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Everything posted by RicoZaid

  1. I've done the full Bounty Hunter, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular and Smuggler arcs so far and I am really bummed about the Trooper. They STORY is ok but the LINES spoken are horrible. ugh. It's just pure Hollywood Movie cheese. What a bummer. "BUT THULE ISN'T EXPECTING HAVOC SQUAD!" - Yea, both of us.
  2. I ran T7 the whole way and kept his gear updated, very easy soloing +2 elites.
  3. The Sentinel is harder to play than the Gunslinger and Shadow IMO.
  4. I usually save my Dual Saber Throw for situations where I need range or line it up for a good AoE.
  5. Thanks for the replies! Yea just trying to mix it up for the fun of it. Where can I find the 23/0/23 build?
  6. I'm 100% Sawbones ATM and love it. Are there any Sawbones hybrid builds worth pursuing? I was messing with the calculator and I didn't see any way to make one that worked well. Thanks!
  7. Really love the dps info here. I have leveled (37) as Sawbones PvE/PvP and love it. I got to the end of Chapter two (level 40 missions) at level 36. (I had to get to level 37 to be able to finish this mission.) I used Corso as DPS and have now switched to Risha. As Saw Bones you *should* be fighting at least +2 (level) mobs or it will get boring. You also have to watch your companion powers as to not attack unnecessarily. I usually open up with a grenade and then dive into cover doing nothing - having the cover absorbing the incoming damage. Then after my companion starts taking aggro I heal and DPS as needed. Fighting +1 or weaker mobs you really don’t need any strategy. Saw Bones Smugger is awesome. Definitely will be my next 55, especially after reading all the good dps info here. FWIW
  8. Wow, didn't know this. Can you pull them and place them in different armor and still get the set bonus?
  9. I read the whole thread and im Not exactly sure what's up so I'll ask: So, PVE players can use PVE gear in PVP and their gear is just as good as PVP gear? I can see the PVP gear grinders mad about this but MMOs are all about gear-grinding at every major content release, right? The top of the line gear you have today will be junk in 8 months. The gear is your drug and Bioware is selling. So, Doesn't this create more PVE people to beat-up in PVP? Isn't that a good thing? But I guess we lose all the PVP veterans.
  10. The mission is red. Guss Tuno is standing in front of me and wants to join my team but when I go through and finish the dialog with it just start over in an infinite loop. Luckily I can hit escape and get out of it. Guess I'll just pvp until I hit 37 lol /edit it allowed me to complete after the 3rd chat with him still cant use the intercom in my ship until I hit 37 however lol
  11. I'm 46 and prior to 2.0 I was balance. I have gone back to Infil in 2.0 and love it. Infil is a lot better now.
  12. Maybe add some Sticks to those Stones lol. Or make them highly agitated Lava Pebbles :-)
  13. lol I know it's higher, I was wondering the math formulas used.
  14. How does xp gain work whe you are higher or lower level than the mobs/mission? Thanks!
  15. QFT. Notice you dont see any ugly armor in the Cartel Market....
  16. Where can you get an orange cowboy hat?
  17. thanks. are they more fun, in the sense of more force-like powers vs light saber whacking?
  18. I have a 47 sentinel that I love for PvP and PvE. I'm considering making a Guardian (dps), how do they play differently? Thanks !
  19. Site does not reveal 'spoilers' on mobile :-/ Video won't load mobile either. iPhone 4s, safari browser.
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