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Everything posted by ZIMMOZMAN

  1. Do MIdian still pvp knox and Core don't seem to keen to come to the us server
  2. the Aussie server doesn't have 10 teams guys
  3. You are right nerd the gtn on other servers is awesome i have being making a mil each weekend from lowbie mods and enhancements.
  4. Have you played rated on another server from what i can see CORE would be the only rated team from mdn that could hang with most guilds on the bastion.
  5. Whats selfish about wanting to play the game instead of waiting 30 to 40 mins for a pop to play the same people and same set up each game. Don't think bioware care about less then 100 people. I jumped on mdn last night and there was less then 30 people on both fleets just before reset.
  6. Bioware took too long a merge wont save the APAC servers maybe have a higher pop for a couple months but it will die off sooner or later.
  7. you guys make me laugh with your circle jerking.
  8. Wasn't you the guy making forum posts about pub guilds killing you while you was in line and didnt you cry on general chat about my guild ganking you while you was lining up.
  9. Ok now it has been months since Bioware said they wanted to hear our opinion on what we wanted to happen this is getting out of hand the expansion is coming its up on the PTS and nothing still hasn't happened with our servers. Since Bioware has taken their time on this most people including myself have re rolled to the NA servers or unsubbed. If a merge happens now it wont work out since the numbers wont ever get to the NA servers. So thanks Bioware could of merged us months ago instead of doing nothing or even tell us months ago a merge will happen so people would have a hope of staying and now we all have to be transferred to servers with bad ping where we cant play fairly with people with good ping. Your customer service is the worst I have ever seen in a game.
  10. Wow isn't this a pvp server sick of people having a cry because i'm playing the game the way it is intended.
  11. Cool story bro are you still mad about last time. Go be mad at life a bit more please......
  12. A server merge will never work if people are allowed to go to the US servers, most people will just leave and we would end up with a dead server AGAIN.
  13. Since bioware responded I see the people that have replied have been mainly from Master Da'Nala which is the pvp server we don't speak for all of the APAC community, bioware wants every ones opinion not just one person's opinion been told across what like 6 pages now like you said your piece just leave it bioware will take it in consideration like all of our posts im sure. They said they want whats best for the APAC community not just so you can get YOUR toons over to the US server since you don't even wanna play with the APAC community
  14. do you have to be so rude about it, trying to discuss this in a adult manner not being like some child i want this NOW ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. Having transfers straight up will kill any chance of the merger working at all since everyone will leave before even trying it out.
  15. you know we have 3 servers right or is that about something else ? Not meaning to troll just saying i didn't understand your post. EDIT: your talking about transfers LOL not server my mistake
  16. Yes this is the option that I'm sure 80% would agree. If people arn't happy give them transfers at the end of the year with the rest of the SWTOR player base. Being merged into one server will satisfy most players and bring people back playing on the american servers and who have unsubbed. I'm sure it will keep the people that want to leave to a US server busy enough till transfers are implemented. PLEASE KEEP THIS THREAD DISCUSSED AT A ADULT LEVEL, WRITE A SHORT PARAGRAPH WHAT OPTION YOU WANT AND A REASON WHY NO NEED FOR HATE WE WANT BIOWARE TO KEEP TALKING
  17. please stop posting you played till lvl 20 with 8 toons in a month which is nothing you didnt even give the game a chance, oh no it not like this game but it like this game but it not like this game who cares it SWTOR not SWG or LOTRO. From all of us from the SWTOR community we say bye bye, your just a sad baby who spent more time writing a post then playing the actual game.
  18. he saying that it just be a normal patch for the live servers not one on the pts wow you are dumb
  19. You played till 20 how can you say you was on the journey but never even made it half way. lol don't do dungeons if you don't want to. Wow im sure this big post took longer to write then you played in game.
  20. lol awwwww poor mosus thinks im cut that i dont wanna play with him anymore how sweet. Gotta love this server forum mosus and his friends watch it 24/7 to disagree with someone go back peddle into a fire trap lol
  21. Awww do you miss me ? Mosus you would love this server imagine all the people you could troll instead of the same people over and over again jumpsuit and mosus please insert troll comments underneath
  22. looks like you should be on tat with them. wow such a stupid request only because you got the money and dont want to grind like every other person wow your such a noob
  23. unless another stealth or 2 come and try to find you and sap you in stealth and cap then you have to break it with cc breaker then they just vanish and rinse and repeat. always have 2 on d on this map
  24. Wow i read that your server hits heavy to very heavy and you want off. Try being on a APAC server which are not even super servers and our pop rarely reaches standard.......
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