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Everything posted by heeeysa

  1. It's hard to say what this feels like when I don't understand the point of it. We should have all our abilities. We should have gear with defensive stats. I don't see a reason to play PTS as of now. If you're honestly thinking removing abilities will go over well with anyone, I would start re-thinking, seriously.
  2. Hoping this gets looked at. It's really the only thing I'm disliking about the game currently. Thanks!
  3. Just moved server and filled the ignore list within 2 days. Can this please be looked at? I don't see a reason for it to be limited. Thanks!
  4. The transfers finally failed but now I'm unable to login to The Harbinger at all. Sent in a ticket from a different server. This better be fixed when I wake up!
  5. Same thing and I assume there's a problem with the transfers since I can't login to source or destination servers, but other servers fine. So much for "Less than (1) hours" transfer time nearly 2.5 hours later.
  6. I've been waiting for over 2 hours for my transfers to complete also.
  7. I see it as the other way around. A lot of people are coming back to the game, I am one of them. No more boring OPs to grind being the best addition along with finally have a reason to do Ranked PvP.
  8. Yes that would indeed be a bad sign if it ever happens.
  9. Fixed by adding a subscription and cancelling it again.
  10. Please fix this, I'm not calling an overseas number because of a problem with your account system. Thanks!
  11. Please fix this, I'm not calling an overseas number because of a problem with your account system. Thanks!
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