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Everything posted by baskynn

  1. sorry to burst your bubbles guys but it was 25k at one point when the official game was out for the first few days. I remember looking at the 25k and thought it was reasonable. when i went to get my training when i could i was shocked cause it was raised to 40k.
  2. Haven' beat him yet, he's pissing me off. I'm 30 guardian tank spec. Problem is interrupting. No, I'm not new to interrupting. I'm actually good at it, but half the time when I kick him it doesn't do anything. It's like i didn't do it at all. Next problem is time between interrupts. He does his next cast when kick is half way through his cooldown. I'm completely defenseless when he does this, can't do anything. I do it exactly how everyone else says they "did it in one try" did. Kicks aren't working and I'm about to call my friend in, this is a story quest, not a flashpoint. There's no reason for it to be so hard.
  3. you mean read that he was upset about being matched up with a pre made from his own guild? thats what he said. Don't see a problem there.
  4. and whats the problem exactly? I have a sith and i've had to face my own faction plenty of times. don't see the problem.
  5. soooo you're upset you had to face a team that werent pugs? Are you upset you had to try?
  6. Don't really care if you're 50 or not, 50's need brackets. That's the truth.
  7. i do, they have too much cc with too much damage. especially when im a knight. can't move due to the slow of lightning.
  8. Like other people have said Guardians can be great at dps. You're trying to say they MUST be a tank or a sage MUST be a healer. Who are you to tell them what they should be? I for one and a focus guardian, NOT a tank guardian, I don't care what you think I SHOULD be or not. Tired of people like you on here.
  9. Never had a problem with imperial agents, don't know what they're talking about. However, I have had MAJOR problems with inquisitors, they are ridiculous. Also 90% of the people saying l2p your class are inquisitors, so don't listen to them.
  10. I'll try to be there but i'm not even 50
  11. No search function so I can't search sadly :/ The only thread I can find on google says the respec trainer is near pvp vendors in repub fleet, but I just can't find it. Anyone know where respec NPC is?
  12. It's funny how most people defending the sages have sages/inq as their avatar. i'm calling bias on that, seeing as they're probably inq sages and don't wanna be nerfed.
  13. I'm pretty sure they had more important things to fix in beta like BUGS. They'll fix pvp later, stop whining. I'm big on pvp too, I know it's bad right now, but I'll be patient and wait for them to fix the bigger things first.
  14. Well, he isn't making anything up. Inquisitors are the most OP class as of right now. You're just mad because you thought you were good.
  15. Don't know what you guys are talking about but I've never had a "confirm" button and I have 4 toons with advanced classes. I click to choose and instantly theres my talent tree, no confirm button whatsoever.
  16. the only stun skill I have is my force leap which stuns them for 3 seconds or something like that. Yes, I have that bubble, but it doesn't do much for me against them.
  17. yes i did look at his level. He was level 25, I'm level 20. Not much of a big difference there buddy.
  18. did you grab the quest from the guy right outside the elevator when you get on the fleet?
  19. I agree that they'll be nerfed. I'm a Jedi guardian and died in 5-10 seconds to the same inq multiple times in one match. No, I'm not somebody who doesn't know what I'm doing. He would stun me, I get out with my break or whatever you call it, then I get stunned again... then stand there unable to move and die. That's it, every time, every single time.
  20. I finished coruscant last night and there's PLENTY of fighting on that planet.
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