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Everything posted by Wodaz

  1. Completely agree!! Damned if they do, damned if they don't!.....lol!
  2. This reminds me of all the times I heard, "SWTOR is being developed by BW, not EA!!?!!?!?!" Oh how naive people have become....lol!
  3. Tough one, but I'm kinda partial to the deep red/black.
  4. This is exactly why I'm looking forward to server transfers!!
  5. One would hope!!! or some type of response besides Soon™
  6. Rift is losing money and is now going f2p just like us....wont be long before WoW does the same to regain their loses!
  7. Here's a tip for ya!! I have thousands of CC's that I have gotten for free, with my sub, and have saved for updates like this, maybe you should do the same?!? I don't fall for the gambling grab bag or as you call it "Cartel Packs". Its called smart saving, not dumb spending! Maybe if you took a class in "Business" you would know what saving for your future meant?!?!
  8. Some, like the section x vendor are schems, but the CE vendor and the security key vendor supply the actual dyes.
  9. Not really, based on all the people on multiple servers I've seen spending CC's. You complainers are the minority and don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to actual numbers IG, you guys will leave and it really won't make a difference, I have a game for you...Rift..oh wait there going f2p too with a cash shop and a real money market! LOL!! I bet it won't be before the end of the year before WoW does the same thing too!
  10. People that use the internet to play games should really use the internet to do research! They stated that free renames were coming if people cant take the time to research the game they play its not Bait/Switch. It's called impatience!!!
  11. Based on all the activity on multiple fleets on multiple instances on multiple servers, that I have toons on, we will definitely see more species and more customization very very soon!
  12. Really?!!? You and everyone else need to read up on why they picked Cathar, it was the easiest to do first, plain and simple, I didn't want Cathar to be first either, but if this was their trial attempt then I'm ok with waiting for the others. Judging by the amount of players on the fleet at the new kiosk, we will see lots of new species!
  13. Exactly! Ummm wait until the bind timers wear off and see the economy drastically change!
  14. Fosho!! I can't wait to have Togruta!! or rodian or wookie or bothan or....well you see what I'm getting at!
  15. Section X rep vendor has red/black schem with legend status. On a another note I hope they add some dyes to gree event vendor.
  16. It would be nice if you didn't have to pay to pull crystals out in order for it to successfully add to collection, would be nice if I could just unequip and reequip.
  17. Oh yes! I would love to hear an answer to this!
  18. The last straw for me was when Nabisco came out with different colored/flavored Oreo's! Blasphemy!!
  19. I lol'd so hard I almost spit my coffee on my monitor.
  20. /signed These jawagrams are getting out of hand, I have stacks of these useless things clogging up precious cargo hold space!! I can't sell them for anything more then what a vendor will buy them for...kinda disappointing.
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