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Everything posted by DarthCognusSion

  1. i guess you would get crit til you hit the diminishing returns, then go for mastery. but really, you dont want to abandon alacrity ever
  2. As far as the DM set bonus is concerned, it hasn't been obtainable since 4.0. Therefore anyone who my comments concern know what I am talking about, and anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about my comments don't concern. At least that is how I view it. The relic question I probably should have included, but I just didn't think of it. Really though, everyone should know by now that you use FR and SA. I can add it, but I don't think it really matters very much. As for why the detail? I modeled my guide after Kwerty's PT/Vanguard guides. I always enjoyed how much detail he went in to in every aspect of the guide.
  3. I lost about 6 hours of work. 70 mk-10 aug kits, cxp levels on multiple toons, ship req from gsf. Oh and all my gtn listings which were worth about 60 million are gone. THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED AND FIXED ASAP!!!!!!
  4. Yeah pretty much. The only other change is that Recklessness/Force Potency works with Thundering Blast/Turbulence now. Oh and they nerfed the spec into oblivion. That too Yes you are right, Shock should be higher prio than CL except when Recklessness is being used. As for using Shock in the opener if using DM set bonus, I wouldn't. CL hits harder than LF which is why in the opener, and everytime I use Recklessness I prioritize CL or LF. With that in mind, I won't then use Shock because then I would be delaying LF by 2 gcds, which I dont want to do. As far as Lightning's state, it is in an absolutely abysmal state. It might be viable in NiM if you are full 242, but if it is that is only because NiM is very undertuned (that is a separate argument). Take it from me as someone who went 24/26 NiM in 4.0 using a Lightning Sorc. This spec now feels like crap. In 4.0 I advocated people learn this spec because if they were good enough they could make it work in NiM. I don't feel comfortable saying that now because I don't know if that statement will hold true this time. This class needs some dps buffs ASAP. It is severely hurting. Yes the sustained is ****, and as far as burst goes, every other burst class can burst harder than it can. Meeting some dps checks in 4.0 was hard, and we weren't dead last and 6.75% behind the average (we were like 3.4%). I have serious doubts that a Sorc could meet those checks now. Time will tell, but Lightning (and Madness) needs dps buffs because this dps spread is horrible.
  5. I don't know if you have done this one, or thought of this Mac (I haven't gotten through all the vids yet), but the Sin utility that gives them reflect has no cap. You can eat a Doom or a Color Deletion for example and reflect the full damage back. Now granted the Sin will die, but one death for that kind of damage is well, ridiculous. Now for Ciphas it would be kinda stupid to do unless you already had enough green circles out, but Color Deletion would just be hilarious. Gotta wonder what other bosses it might be good on, since a no cap reflect can be really fight breaking for some bosses.
  6. I understand the catch 22, but that we aren't in the classic gearing anymore. That is why i said top gear because even though everyone hates the GC RNG loot box crap, I don't see Bioware getting rid of it anytime soon.
  7. I do not agree with this logic at all. Maybe I erred in saying that it should be geared towards 242. 240 would probably be acceptable. As for bosses being tuned so that less skilled players can beat them, no I do not agree with that. This is Nightmare difficulty. If you want to be able to beat it, you have to perform at the highest level. For people who can't do NiM, there is HM. I am not saying that every NiM boss should be Brontes level of difficulty. I am saying that if you want to be raid NiM, you can't expect to be just above average. NiM should require near perfect execution of all mechanics and roles. Why should casual raiders just be able to walk into NiM and kill it if they have the best gear. Beating these bosses should be based on skill with gear providing only the baseline stats necessary to beat the boss. This game has been simplified and dumbed down enough in basically every aspect, I would prefer they leave NiM at a really high level since they aren't adding new raids. Not everyone is good enough to beat NiM. I myself only went 24/26 in 4.0. I don't claim to be the best. However, if I kill a boss in NiM, there should be a sense of accomplishment that I beat something that was exceedingly difficult through hard work, determination, and team coordination. If someone isn't at that level of play, that's fine, but the content shouldn't be nerfed or tuned down so they can feel good about completing it. If they want to beat NiM, they have to learn to play at a NiM level. Please note that any uses of the word you are the impersonal 2nd person and not directed towards any specific individual.
  8. They cleared 24/26 in the first week. I am not sure what kind of gear that the team had overall, but I know that they didnt have 242. NiM should be tuned for the top level gear. If a team, regardless of how good they are, can clear the content in gear that isn't top level when there is no progression, than the content is not tuned high enough imo. I think point made here is a valid one. If they keep rehashing the content, it becomes easier and easier to perfect strategies that work. The more you fine tune the strats, the easier the fights become. If you couple this with poor tuning and the failure to take into account class changes, then you arrive at the inevitable; the content is too easy for what it should be. This is NiM. You should have to work to clear it. First week clears represent poor tuning, and there is no getting around it. I don't want to make it sound like the kills aren't impressive because for you to clear it the first week, even if it is undertuned, is impressive. I congratulate you on your continued effort. Now you just need to clear it with the worst comp imagineable since its going to be that easy.
  9. I say that because in most cases in the shield isnt going to help that much compared to the other utilities. I also said that it may have some use in AoE heavy fights, but since it only does for as long as the shield lasts, it won't get that much damage off in most cases. I just don't think it will be worth taking this in most fights, simply because there will be better options. As for the ones I will probably always take: Skillful: Empty Body and Sith Defiance. tempest mastery on fights with a lot of adds to deal with such as Revanite Commanders Masterful: Suppression, Dark Resilience, and possibly Corrupted Flesh Heroic: Shapeless Spirit. Surging Speed and Emersion might have some specific fights where they would be useful. Legendary: Definitely Force Mobility. The other point will probably go to Unnatural Vigor, but I still have to test out how useful Shifting Silhouette can be as a defensive cd.
  10. Lightning Sorcerer Guide Not much has changed in the guide overall. There were some minor rotational tweaks but nothing major. Gearing has been updated. The damage nerfs have hit Lightning ridiculously hard, but it is what it is. I hope Bioware will address it and buff it some, but I know that that most likely won't happen.
  11. Bant's Optimal Stats page will tell you all you want to know as far as gearing is concerned.
  12. Look at the Accuracy Options drop down under every tier of gear.
  13. You are taking the number one Parse after less than a week. Some people grind faster than others, and this person might have just gotten really lucky with gear. That being said, it is my understanding that there are still bugs that are causing class stances to apply twice, which in Deception/Infiltration will yield much more discharges and therefore more damage. On top of this, if you bother to look at the class rankings, Deception/Infiltration has a spread of +/- 525 dps so a parse with lucky crits and bugged stance application could certainly reach high damage. The sample size is too small right now to validate your claims.
  14. On the DvL Livestream it was said that if one side kept winning the other side would get a catch up mechanic to make sure that they could win. Well It's been almost a week and the Light has won every single time on the Harbinger. My question is, where is the catch up mechanic if it even was implemented because at this rate Dark will never win.
  15. Sins aren't going to be able to cheese these mechanics with reflect unless they pop Shroud as well because the reflect doesn't absorb the damage so they would just die doing it
  16. Depending on the server, that might be hard to do. For example on Harbinger, Dark has yet to get to 5 and win, so no Dark bosses have spawned yet.
  17. I understand how the system works. My point is that they said on one of their streams that if one side keeps losing, that side will receive increasing amounts of bonus points such that that side can win. I assumed that they meant get to 5 and actually win, not just get one bar and then proceed to lose til the other side gets to five again. With light having won by my count every single time since this started on Harbinger, I thought I would ask what is going on with the system right now.
  18. So I was under the impression that there was supposed to be a system in place to prevent one side from constantly winning. On Harbinger, Dark has never gotten past 1 before Light just goes from 1-5. I don't know if the system is bugged, or if Dark getting the meter to Dark 1 is resetting the bonus, but with the way it currently is Dark is not and does not seem able to win. The buff to the other side should mean that they keep getting more points to their side until they get to 5 and not just get 1 bar.
  19. Eric, for all those, myself included who spent a lot of time doing those achievements, just removing them is a slap in the face. You could archive them easily if that is what you want, but to say that all that effort and work was actually meaningless is insulting. There are people who work to complete all the achievements in the game. This decision just says, you don't matter and neither does your time investment
  20. People really need to stop calling for Sorc defensive buffs. We have the tools to survive that hardest of NiM fights as it stand right now. We don't need defensive buffs. Corrupted Barrier needs a hard nerf, Phasewalk should get a CD nerf, and bubble stun is just a mess ever since it became a ulility. AoE and Stun DR, Cloud Mind DR, and Force Barrier are more than sufficient defensive CDs. Sorcs need damage buffs and utility nerfs, not the other way around. Also Sorcs were bad enough in PvP, I don't understand why they decided they needed to make Mercs cancerous on the levels of a Sorc x2.
  21. Just some things that need tweaking in order to make it better. 1) You should always use Mental Alacrity before Weaken Mind on the opener. This is a dps gain. 2) If using Force Potency directly after a Turbulence, like in the opener, you should buffer its use with a TK Burst. The reason for this is that Turbulence has a travel time and if you use Force Potency directly after it, then a charge of Force Potency will be consumed by Turbulence, which is bad bc it is still bugged and does not provide any added benefit. 3) You have a Thundering Blast in there XD 4) You should always try to delay TK Wave at least one gcd after casting Mind Crush due to the refresh rate of Weaken Mind. 5) Under Multi Target you have wait for TR proc. Im assuming you meant TK Wave here. Other than those minor things, this is pretty much spot on. I made this a while ago, but I don't remember if I ever actually posted it somewhere. 4.0 is almost over so it's almost irrelevant, but here is my Telekinetics Guide anyway.
  22. Sorcs are getting "buffed" in the worst way here. As a Sorc main since launch, I don't like the way Sorc is being taken. It is just nonsensical. Also, if you look at PvP, everyone complains about Sorcs being OP. I don't think any Sorc who plays PvP has the right to complain about the state of Sorc, as it is currently amazing. As someone who enjoys playing Sorc in NiM (because it is challenging at times), Sorc dps is in a horrid state, and judging by their statements, it is going to get worse. DPS must be able to do dps, and no amount of utility can make up for that in NiM. Sorcs need to do more damage, full stop. As a result we need to lose utility to balance it out. Don't blame Sorc players for the developers' misunderstanding of the current PvP and PvE climates. As a direct note to Eric, can you please get someone from the combat team to have a dialogue about this. I would be happy to offer concrete suggestions, numbers buffs and nerfs, etc. to get Sorc in a healthy state for every aspect of the game, but there needs to be a conversation because right now this just isn't working.
  23. I figure I might as well update this now since I don't really have it in me to continue grinding achievements in this game. SionCognus: Rep and Achivement Points
  24. First off, I think that the decision to remove Phasewalk from Assassins is a mistake. While I used it in NiM raids on my Sorc often, I don't think that Sorcs really needed it to begin with. Assassins, especially Deception, need Phasewalk for mobility. With that being said, I really want to talk about Sorcs here. This is the design problem with Sorcs at the moment. They are getting too tanky for PvP which is making them too strong. At the same time, because of how strong they are, their dps is either left alone or nerfed. With 4.0, Sorc dps was in a terrible state for raiding. Sorcerer specs should be able to hold their own in dps with Mercs and Snipers, but that is just not the case. Madness is in an abysmal state right now, and Lightning isn't any different. Part of the problem is that I think the dps spread is too big. If you want Sorcs to be in a healthy state for this game, then their utility needs to be nerfed, but their damage needs to be buffed. For instance, Corrupted Barrier is super strong in PvP, while pretty much useless in PvE. I suggest cutting the healing from 2% to either 1% or .5%. Additionally, put Phasewalk on a longer Cooldown. On the other hand, buff the dps of the classes to make them more competitive. Sorc dps just aren't desired because they are so weak right now that you have to be really good at it to make it work. As far as mobility goes, Sorcs have it really good already. Giving us more mobility just makes us more of a utility pick than an actual dps, and that just doesn't work in NiM because certain dps is required, and it is too good in PvP. Everyone always talks about nerfing Sorcs because they are too strong in PvP. I think that these claims are often exaggerated but not unfounded. If you really want to balance Sorcs properly, then nerf their utility, and buff their damage. Madness should do equal damage to Virulence and Innovative Ordinance. It also needs some rotational help, because the rotation is a mess right now when it comes to Force management. Lightning should do equal damage to Arsenal (I didn't say Marksmanship here because that needs a buff as well). I've played this class in the most difficult content in this game. Please listen when I say that you are going about this the wrong way in order to make this class healthy. As a side note, I think that Sorc healing is in a really good place right now and should be left alone. If the utility is nerfed as I suggest, then they will become less oppressive in PvP. Though judging by the changes to Mercs, they are going to be the oppressive ones now as far as healers, and maybe even dps, are concerned.
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