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Everything posted by SerikFox

  1. I just saw a sorc get 1.45mil in a hypergate. Still doesn't need a nerf - there is nothing wrong with smash spec; it's not even the most powerful aoe spec, just the easiest to use.
  2. Completely disagree, depending on spec. Smashers are a pain in the rear, but you can deal with them provided you can keep just a couple steps ahead and time your knock-back right. They really can't catch up with you easily. Vigilance is fantastic at tearing sages apart, but balance spec tears them apart. They have no way to cleanse, and no sprint to catch you with. They have a leap and a couple of abilities to stun or incap you, but nothing compared to a sage. Balance spec is also almost all internal damage, so it ignores armor. In a fight between the two it really just comes down to how good each player is. Also arsenal dps merc is primarily dependent upon unload, railshot, and heat seekers, not tracer. Tracer is probably the most used attack, but not the most important. And for the record, they very effectively counter tanks and other more heavily armored classes. Actually, as a tank, the absolute last thing I want attacking me is an arsenal spec merc. Their full auto effectively ignores 85% of my armor; it hits crazy hard. Pyro spec hits hard because of their burns, but elemental attacks never do as much as kinetic or energy attacks in base damage, so when kinetic and energy attacks ignore armor the same as elemental, they pose a much larger threat.
  3. I agree. This is the most balanced the classes have ever been, and overall they have balanced classes better than any other game I have seen. I've got 9 50's, I have played with every single spec and I'm happy with all of the class changes in 2.0. None of them feel particularly more powerful than the others right now, and all of them are useful. I don't really have a problem managing force in madness spec assassin personally, just have to be more careful than sorc. I am personally loving the changes to my favorite classes (shadow and scoundrel) for all trees. Still jacking up my keystrokes with my shadow a little for infil because of the changes to force breach, but aside from that I love it.
  4. That is one of the worst idea's I've ever heard. Fine on FPS games, not good on mmo's
  5. I have despised expertise from launch, and 90% of what I do in the game is pvp.
  6. Zann has overall greater resources, and he has two major advantages. The nightsisters, and the Mandalorians - more specifically, the Mandalorian ships. The nightsisters would make his ground forces extremely powerful - even the HK's would be overwhelmed - and the Mandalorian ships were some of the very best. Goto would never be able to challenge Zann straight out; it would be absolute suicide. Zann's flagship is cloaked the same as Goto's; except it's a vastly more powerful ship. Goto's stealth and mobility would not give him any level of sizable advantage over Zann. Zann's fleet is larger and more powerful, and it enjoys the same benefits as Goto's. This would give Zann the ability to put pressure on all of Goto's operations across the galaxy. Putting that kind of pressure of Goto would severely weaken Goto's ability to beat Zann through more subtle methods (which I admit, Goto has the advantage over Zann in). Zann's show of power could get several influential crime lords to back him, further weakening Goto. Goto does have a considerable advantage in the HK units which are far superior to other droid types, but they also would give Zann a away to track Goto down. Wiping Goto out would be immensely difficult - maybe even impossible to accomplish for Zann - but Goto's power and influence would be swept away by Zann.
  7. And punishes lag, not a great idea from my crappy Internet's viewpoint. There just needs to be more ways to break CC's aside from a single ability on a 2min CD. I do agree that resolve needs changes though; it's way to short and it takes to long to fill. You end up spending half of a 1v1 fight alone getting cc'd the way it is now. I would like there to be a timer between cc's. As in, get stunned or blasted once, can't get stunned or blasted again for 10sec or something.
  8. I read the announcement about the game going to F2P fairly soon, and one thing stood out. The fact that they mentioned that it was free to play "to level 50". I could be mistaken, but weren't there plans to increase the level cap? I'm thinking that perhaps 50 will not be the lvl cap when this comes around.
  9. Is there any hope of seeing some additional specs in game? Maybe unlocked through legacy? For example, I love all of the knight specs, but I'm really missing my favorite lightsaber form - Makashi. I'd also like to see Niman and Djem So.
  10. SerikFox

    Guardian need a buff

    Dps survives by beating opposition down, not by defending themselves from attack. You're supposed to be Anakin as Dps, Defense is Obi-Wan. And as far as damage guardian goes: it's extremely powerful if you can play it well. I play everything but gunslinger, and I can say, dps guardian is powerful. It doesn't need any changes. I don't think it needs a nerf; but it definitely doesn't need a buff.
  11. The point is that they are difficult to use. They're fine the way they are.
  12. I'm hoping Bethesda is making a Star Wars game like Skyrim.
  13. Currently, I have to say, crafting is mostly useless. It's great for leveling, but it costs to much and can't match WH and campaign gear. I have an idea that I think would add to legacy and make crafting more interesting all in one. I would like to see a system where people could gain "custom crafting" schematics from Legacy, allowing them to delegate stats as they please. So rather than having x (strength) + y (endurance) on a piece let a crafter choose to make it 2x + 1/2y, or whatever else they wanted. Special stats too for enh and mods and such. And good stats; none of this "crafted stuff can't compare to WH or Campaign gear" crap. Perhaps require that in order to unlock the schematics someone has to reach x valor or has to have done x number hard modes for different flashpoints/ops depending on whether it's pvp or pve stats. Or, do a point system, and at certain valor levels or number of hm's done you gain more points through legacy that allow you to take a generic piece (armoring, enh, mod, augment, hilt, barrel) that has no stats at all and apply stats to it. The amount of stats you added could determine the level of the item created. There should be a way to craft in set bonuses as well for armoring. Perhaps require someone to reverse engineer a chest armoring piece of that type from either the campaign or WH gear in order to gain the set bonus. I think this would add greatly to legacy while making crafting much more relevant all in one.
  14. At the same time I like being able to have my crew members do the resources and crafting, I would also like to be able to do it myself. And my one problem with non-dedicated crafting toons is that no one has trouble making themselves things so there's no reason to buy and sell things. Kills in-game economy.
  15. Oh yeah; before NGE it had an awesome universe. I was thinking of the game by the time it ended.
  16. I disagree on swg; it had the worst star wars universe. I loved the game, it was a great game, but things like "death troopers" and the stupid holiday celebrations along with the fat stormtrooper (I will never forgive SOE for that) and the whole "anyone can be a jedi in a time that jedi are totally illegal part" killed it as far as how good of a star wars universe it was. I liked Kotor's universe the best. SWTOR is up there on my list though; it's after Kotor 2 for me. Swg hit he bottom of the list. For death troopers and the fat stormtrooper, it is forever banished to the bottom of that list. It was not really Star Wars. Don't get me wrong though, if swg were to somehow restart I'd be back on it hugging my ship and kissing my mando armor while crying like a 13 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert.
  17. To many servers and extremely long development time. Beyond that I really have no great problems. I like the Hero engine a lot actually. The queuing system annoys me, but I can deal with it until either: a) they fix it or b) swg magically restarts. On the final point, I stuck with SOE for years. Mostly years of BS. But I did, and I'd still go back to swg. BW has done nothing even close to the kind of crap that SOE pulled, so yes, I still do mostly trust BW.
  18. I'll say this; I really don't know who thinks the format is obsolete. A few people do it seems, but most of the people I've spoken to don't. I still go and play Mario Kart '64 when I get a chance and so does almost everyone I know - I don't feel that this "old format" is a problem for the game. People like me very much enjoy the "old formats". I still like most Xbox and PS2 games more than I like 360 and PS3 games. Hell, I still even have a Sega Genesis. There is a sizable market for games like this. I like this style of game a great deal. The game itself has flaws, there are bugs, but the foundation is solid and they can make it work if they do their jobs well. I don't think most of my guild would go to a "newer" format for a mmo. After so many years on games like this it's hard not to like the format. The newer formats will win out eventually, but for the time being, there are a lot of people who enjoy this type of game. Specifically, I see a lot of potential in this game and I think it can easily be a success. (unless swg was to somehow restart; my entire guild would be headed back "home" then lol. I would kill for a version of swg with this game engine. So few bugs in comparison).
  19. I was responding to the first part of your post about survivability in general. However, I do have another guildie who is full sage healer and tends to survive just as well. Does about 450k healing each round. She can usually win 1v1 as well; although it's a lot harder for her. I was thinking about a specific guy I've fought a few times when I wrote original post about being "almost impossible to kill". I've seen him take on two sentinels at the same time, kill one, and then got backup for the other (after the juggernaut I was fighting managed to kill me; shien spec. I was close enough to watch them; but I was getting stomped by the Juggernaut). These aren't pushover sentinels either; one had the War Hero title up (with about 50/50 WH/BM gear) and the other one had the Conqueror title up (about 75/25 WH/BM gear). He managed to knock them back, stun them, los them, and heal himself enough that he was barely in danger the whole time. He had the big area heal as well so he had to have been at least 31pts in the healing tree. The second sentinel did almost kill him towards the end, but the juggernaut came and wiped him out before he could finish of the sorcerer. Guy had somewhere around 650k healing at the end of the match. I went after him myself later (I am a sentinel main) along with the other two; still couldn't get him (he had the juggernaut and a bh with him that time). I don't know what he was doing, but he hit pretty hard for a healer; the thing that struck me though was simply how hard he was to kill. I have killed him (never solo) in other matches; but he was always a pain to get down.
  20. I always go to kill them first myself, and almost every time they drop like flies. However, there are a few who really figured out some way to stay alive. It's about a 1 to 100 ratio, but there are a few. One of my guildies is about the same valor as you atm and he plays sage. He just figured out something himself that made him a whole lot stronger recently. Not as tough as the few I'm talking about, but he almost never loses a 1v1 fight anymore. In large groups he can survive quite nicely, although he practically refuses to kite, which I always tell him is a bad idea. He'd be much harder to kill if he did.
  21. I have found the opposite personally. The knight style (playstyle) was practically made for me. Both sentinel and guardian, but especially sentinel. Even funnier, there is literally no spec that defines me as well as the watchman tree; and my main on mmo's for years has always had the name "Watchman" (got in second day of early game access and was fortunately able to get the name before it was taken). I think BW spied on me while I was playing other things lol. I also rather like the story. However, you are totally right on the light/dark stuff. I always say that about all classes republic. How is not killing a mass murderer or something a lightside choice? I still can't figure out what standard they went off of.
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