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Everything posted by Ravager

  1. I felt similarly to the OP until the end of Nar Shaddaa. Until then, I felt like I was enjoying the story, but it wasn't jumping out at me (though I did enjoy the Vemrin rivalry). As a light-side Sith, there were some great choices at the end of Nar Shaddaa; though it wasn't until Tatooine where I was truly 'hooked.' It felt very natural as a light-side Sith, and I thought really started the 'redemption' aspect of the storyline. All the way through all Alderaan and the end of Chapter One, it felt great. I am excited for the next two chapters - I have heard it gets even better. I certainly feel like a powerful and renowned Sith, now!
  2. Go to the quest log, and select the mission you want a map marker for. Select 'track.' There are always quest markers on the map.
  3. DirtyDozen's point stands. The forum userbase is not an accurate sampling of SW:TOR players; casual players who never touch the forums (and are a large part of the playerbase) aren't counted.
  4. What does "vibe on the street" even mean? The feel of the forums? Because it is not representative of anything. The game is "truly" broken. If it were "truly" broken, no one would be playing. A game that has bugs or glitches (in other words, every game) is not broken; certainly not this one, which is patched weekly and has hotfixes like the one deployed on Ilum this morning. A broken game cannot be played in any way whatsoever, all features are unusable or unstable. Throwing around terms such as these does not help your argument in any way.
  5. I think they leave it available so that you can interact with the chat window - but I agree, I would love to have it disappear until moved around during cut scenes.
  6. You are pulling numbers out of nowhere. Show me where they lost 15% of market value.
  7. What are you using as a basis for this? The forums which represent literally a single digit percent of the userbase? Or is it the one analyst who said that TOR is not living up to expectations, in which another analyst proceeded to bombard him?
  8. Good lord. There is absolutely nothing wrong with James Ohlen. He is extremely passionate about the game he works on, and is very kind to its userbase. From reading these posts, you would assume that he spits fire in interviews.
  9. This is a great slideshow that shows how Battlefield Heroes went through a 'controversy' on introducing micro-transactions; the press wrote that "Battlefield Heroes is ruined!" and the forum would lead the developers to believe there was going to be a mass exodus away from the forums. Then they looked at the metrics - 78% of the userbase never touches the forums, 20% read but don't post (this can be once in a lifetime, or multiple viewings a day), and a mere 2% touch the forums. Then, they saw their userbase stay almost exactly the same in numbers. Taking a look at SW:TOR, which has excellent media and press reception, and an incredibly successful launch with around two million players estimated to have purchased, is not broken in the slightest.
  10. It is possible you have outleveled the enemies - when you reach a certain level, enemies no longer give experience points. Try some enemies around your level, and see if that works.
  11. The threads were not 'killed' - feedback threads were certainly kept, and eventually fell away because less people were interested in them. The Macintosh thread, the console thread, the housing threads were all there, and stayed. The same questions would often be reposted, and the moderators kept it because most people don't like to dig for their question in pages on a forum. You have little idea how much was changed based on feedback. It changed a lot. To say it didn't contradicts even this thread - on the last page, the OP mentioned the addition of sprint as it became a popular topic. It is the most successful MMO launch in history. It had a smooth launch. It has had stellar reviews. It is not a 'train wreck,' in my opinion.
  12. There was just as much complaining when the site went up in 2008, like: Art style was a big one. When the site launched, the graphics were not polished, and the first screenshot had people worried ( http://www.swtor.com/media/screens/force-choke) . The complaints about the graphics lasted until they polished 2009. There was a group of forum members who really wanted the game to have sandbox elements, akin to the only other Star Wars MMO to compare to. It was a big topic until 2009. E3 and Off Topic forum wipe. ("BioWare LIED to us!" "We have been deceived!" were thread titles that seemed to last forever, because BioWare didn't show a demo at E3. Rectified by showing the demo in August) Two Force-using classes per side. There was an uproar then on the forums (as always), but clearly, no where else. 2009. The forum has always had complaining. Even now, with threads like "BioWare is a sinking ship!" "I am sorry, I could have given feedback on this broken game, forgive me," there are around two million people (according to vgchartz) who have bought the game, and if even 50% of them resub, that is an extremely successful retention rate. Reviews have been excellent, with IGN and Game Informer regularly posting about the game. The game is fine, and it will only get better.
  13. Wow! This is amazing work, thanks for sharing! Obviously a lot of work was put into this. Would love to hear more.
  14. He has technically never been 'in' the game, he has just been in the files. There are a lot of files for him.
  15. It's time that we resume the discussion and search for the mysterious "secret" companion that was discovered before the board wipe. For those that don't know, there are files in the game that conclude there is a companion available for all classes and is named... In the game's files, there are voice over recordings for this mysterious companion in combat and regular dialogue, including full responses from all classes. He has a list of items that improves his affection, there are two separate quest lines that are used to unlock him (one for each faction). It seems to all be there. Except none of this has been found in-game yet. Therefore, I hope this thread can be used to find him if at all possible. If you do, share here! We can finally confirm him in the game, once and for all.
  16. Really need timelines again. Really.
  17. The tomb was in KotOR - it doesn't house the actual body of Naga Sadow, but it is was intended for him, apparently. Also, I love the giant Star Map in the tomb. That was cool. Another funny KotOR reference:
  18. Here's a list, need to make sure it is up to date from weekend testing: http://www.torhead.com/titles EDIT: Actually, I don't believe this is accurate - some of the titles for the Sith Warrior that were in from testing (Emperor's Wrath is one, Darth is another - Darth was added during testing, so I doubt it was removed).
  19. Just to clear it up, the Sith Empire of The Old Republic is nothing but a distant memory by the time the Rebel Alliance comes along - the Republic has had a thousand years of peace by The Phantom Menace in the movie saga, and the last war was with a different Sith Empire.
  20. List is accurate. Have it in front of me.
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