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Everything posted by ZIMMOZMAN

  1. Can we please stop making suggestions that we all know Bioware shouldn't do? Its 2019 we should all know what this game can/can't do by now and plenty of data from the MMO market on what works and what doesn't. So why suggest AI teammates so people can solo ops? When that would take so much dev time for a few people who can't even be bothered to engage in the MMO part of this game. Why should Bioware take time out of making content? When you yourself could take 20 mins and form a group. Blizzard took time to make AI for their latest expac and people hate that content and wished they focused on something else. Why suggest a "classic" version of this game? When this MMO's vanilla content is totally different to other MMO's, its still worthwhile content people still play compared to people lvling in retail WoW and just missing 90% of the vanilla content. Why suggest "customizable voices"? When you should know how long that would take. If I ever see another open world space idea I'm going to lose my mind. (even Youtubers still talk about this when they should know it could never happen.) My point is, stop suggesting stuff you should.... know by now, things that will not work in SWTOR, hasn't worked in another MMO, cant be done due to the engine or cant be done due to too much dev time.
  2. No idea how that has anything to do with this post or the point you was trying to make. Cool story though.
  3. How so? Definitely think SWTOR is the better game but I gotta disagree with this point. WoW still has many things SWTOR could pick up.
  4. Why bring up pvp gear? Adds nothing to your point and its great that its not a part of modern mmo's anymore.
  5. When did veng have a proc that reset the ravage cd?
  6. Like the exact same forum post above. I said most people who used ravage never used the last hit due to gcd being up and other moves doing more damage then the last hit.
  7. Most sents I played with back in the day pvp wise, didn't even use the last hit from ravage/master strike since the gcd was up and other moves did more damage then the last hit. So no, if you want to see the old animation again go find an npc that does it, they still exist.
  8. Yeah I agree on the learn to play part. The game is 8 years old, plenty of guides on how to play the game. So maybe, just maybe, instead of asking Bioware to waste their time on a stupid feature, maybe take the same time to just get good while we let Bioware make content.
  9. True, but 6.0 will have a fix for this and will make ops solo able again from the sounds of it. Do you realize how hard and time consuming it is to make AI that's decent? Like I said, other mmo devs have put the time into AI and they didn't get the returns, so why would SWTOR?
  10. Please don't take this suggestion seriously. Blizzard spent a whole expac cycle working on AI for the expacs main feature and it flopped hard when they could of put that dev time into content. Bioware has limited resources and a tiny dev team compared to other mmo's please don't try to nudge their direction into something that would be a total waste of time. They designed the story of this game, so you don't have to do the operations content to know the full story.
  11. People pls note that many people have art not just this guy. I bought the art set AND memorial almost 3 weeks ago for 3 mil. I suggest anyone looking for art should post a thread in the general discussion forum and leave this guy alone.
  12. Yeah that may be the case. For me since i am a Aussie player and have transferred 3 times you get over little things like that.
  13. I feel sorry for the returning/new players that WILL roll on a dead server, finish lvling then realize there is no one to do endgame with. they will either quit the game or pay real money to transfer. Most returning players will take the first option. Bioware are crazy to have this many servers dead just before a new expansion thinking that alone will fill them up. People are just going to quit playing since the server pop is low, once the single player content is finished. Bioware please make a choice and get rid of the outdated server rule-sets and merge servers. PvP servers are dead and will never make a comeback.
  14. Still haven't seen nothing on changing the old companion bonuses. Wish Bioware would tell us by now some of the changes in gameplay and mechanics. I'm in the process of lvling up 22 toons just for crafting with said bonuses, so it would suck if they messed with it.
  15. Link that info, pls dont spread false info.
  16. Well considering that you were surprised that i got one so cheap, compared to how much you was selling them for in our private messages a week ago. Very sus a week later you're asking for one.
  17. Just an update I have bought 2 sets of everything. I still want more but not so desperate and I will need a couple of days to make some more credits.
  18. Sorry if I reply late. I hate using the forums since i have to use the security key
  19. I really thought i wouldn't get any offers. Damn shouldn't of said such a high price.
  20. Hello I am looking to buy a set or 2 of the 3rd anniversary decorations. If anyone from a North American server has any ill gladly transfer to come get them. So if anyone got any that they wanna sell give me a price and we can work something out. Willing to pay up to 10 mil credits for a set of everything maybe more if desperate.
  21. yeah i miss read that my mistake lol
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