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Everything posted by Tiaa

  1. This like when the House passes another bill that is almost like a previous bill. Everything about SWTOR breeds antisocial behaviour. Whether it's the lack of communication from Bioware or just the fact that the game itself really never was themed on "working together". Just trying to serve as a "reminder". I know this though, this "community" has been splintered and ruined from day 1. Now you want to fix it? You expect everyone to be constructive while posting? That's like people expecting you and your team to answer questions properly and sincerely engage into the community other than a few comments a week. It's just not going to happen. Infact, the reason the forums look like this to begin with is due to Biowares lack of communication. You remember? All the "We can't answer this." ..."Soon" ... Etc etc. You left the community to bicker amongst themselves. I suppose you will also be doing more than using "copy and paste" responses when closing threads. Oh wait, you don't have to give any warning so I suppose that saves you the energy. Empty promises of communication mean very little anymore. Your ideas of communication were to have users go to your Twitter and Facebook for answers. I don't believe that your staff know the difference between rude and insulting as people have been warned for "QUOTING" someone being rude or just engaging in conversation. "Legitimate". ...What's "legitimate criticism"? Are those the post that people usually post and then get attacked by the "positive" fanboys? You expect "legitimate criticism" when it's quite apparent Bioware doesn't listen to it anyways. Infact, before you decided to wipe the old forums, there was plenty of "constructive criticism". I remember I had some post that were locked because they were in relation of another topic. Only problem was my topic wasn't in relation with the other topic, was just assumed to be. Translation: We are trying to ban everyone who has anything negative to say. Everyone make post about how much you love Bioware not listening and acting like they care about their own product! Everyone praise Bioware for empty promises! Note: You do realise there are huge communities outside of this forum that do more damage to this games image than this forum? Namely places like Reddit, Massively, 4chan and Forbes and series of blogs. And I advise you brush up on what real communication is. Because going from not communicating at all to , "We are now going to enforce our rules...Now with more spite!" Won't fix anything. Only thing you are doing is digging a deeper hole and showing just how out of touch with this community you really are. Why....this sounds like something a user on this forum would post. This is probably the MOST laughable thing I have seen. "If you don't agree with someone IGNORE THEM." Yes. That surely is the first step to communication and a better community. No comment.
  2. Uh LOL wrong. Sorry. Just wrong. That's not how a business works. Biowares job is to maintain the game, give feedback and give you excuses as to why they aren't doing their job. Not fix it.
  3. Let's be clear. You obviously hate Bioware. And I obviously support them. You hate Bioware because you hate success. You hate SWTOR because you can't play it under water with other wrecked ships. You think Bioware needs your money? Mermaids and Sea Monsters have multiple SWTOR accounts.
  4. You expect Bioware to know what's wrong with their game? Biowares job is to make games. Not fix bugs, broken content, lag and otherissuesconstantlyreportedontheseforumsthathappenedtoalsobeinbetaandalpha. See problem with people calling others trolls is that...trolls don't have electricity under bridges so how would they be able to play SWTOR?
  5. Yes. From Day 1 Bioware knew subs were going to drop tremendously. They didn't launch free to play because they had to be sure the servers could handle losing 50% of the playerbase. edit: 65% If they launched it Free 2 Play at the start the game might have more than 12 servers open. And if you knew anything about Bioware, you'd know they love saving energy. Especially physical. Just give the game some time and a couple million more dollars. It will get better.
  6. Wrong. Free 2 Play has been a plan for SWTOR for a long time. Bioware knew they would lose most of their subscribers in a less than 8 months. Which is why they didn't bother trying to fix anything wrong with SWTOR or give properly answer questions.
  7. Um...how was F2P preventable? I'm tired of you angry haters assuming Bioware should have done their jobs properly.
  8. You typed this: After I said: Not only do I have no clue what you are talking about or trying to "argue" about... Nothing in the defintion of the word "Fantasy" supports anything you are talking about. If you are, arguing what IS "fantasy" and what isn't... And if you are saying that SWTOR ISN'T "Fantasy"... Then you would be wrong. To an obvious degree. If you want to PROPERLY label it than it would be "Middle-Age Fantasy"...or Medieval. Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) IS still "FANTASY"... Video games are fantasy. This is why we have something called "genres". What you arguing is that if I tell someone I listen to "music" ... ...they should automatically know what "GENRE" it is.
  9. ...Or you can use a dictionary to see what the word "Fantasy" means. "Argue that line of reasoning..." Where do you people come from?
  10. The reason they are being sold so low is because they aren't selling. Places are trying to get rid of their stock and make as much money as they can. That's how bad this game is doing. And judging by this... You will be VERY lucky if SWTOR just doesn't shut down completely by next year.
  11. I hope Daniel Erickson is still on the team. I want to hear some more of his sarcastic and snide remarks to serious problems with the game.
  12. Nice video. Your Twi'lek could use a sandwich though.
  13. Twi'leks. Especially me. http://imgur.com/uQJfK http://imgur.com/TPPxd http://imgur.com/FWwmi http://imgur.com/Y60dI
  14. I'll believe it when I see it. Source: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/367/feature/6609/Free-to-Play-This-Fall.html To quote a fellow Redditor:
  15. Smuggler is terrible. Especially female version.
  16. I hate the people that sat by and watched Bioware destroy their own game. These people were the same ones unaware of the product they were playing. These people blindly defending everything (most of which also quit the game) and constantly saying... "The game will get better with time." You people helped ruin the game. Instead of Bioware trying to become better and prove the "haters" wrong. They sat back and continued their lazy process and proved the "haters" right. Call it what you want but SWTOR is currently a failure. And while you sit back STILL after months and months of this game failing, and say "OH EVERYTHING IS FINE!" I'll be here, waiting for when they shut the game down completely.
  17. I'm very glad Forbes entered the realm of gaming. I enjoy reading their articles. No longer having to deal with bought out garbage sites like IGN and MMORPG.com is also a plus.
  18. I can't understand why everything was designed so poorly to begin with. Why it was designed the way it was and who "OK'd" it all. It just feels like it was more of a plan to "sucker" people into buy junk.
  19. There will definately be microtransactions in this game. I am 100% sure about that. There is no way this game will can survive off hopeless imaginations and false promises from EA. I can see it already. Races for sale. Crystals. Content. Ships. Pets. Names. Legacy. Etc.
  20. EA. Where charades are the most common form of answering real problems. It's very clear from this video that Microtransactions WILL be coming to SWTOR.
  21. CORRECT! Thank you! Now I can leave this "I hate WoW because TOR isn't doing good" thread.
  22. Yes WoW has microtransactions, a cash shop and is still pay to play. Now which MMO has endless free trials, had the biggest budget, had four big names backing them and tons of hype... And still went F2P? What game is that?!
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