I did not reply. I got one of my guild mates and picked up two other Imps. We found them and had a 4 v 4 fight. They lasted about 20 seconds. I didnt say anything but they cloned and did not return. Just let your fighting do the talking.
  13. Ummm, no. But I guess you are right. There is no cheating in this game whatsoever. There has never been hacks or bugs or exploits in the history of MMO's. You sir are a amazing, or have your head in the sand.
  14. If you do not understand or know what some thing is, please do not make yourself look foolish. Just don't post next time.
  15. Ok what about the 2 second bomb plants or the plants while being attacked and it not disrupting the planter? See just because you put your head in the sand and pretend this is not happening does not make it so. I know you have seen someone run a packet injector, you just do not understand what it is or what it does. I see them probably once or twice a week. Sometimes several times a night if I am in the WZ's with that same player.
  16. There is more cheating than people on this board like to admit. But they do bring up some good points as well. Often there is a healer that you can see but maybe another that you cant see healing. The cheats I see most often are people planting door bombs in voidstar while in stealth, or capping a node in stealth. I see people running some kind of "packet injector" that causes people around them to lag out. This is common when you are running around and yet you lag only when near a specific player. But the people claiming there are not cheats in this game are either in denial or cheating themselves. On the flip side there is not very much cheating going on. Its there but not that prevalent.
  17. You hit the nail on the head. My main is a Merc/pyro and I have been playing it since launch. I like to think I am pretty good, not great but hold my own. Still there are matches where I tear it up and sometimes I get fed my lunch. It is a tough class to master and even when you do it can still go wrong. People look at the smash monkeys where it takes no talent to be good, all you do is spam an easy button and do enormous amounts of damage with a learning curve of about 1 to 2 WZ's. OP, you need to invest time in your class, talk to other people who are doing well with it. Fine tune your gear, then practice and execute the plan and you should see big improvements.
  18. This. I end up getting stuck on my healer being forced to guard the node. Meanwhile the idiots in the middle are getting slaughtered. Once they even asked "Do we have a healer?" I responded "you left me to guard the node." They did not complain any more, but no one came to guard. Stupid is as stupid does.
  19. If they fixed rage, then what spec would all the noobs and bads play?
  20. We had a similar one the other day. As we were waiting for the match to start, we were defending. Just as the timer clicked to "0" we started to move out and before anyone hit the block below the opening the announcement went off "bomb planted"
  21. Unfortunately the old ranked 8-8 WZ's were all about fight clubbing. Big guilds got their PUB toons and another part of the guild got their IMP toons, they would fight club for a bit and switch sides. That is why Ranked 8-8 was killed. The people who complain about the ranked 8-8 WZ's being killed need to look in the mirror.
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