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Everything posted by Saurakk

  1. Now you are just trying to be mature and logical. Stop that...there is no place for that here!
  2. It's more than acceptable. There is nothing new, unique, or surprising about it within the first 6 months to a year or even more of a MMO. The door is that way if you do not like it.. ~~~~> Or better yet, go take your knowledge of how a game should be run and make your own and become a millionaire.
  3. Just curious if you have specifics of what is broken or badly done about the group finder and what is disastrous about the ranked WZ's?
  4. As others have said, quit using hyperbole and get the stat you need...you do not use willpower on your guardian and your sage does not use strength or aim. People have gotten so entitled and lazy in MMO's. I don't have time to raid, give me raid gear! I gained this uber piece of loot on character, please duplicate it and give it to all my toons...I dont wanna do it again. I collected datacrons once...make it appear on every character I make on the server! It's laughable. You want to move on, or you do not like the game, or you like these other game better, or whatever other reason you want to leave, then leave....but these stupid excuses people make up as to why they are leaving is incredibly entitled and whiny....regardless of any neutral tone used in the post.
  5. Not mocking but you could not ask a more subjective question. Some people may love Hoth, some may love Tatooine...some may love Quesh, etc. But to answer in a more objective way, I do not think there are too many other space vegas type planets than this one...or is there one other...I forget.
  6. They do not want the loot to be farmed so it is BoP. No other way around it that I can think of....nor has many other games before this one.
  7. Ahh...you are right...the chart has the mid 30's separated due to they are found on a different ship in fleet it seems. My Friday brain fart. Thank you!
  8. Doesn't cybertech allow you to "fix" the droids and use them as a pet in some instances?
  9. Did this last night and it did not happen. Rockets worked as expected.
  10. My brother and I have been trying to duo our way through all FP. We are up to Cademimu and cleared it at lvl 28 and 29 respectively. Up to this point there have been a FP about every 4-5 levels. Now I see on a chart there is not one until lvl 41. Is this accurate or the chart I am looking at incorrect? It says the next is Colicoid War game at 41?
  11. Because spending money does not equate to having a valid opinion that I care to hear. They may have some points but clean feedback is one thing, petulant whining is another. And calling people cowards and weaklings is a bit over the top when speaking about a video game and a forum. Come back to the light Carol Ann...you are far away in lala land...
  12. Its also simply a way of expressing disappointment and a feeling if being let down. We all get excited over new games...some obsess about them. When the reality does not live up to the expectations they get rightfully upset. Some deal with it by quietly leaving while some lash out as cathartic measures.
  13. Well that game is a fail from what I read from incredible hacks and exploits, to not even being able to log into the game. But just going by articles I have read.
  14. That's basically it. I liken it to sports fans. BOO! Different colored shirt! (yes I am a big sports fan...and Seinfeld fan) If someone likes a game they do not like, the insecure part of them has to try to beat down the game and you to show themselves that they have superior tastes. Some people just cannot wrap their brains around the concept of "different" does not always have to be better or worse....
  15. I have not heard that hacks were NOT possible any more. You can always report them if you honestly feel there is a hack, just give as much information as possible. I am not aware of all abilities, resists and such of all characters but it could simply be very good team work.
  16. Well then you are unique and no insult intended. I just find it humorous when someone chooses ONE thing that costs them money and brings up realism/lore as an excuse to question it when there are so many other things that are not realistic but left out of the argument because the lack of realism actually benefits the players in the sense of ease of play. Crafting using components in the bank. Quick travel from the bottom of a cave. Speeders/mounts being summoned at a whim, especially when left at the mouth of a zone you quick traveled out of...etc. I find it humorous and slightly hypocritical of the OP if they really care about lore to only bring up this one thing, that costs a lot to some. But everyone needs their own crusade I guess.
  17. When you played a game with live mounts, did you complain you did not have to care for them, feed them, water them, wash them, and ensure their hooves were in shapes (if they had hooves)? It's called suspended realism and belief for the sake of enjoyment and playability. I know, strange concept to have in a game.
  18. lol no, try the simple answer which was given, it is a game. You pay for things. We can question 10000 things about every game if you want total logic and consistency, but again...refer to, its a game. They could always charge us for pilot licenses. We already pay for the taxi's anyway. How come I don't have to buy ammo? How come I don't have to pay for the medical services when rezzed? Why does ALL my armor get damaged when I die? and on and on....
  19. lol pretty much. If you honestly need lore...your ship has an auto pilot, and the taxis are drones in rails. Feel better?
  20. I am an avid video game fan, have played MMOG's since 2000 but will never participate in any microtransaction games. I will find another hobby or stick to simple consoles if this is the way the game market plans to go.
  21. From what I can tell your two characters were not on the same server to begin with if you made a new one...and had no issues previously playing this way. Right now they are doing free transfers for specific servers to specific servers. They may have an open transfer option in the future, and they will probably allow for paid transfers also in the future.
  22. I think the term spoiler is a bit off... Anyone can simply view their planetary map as the one poster said and see what lvl range the planets are targeted. You get absolutely no information about the planets, your quests, or anything else OTHER than what is already provided to everyone with a map...the lvl range you are expected to be there.
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