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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Mormoz

  1. How about a compromise? How about if you made it some kind of reward in your Legacy? Lets say, when your Legacy reaches a certain level you can choose for an AC respec for one of your characters. Like that it doesn't break the game at all, since it would only be a one-time thing for one class. It wouldn't really solve the entire problem either, because it's a one-time only, yet I think a lot of people, including myself, would be very satisfied with this solution.
  2. I agree, however it is for more personal reasons.


    I love to play the healer and I decided to make a Sorcerer, because I thought I'd like that the most. I also decided to make an Imperial Agent, which looked nice aswel, as an alt. Since I already had a healer I chose for the Sniper advanced class instead. Now, I have come to realise I prefer Imperial Agent way more than any other class and I find that the healing mechanics for IA are more appealing than the Sorcerer's (for me atleast). My Sniper is almost level 50 now and I loved the story and the levelling, however I regret that I did not make her an Operative.


    So now, I'd give a lot for an AC respec for my IA. If this won't be happening, then I will make a second IA (Operative this time of course), but I really don't want to do the entire class story again, although it was really nice, it will lack the excitement of the first time. I know that I won't really enjoy levelling this second IA all the way to 50.

  3. You have no idea what you are talking about your combo is a waste of time and abilities.

    Cover will get you killed vs any competent team.


    Gunslingers can get good numbers, but it not because of our mechanics, but it is inspite of it. GO dirty fighting it will make your life a million times better. It still sucks compared to the 1 ability spammers, but at least you no longer have to use cover or weapon Damage.


    Sharpshooter is for PvE Dirty Fighting is for PvP.


    Well, then I guess my server, Trask Ulgo, is full of incompetent players. Since I do get incredibly few deaths on my Sniper and I'm 95% of the time the player that has done the most damage.

    Personally, I found that combo quite efficient. From time to time an Operative/Scroundrel pops up from behind or a Jedi/Sith leaps in towards me. With that combo I can soak up a large amount of damage, which gives me enough time to kill that player without my health dropping to much. Probaly there are some serious flaws in my 'skills', but to be quite frankly: I don't care, it works out just fine for me and thats all I need really.


    Dirty Fighting/Lethality loses to much of its value imo, once there is a competent healer in the other team, as they can easily outheal those DoTs.


    Anyways, I love to play Sniper/Gunslinger in pvp and I am Marksmanship/Sharpshooter - specced. Perhaps you are missing something here or I just have had loads of pure luck.

  4. sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


    Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

    and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


    On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


    Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

    Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


    LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

    Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


    BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks


    If you think Gunslinger/Sniper -or any other class really- is weak compared to other classes, then you don't fully know how to play your current class.


    Gunslinger/Sniper can put some pretty amazing dps numbers down, probaly the highest of the entire game, if you'd ask me.

    The downside to that is that you have to use cover: you're immobilized. But if you know how to properly use cover, it really isn't that big of an issue. Just search a spot where you have a large view over the entire battle (don't go sit right in the middle of course:rolleyes:). And if someone does break LoS or sprints away, let them. You got them out of the main fight and thus neutralized them for a couple of seconds. Plenty of other targets on which you can unleash your dps ;)


    And for me personally: Cover + Entrench + Ballistic Shield + Shield Probe + Relics + Orbital Bombardment at your current location = You're a God (atleast for a couple of seconds:D)

  5. So now playing as a sorcerer or a sage is easy mode?


    You're retarded if you think playing as these classes is easy. There's so much micromanaging, spell rotating, consumables, kiting... so much stuff to think about at the same time that it can even be stressing.


    Easy mode is bounty hunter: "Herp derp, spam rockets, herp derp I'm a super ranged DPS in heavy armor so I'm invincible, herp spam, derp rockets".


    Easy mode is operative: "Herp derp, death stunlock, herp slash -4k, herp slash -4k."


    But saying sage or sorcerer is easy to play properly is absolutely retarded, I insist.


    You actually had a point in your first 4 lines of text...Then you ruined it, with, what I assume, is ignorance. Playing a class decently is never easy not Sage, not Inquisitor, not BH, not IA. They all require skill to play, and if you think playing a BH or an Operative is easier than playing Inquisitor/Sage, then you have never played BH or Operative. Thus, you should restrain yourself from saying things you don't know a thing about. Unless of course you want to look like a fool.

  6. Dear mother of god...what has become of these forums...



    Whine, whine, whine, I want this because I think it should be like this and if I don't get it I'll get revenge by so-called ruining your merchandise by telling everyone I see at the shop what a horrific game this is... Well, I'm sure your bosses at your Gamestop shop will find it wonderful how you make attempts to convince the customers to not buy their merchandise.


    You make, however, no attempts to see the point in the comments of people that disagree with you, you don't even try to properly convince them of your point, no, you go boasting about your majestic pvp experience or they just get outright offended. (and people that said something you approve get a personal 'Thank you for thinking outside of the box' message? - lol)


    Maybe I'm just feeding a troll here, however I do not think you're a troll, but just one of the most arrogant persons I've ever seen.


    Please, do not take offense by anything of the above. I wanted to say this, and it wasn't my intention to offend you.

  7. Fantastic. Game is out for 2 weeks and people are already crying out for nerfs...Well it was to be expected really, and believe me, you have all the rights to complain and call for nerfs. I do hope you realize that there are games that have been ruined by people like you, no offense.
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