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Everything posted by Paxmendacium

  1. Swtor of course will receive macro support in the future.
  2. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence at all. You would be wise to remember this.
  3. Sounds like you are trolling. Why complain about it if you don't use it? lulz
  4. For what its worth this game is amazing! I am very pleased. I can't wait to see how they change it in the future to improve upon what is already pretty good. A few minor bugs or complaints isn't going to stop me, Bioware did and is still doing an amazing job.
  5. Why do you need a legendary item if you aren't going to raid? A legendary pvp item maybe...but you obviously shouldn't receive those from raids...
  6. And there NEVER will be. Remember, this is a game but ultimately this is a service and EA intends to profit on their service.
  7. lulz...that most popular mmo to date isn't in beta yet so take your comments elsewhere.
  8. I find your lack of faith disturbing...
  9. because you can't have sex with a droid...0.o
  10. well no sh*t. That would be like saying, f being a warlock ima be a druid no *****es...
  11. thank you very much that helps quite a bit!
  12. Luke is a panzy b*tch who can barely shoot a womp rat from point blank range (He is lying if he tells you otherwise). To consider him the best at anything is a joke. Unless of course you are talking about how well someone can f*ck up or how fast they can clean droids.
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