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Everything posted by Mormoz

  1. Rage/Focus Juggs/Guards can be easily neutralized. Stop them from Smash/Rage Bombing and they're worthless. As many said before, Pyrotech Powertech/Assault Specialist Vanguard currently has the highest burst in-game and can take down a target like nobody else can. My second vote would go to a skilled Sniper/Gunslinger.
  2. This. There are also many abilities that make you immune to CC effects. For example a Powertech/Vanguard can cast Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line, which grants him 8 seconds of complete CC immunity. A Juggernaut/Guardian also has acces to Unstoppable/Unremitting, which gives him 4 seconds of CC immunity after using Force Charge/Leap.
  3. Sniper is full Marksmanship. Probaly the worst PvP spec you can be in right now. It's great for levelling, but in one vs one you get annihilated as the video clearly shows. It's hard to take his entire tactics down, since the video is accelerated, but to give you an example: somewhere at 2:48 he used Cover Pulse (A Sniper's knockback with an applied root, which is of course critical. Not only because of the knockback, but as well because of the root). But it had no effect, because he already wasted so much CC on you that your resolve bar had already filled up. That being said, your spec, the Carolina Parakeet, or something similiar, if Im correct, is probaly the worst matchup for a Sniper. Why? You have the highest in-game burst AND you're in your tank stance. With his Marksmanship spec his damage is mitigated already a lot and then that... I can take down anyone in a 1v1 as long as I'm in cover (then I just Entrench and those 20s of CC immunity are more than enough to finish him off). The only classes with which I have difficulties are Powertechs/Vanguards or a well-played Operative/Scoundrel. Currently I'm an Engineer/Lethality hybrid, having 3 decent DoT's the simple 'DoT and LoS' tactic won't work with me. Because I will finish you faster. My burst is nearly equal to that of a full Pyrotech and in the average WZ (Yes, I am 50), I hit 300k-600k damage, depending on how much I got focused. However, like you said somewhere aswell, it truely shines if your team is in control. Sniper is the best in maintaining that control, and if you get focused by the entire other team with no Healing/Tanking back-up you will get finished rapidly. A lot of people, including you probaly, will disagree. With which is fine with me actually. The more people that fail to see the true potential of a Sniper/Gunslinger, the more I will have fun.
  4. Exactly. On a (personal) side note: Sniper is fun, and it's even more fun if you know how to play it. Once you reach 50 and got your gear, start experimenting with your trees a bit (Assuming you're currently using Marksmanship, as most Snipers, including myself, used when levelling) and you'll get thát and higher numbers in 50 Warzones.
  5. Nope. It's an ability called Heavy Shot, located on tier 2 of the Marksmanship spec. 'Whenever a targets gets within 10m when you use Ambush, it gets pushed back several meters.' No root, that's Cover Pulse. Anyways. Oh wow a nerf Sniper thread, less obvious and maybe somewhat more polite, but still a nerf Sniper thread! Well, I saw it coming to be honest: QQ'er 1: Hey, letz' make 'nother thread to nerf Sorc, I mean, last WZ one did a Shield or summin', and he like...apsorpt me dps... Lez' make a thread to nerf diz'! QQ'er 2: Meh... I no know...iz getting bit old... QQ'er 1: Daz' tru! Yu know, how about we make thread to nerf Sniperz! In other WZ, a Sniperz was pew pewing me from far, and me found diz' kool ability, it like interupt casting timez'! But... It no work on hiz cast, 'Snipe'! Lez' make thread to nerf daz'! QQ'er 2: Daz' gud idea! Very original, me no tink anyone tougt 'bout daz'! We so clever! But no seriously, go back to Sorcs and Tracer Missile. Sniper is probaly one of the only classes that doesn't need tweaking at all. A good player can and will faceroll anyone who doesn't know how to deal with it and a bad player...well... How about cannon fodder?
  6. You can compare Undying Rage to quite a few things...but I definetely wouldn't refer to it as a stun. A stun does 2 things to your target: 1) It roots your target 2) It prevents any use of abilities. Undying Rage does neither of these. Don't forget this, and this counts for the next quote as well: It was a mere suggestion, as right now you pretty much die afterwards anyway, in return you'd gain immunity from any kind of CC. I see this as an improvement, mostly PvP however, but still an improvement. It prevents any 'abuse' of healing afterwards and you still gain full effect off it, even with a little bonus now attached to it. If you don't see it as an improvement, well then that's your opinion and there's little point discussing over that. It's a little more than 2 attacks. I think you'd be surprised to know the amount of damage you can do in 5 seconds.
  7. Euhm... We are talking about Undying Rage here...which removes 50% of your hp in the first place... It is never intended to be a 'defensive' cooldown, although you could name it like that. As said by the OP, it was intended to be a final chance of finishing off your opponent before being defeated. It merely is an extention of your life, and most of the time you do die anyways afterwards.
  8. Well I do play on a RP server, so sometimes I do see some RP in some things, Undying Rage being a perfect example. This being just purely my opinion, and if you'd like to ignore it, please do so as it doesn't add much to my post in the first place. Similiar to the Vanish of a Smuggler/Operative, they can not get healed after they popped it. And if you die right after the ability wears off most of the time... I don't really see the problem then.
  9. Late response, but I totally agree that a complete Healing Reduction would be sufficient to power this ability a bit down. Mara's would still gain complete benefit from such a nice ability, without abusing it by healing after they popped it. Also makes total sense to the 'Story behind the Skill' - Undying Rage, a last final act of pure ferocity -Heroism for the Sents-, before finally being defeated. Alternatively, it would make even more sense, in my opinion, if they automatically died after the ability wears off. However, they should add a complete CC immunity then, so there is no way that it could be negated.
  10. Like I said, our entire team was focusing him, but it's never always that easy to take him down so fast. He had healers and tanks backing him up, and quite frankly, not everyone is so smart to actually attack the target with a big mark on his head. I perfectly get that you can stop and prevent his Sweep Bombing, but that is never as easy in every situation. And once he starts, well, then everyone's getting huge chunks blasted out of their hp. And that's the exact point, they represent a huge (potential) danger and if they get a chance, it's over. Vigilance specs of course represent threats as well, but no more really than any other class/spec. Vigilance is of course way better for 1v1 fights, but once you're fighting with a group vs a group, especially (for example) when defending a node in Alderaan, and everyone is just clinging together like I don't know what, Focus has incredible potential, to a level that Vigilance can't reach. Alone however, like you said, it can be easily prevented and Focus specs aren't that hard at all.
  11. Vigilance is fantastic in skilled hands, no doubt about that. But no matter how skilled you are there is no way a Vigilance could pull off what a Focus can. Recently I've been in a Voidstar match. There was a Focus Guardian, fully equipped. His Sweep was hitting for 4k+ damage (and thats an aoe). At the end of the match his total damage was 525k, his biggest hit 6.5k. I have no pictures of this, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. I have no reason to be spewing lies on the forums anyways. His damage would've been way higher if our entire team didn't focus on taking him out asap, and if we didn't have some very skilled healers our entire team would've been obliterated by that one Guardian. While I've seen many amazing Vigilance Guardians, I have never seen anyone able to pull this, or something similiar, off. Where Vigilance is amazing, Focus is divine. (In PvP atleast).
  12. This. Seriously, right now Sorc/Consulars are the healers that you can play good with the least amount of skill. You don't have to watch your resource (Force) at all. Just spam some buttons in the correct order and there you go: a wonderful healer. Now they're going to make it somewhat harder, which they should've done from the release because then Bioware wouldn't have gotten all the flaming: Oh no, they nerfed my class, Im now utterly useless. Well f*** you, Im unsubbing...stupid game... In PvP, a Seer (full BM) just pretty much healed himself for 50% of his hitpoints with Healing Trance. And also in PvE they can put down burst healing that no other class can. The easymode is over and anyone could've seen it coming. Do yourself and the community a favor, stop your whining and become a better player.
  13. Vultus Its Latin for expression/appearance. Aside from that, it also has a certain sinister undertone (Im mostly an Imp)
  14. If you don't like a game, don't play it. Simple as that, there's no need for QQing on the forums and apparently the 'need' to let Bioware and the TOR community on the forums know that you're going to quit because you're displeased with this, this and that. Because thats the point of patches: they change the game and some people will be happy, others will be less happy. The thing is, you can't always be with the 'happy' part, as a lot of people apparently are expecting to be. Every game has patches, they're always going to nerf this and buff that until the end of times. And if you cannot adapt, if you're stuck in always the same mentality...well, thats quite frankly an issue of your own. My point here is, if you were already displeased with the game from the very start, unsub and find something else. Because nothing is going to change that, not continuing to play and definetely not adding yet another post to the endless list of whiney posts that are already here.
  15. I agree with you on your second point. It does hurt the mmo experience of many players, nothing much else to say about that. However, I don't think 3 is really that large of a problem. Yeah, its a bit annoying, but it's easy to fix and I do think they will do that shortly. For example: Make a seperate section in the Social Panel where you can list your current group, flashpoint and which classes you need. Whenever you'd like to join for a certain quest or flashpoint, just check out that section and you can join any of the listed groups. If it's not in there, you can start your own. And on your first point... well, I quite simply just disagree. Apart from the fact that a full set of PvP Armor (level 50), makes your current PvP zone your own personal playground and the lack of variation, I find TOR PvP entertaining enough. Once you start getting your own pieces of your PvP set and start building Expertise you won't get steamrolled that much anymore. I'm quite sure though more PvP content is yet to come, after all TOR is only about 2 months old. Give it some time, and Im sure they will give you lots and lots of more variation in PvP.
  16. I said 'Once an Operative/Scoundrel pops up from behind and throws you on the ground you're as good as dead. No, you won't be dead, but you'll be instantly on about 20-40% of your hp unless you have your anti-stun ability up. This makes you an instant target for every enemy, because, tank or not, people love targetting enemies on low hp. Even after their nerf their burst dps remains the largest of all classes. This already gives them a massive advantage in PvP. Giving them more movement abilities, without nerfing something else, is asking for imbalance.
  17. Thats because Operatives are completely reliant on quick burst dps in PvP. Stealth, get in, kill someone, get out. I don't play an Operative or Scoundrel myself, but once one of those pops up from behind you and throws you on the ground: you're as good as dead, unless a healer gives you some assistance. The downside to that is that they have very few, or no 'gadget' abilities such as Sprint, Charge or Pull. Granted, in PvP these abilities are way more than 'gadgets', but still. If you would like to have any of the above, then imo, they should touch your burst dps.
  18. I agree, although I don't notice that much of Imp favoritism on my server, Trask Ulgo. The problem is, a full set of pvp armor just gives you way to much of an advantage. Someone with 2 or 3 pieces of a 50 pvp set just simply doesnt stand a chance against someone with a full pvp set. That, and pre-made groups. All those 24/7 players that have a valor rank of 60-70 and as good as a full Battlemaster set often tend to queue together in a group, only to completely obliterate the other team they're facing. Before I hit 50, pvp was actually quite balanced. I died, I lived, we won, we lost,... At 50 its only I die and we lose. If you'd ask me, this issue would get solved if you'd nerf pvp armor. Sure, it can give you an edge in pvp, but it shouldn't make you a Steamrolling machine, obliterating everything that crosses you. Secondly, make seperate brackets for pre-made groups. That way you got a fair game with either pugs, or somewhat more tactical with pre-made.
  19. Yeah, dont exaggerate on the laziness , my point is that levelling all over again, doing everything the same isn't 'exciting', on the contrary... So, yeah, in that point I am lazy. Don't understand me wrong, a game should definetely have some kind of difficulty grade, but just being bored by doing everything over again isn't exactly my definition of something 'difficult'... On a side note: I wouldn't want them to go back to old school, it just pisses you off, atleast for me it does, when you die. 'Easy' games (atleast compared to old school), I find way more relaxing.
  20. And where did you pull that from? You suggested that the people that are pro-AC change are lazy, because they don't want to do the entire levelling again. My response to that was that it is our damn good right to be lazy when playing a game for our amusement. What has that to do anything with 'invincible and do way more dps so I can faceroll this game'? I believe you said something about hitting the spice a bit too much, good sir?
  21. Lazy? I think we're all perfectly allowed to be lazy when playing a game thats made for our amusement. To what we pay upon that it amuses us and so that we can relax after a day of work. So yeah, its kinda obvious people are lazy here, since thats more or less the entire point of a game.
  22. Alright, so it would take a lot of effort to change your AC, proving that this is not something that you'll do a lot. (Theoretically if you're a 24/7 player you can get 2 sets of equipment and enough of money to afford each time your skill change). It would be possible to put a one month cooldown on it, or something, but once again then people will be whining, like me now, to lower it. So yeah, it'll be up to Bioware to say then that thats all they will get concerning AC respec. On a side note: I saw some people being against an AC-respec because they disliked the fact of 'easily levelling', I admit that this will be possible (not my reason why I want an AC respec, but still). But how does this bother you? Its like saying, I don't like chocolate cookies, so I don't want them to get sold anymore. Just play your class/AC of choice, have fun and you'll be fine. The thing for us is that, that's not entirely possible, since we've made at level 10 a mistake, the wrong choice. And we would love to fix that, without having to do the entire questline and other quests all over again.
  23. It should of course stay with one, so you're right there. However, why would all your equipment have to be removed? There are only a few key items that seperate AC's from eachother and about stats, that would be upto you to switch your main attribute, however this will only be necessary when your new AC would be a tank, or the other way around. Replacing the Skill Tree shouldn't take that much effort and of course you will need to buy all your new AC skills again, which will be costy. So, if they would implement an AC change, it will take a lot of effort from you aswel, even after the change has been made. I think by then you would've definetely earned your new AC, considering all the effort you've made.
  24. The one-time change for one character wouldn't really break the game as you said, because it will be pretty much restricted to one time per account, unless you're playing on different servers. That definetely isn't much and thats something entirely different when everyone could change their AC whenever they wanted, even if it is for a very high price. So my point is, there wouldn't be a real issue, the way I see it, for the people that are against the AC change, yet they who do want it will get something.
  25. If there was no problem, this thread wouldn't be here. And what about the people that have already reached 50 before having had a chance to try out their other AC? Sorry for having played the game to early?
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