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Everything posted by Carltronus

  1. Awesome! I should -definitely- be in the next wave then
  2. Wave 1 got up to the 25th, so the play buttong should be live by the time you get home
  3. Excellent. 29th oct here, so that means i must surely get in Wave 2
  4. You speak the truth. Didn't really help that the guy who considered himself the "RP rep" in the forums, was so far up his own backside...
  5. I like it. But sadly those who choose to hate will say its a conspiracy of some kind...
  6. Just waiting for my copy to arrive in the post.
  7. Posting this again, as it should be seen.
  8. The largest waves of preorders were in July (When they opened), in October (When the launch date was announced) and in early December (When they started gearing up). If they can get through October and November today, then that bodes well for you December Preorders! You should get in tomorrow.
  9. Well, glad I was able to help. EDIT: Real -all- of the OP next time...
  10. I was on The Sha'tar EU server in my WoW days. I can tell you, after trying to RP there you never want to RP outside of your guild ever again. One of the highlights of our day was to go catch people ERP'ing in Eversong woods, take a screenshot and WoWbash it.
  11. If you have already redeemed your code, you will not lose your EGA by cancelling the preorder.
  12. While I don't agree with it, free speach allows people to speak their mind. You can always choose to ignore it.
  13. Sadly when it comes to retail launch, unless you preorder, retailers like to take their customers to the cleaners.
  14. Going to the server my guild was placed in. We're all going to be playing as a group, so it doesn't matter to us what language the rest of the server speaks.
  15. They've said there will be no festivals, or 4th wall breaking content.
  16. This is why we're keeping our RP to guild only mostly. As friends, we work better together.
  17. I love how my post explaining the business of it all was completely ignored.
  18. Well folks, the day is here. According to Stephen Reid, all of us in October will get in. So, by at least wave 2, October will be in! Its been a good wait, and i'm not sorry when I say I look forward to never having to visit these forums again. But to those of you who waited patiently and kept us all entertained, I say kudos to you!
  19. Sadly while Bioware may set the price, the fact is retailers are allowed to charge whatever the hell they like. Bioware can tell them they disagree, but they cannot take any legal action whatsoever, apart from refuse to supply said company. And that would be bad for business.
  20. One of the intro stickies in these forums noted that new content would be added on a regular basis. This includes new planets/quests.
  21. Well, i'm just gonna assume that they're done today, and go play some Mass Effect 2. Feel like occupying my time.
  22. Aye, but it was translated from Reids post, meaning that they may have added that.
  23. You seem to be assuming that this upsets me. It does not. Your attitude also does you no credit.
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