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Everything posted by Saurakk

  1. Because in a properly designed MMOG that understand raid progression the gear you acquire from the one boss is necessary to properly beat the next encounter, and so on and so on as the difficulty is ramped up. I do not raid any more and have not since I played eq2 years ago, but that is the basic premise of it. I would "assume" it is the same here with nightmare mode for Ops and such, but really have not experienced raiding in this game.
  2. You flagged yourself somehow...but I thought that was fixed. I guess not.
  3. If something happens to you so many times that it is out of proportion to the norm, you can figure out it is you. I have no clue if it the language barrier which can make him come across as argumentative, or a total lack of communication of intent, or comments within the group, or playstyle, or any number of possibilities, but it is not the kick function that is the problem. Everyone will run into tards in groups...some time teams of tards and get kicked for stupid reasons...HOWEVER, if it happens so much to make a 15 page thread about it on the forums, the OP is either trolling or not seeing or admitting to what he is personally doing to cause the constant kicks from groups. Its not rocket science here and I have a hard time believing this is just random chance and this noble player just happens to run into every kick happy group on his server. Communicate clearly your intentions, and make it clear YOU will leave the group if they do not want to kill trash or watch the cut scenes...but really..once the FP is done once how many cut scenes do you have to see?
  4. Its just advice. Take it or not, but if you are getting kicked so much...it may be you and not so much them all the time. It seems English is not your first language so you may have a communication barrier going on. *shrug* The kick feature won't go away and it will be mis-used but as others have said, write down the names, and then /ignore them and soon enough you will filter out the people who do not want to group with you or that have kicked you.
  5. If you are getting kicked a lot....as in so much that you feel the need to come to the forums to complain about it...you need to look at yourself first. No offense meant but you are doing something wrong if it happens a lot.
  6. To be honest and not mocking you but I am having a really hard time understanding what your gripe is? You get kicked from groups too much? And yeah, as the one poster above me said, killing all the trash in a FP is not fun. That is something you can do on your own soloing and just killing tons of trash on your own. Not really the place for it in a FP PUG though.
  7. Buying content is not completing content. Players have many ways to enjoy content in this game. However games, all of them, have rules. Following those rules is what makes games different from one another. Purchasing an "I WIN" button does not really make you win anything, it simply gives you the button. That is not "playing" a game. "ePeen" is not the point...maybe for some, but that is simply another approach to insult the players who think differently about the way people go about acquiring game rewards. The same approach that take by insulting those players can be turned right around, "Oh, will it make your ePeen hurt if I get the same gear as you?!?! Boo hoo!" can be redirected right back as, "Is your ePeen feeling small because you do not have the same loot?" It's not just about ePeen. That is simply another way to minimize the stance that certain things should be earned in game the way the company meant them to be as opposed to purchasing them....you know...by actually playing and completing the content. What a concept.
  8. They said they won't delete characters. They say paid transfers will be available in the future. So my "assumption" is that as long as you have keep sufficient open character slots on the intended destination server you will be able to move them over at some point, more then likely for a fee. Yes, I know what happens when you assume....
  9. This question is posed almost every time someone brings up this ridiculous topic. Let me see the normal answers: "That's none of your business!" 100% deflection "No one needs gear, but I want it and have a right to it!" 100% entitlement answer "I like the look! You can not get that look with other gear!" Aesthetic approach. Maybe true, but not realizing that the unique look is part of the reward for completing the more difficult content. "Why are you entitled to it simply because you have no life!" The insult approach. "This loot driven carrot on a stick system is sooo outdated!" The visionary approach "I pay my money and have a right to anything in the database!" Another entitlement approach I am sure it can go on and on other than the true answer of, "I don't"
  10. I have been transferred to an extremely heavy server, their wording, not mine....and have yet to see a queue since the transfer.
  11. Amazing concept but some people find that fun. Do not tag negative meaning to the words effort and earn. In any game, you put forth effort to meet the game's objectives. From kickball to monopoly to SWTOR. You earn the rewards from those actions....all the while hopefully having fun. If that game is not fun for you, go find another. Fun does not need to be mutually exclusive from effort. Semantics is for debate class and people who are trying to pigeonhole arguments.
  12. No, I am not the biggest fan of multiple load screens but that was not the main point of this thread. It is about travel in general. Overall you may use them once or twice a night and takes maybe 5 minutes overall of passing time...best idea...no...enough to quit over...not unless you have an incredibly small attention span and even less patience... The percentage of play time that is utilized in those load screens is miniscule. Did you play WoW? Those blimps and traveling was instant right? Oh yeah...you sometimes had upwards of a 10 minute ride to get to where you were going...and that was just to the zone in...and then you had to travel even more to get to where you wanted to quest. It's all about perception....travel in this game is no worse than any other MMO. In many ways its much better with the many instant travel abilities you get to make use of from quick travel, to fleet pass, to instant travel between planets, to FP shuttles to the fleet, etc.
  13. Really? People out there enjoy different things and make different decisions based on those likes and dislikes?! Say it ain't so. Many people also left because they thought the game was SWG2 and were disappointed when it was not. But yet you take the time to peruse and comment on the forums of a game that is a "disaster of epic proportions"? I am curious though, what better game have they gone "back" to or is there some new cutting edge MMO that everyone is flocking to play?
  14. I used Mako on my merc. Healer + DPS I used Andronokis for my Sorc. DPS + DPS (Khem is ok, but I find I live just find and kill stuff quicker with the DPS pet). I use Kira for my Guardian. DPS + Tank The tank kills stuff way too slowly spec'd for def and tanking so a healer would just make leveling as exciting as watching paint dry.
  15. It's not pointless. It does EXACTLY what it is there to do...make you take longer to level hence stay playing longer. You may not like it, but you will always have a lot of "pointless" traveling to do in these games. Leveling in this game is already at an incredibly fast pace. It's really not that big of a deal to travel in this game compared to almost every other MMOG out there...
  16. New class...fleet traffic police. Ride around and give citations and even the ability to tow those pesky inconsiderate double parked speeders!
  17. Just have opening more slots as a legacy unlock when you have 8 other toons of a minimum level that they determine. (20,30,40?) This way if you really need it, its unlocked for you. This way they do not have to deal with a bunch of place savers taking up server resources.
  18. Bottom line, buying the rewards as opposed to earning through through the intended game play is no different than a cheat code you can put into a single player game to gain invulnerability, all the unlocked weapons or bonus items, etc. Nothing morally or intrinsically wrong with it in itself but in the realm of a MMOG, it is not a desirable avenue to acquire gear to many players. Many players put in a large amount of focused effort to acquire rare gear. Regardless of your personal income level or anything else...everyone has the same chance to acquire that gear. The steps in game are open to everyone....but some choose not to put forth the effort to gain the item, or title, or whatever. I will always be against that being widely implemented because regardless of others understanding of the points made, it does detract from the sense of accomplishment those who have earned it appropriately through game play have achieved. BW could just make a server where anything goes. Cash can buy you anything from max level to the best gear in game. BUT leave that all on one server where people who feel that is they way they want to play can do so. This way, both groups are happy.
  19. Why even let them get to you? As others have said it is fairly improbable that you ever cannot click on what you want to get to...they simply do this to visually frustrate you and you play into it. As the other poster said, I have yet to not be able to reach or click on any interact-able object in fleet even with this going on. These posts, and when you speak to them in game basically feed their immature feeding instincts and make them repeat the actions. if no one ever said a thing to them and went on their way...they would not do it. They do it because of people like you (no offense meant, but laugh it off, click lower or off to the side and move on).
  20. XP is fine...please do not touch it.
  21. People hate analogies but here is one to answer your question. People are proud of their achievements. People like to be rewarded in various ways for those achievements. In a MMOG that is through UNIQUE and DIFFICULT to attain rewards. Such as titles, equipment, mounts, etc. If everyone has them...there is no uniqueness or special reward. In the spirit of the season, I will use the Olympics. They train for years for their chance at the medals. They win gold for being the best. How much would it detract from their successes if anyone could go to the Goldmedal.com website and simply by the Olympics medals and wear them around. Call it petty, call it insecure, disagree or agree...it is the same basic concept. EARNING a reward through efforts that may be unattainable or difficult for others to get. I mean...I dont have time to train every day in the shot put...its not fair those others can and have the chance to get a medal. Let me just buy mine!
  22. I am setting up a new service for people like the OP. Just pick a game, any game. Send me $100 and I will print you up a nice "I beat <random game>!" certificate to place on your wall. No playing needed!
  23. Its all how you look at it. Consulars can rip up the very earth and propel it into their enemies while sages get to rub their robes together and hit you with a static shock. My Jedi Guardian looks great in the set armor he picked up in Maelstrom Prison. I play characters on both sides and neither really holds a big advantage over the other for me...but that is why some of us like green and not red, and some like ketchup on hot dogs (eww) and not mustard (the only way to have them). Subjectivity is amazing.
  24. Its how a market stabilizes. There is no set price but what the person wants in return. Your price may be too high, theirs may be too low. They even out in the end. They might ask why do people try to rip others off by pricing so high? (not saying you were, just speaking in general). It is all subjective.
  25. As I said in my response, I am not against, just do not see how it would work in this specific game's leveling dynamic. Without changing the core of this game, how do YOU see a social class leveling and advancing in the current game's system?
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