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Posts posted by Solar_Breeze

  1. I'll support this. Originally I would normally be all for having NIM on the pts. (I would actually like a competition server for it but that's beside the point). Part of what makes the fights we have seen in the last 2 special were those bosses that people get stuck on.


    It is frustrating when a fight is broken but everyone has to deal with the same broken fight. Also gives multiple layers of clearing for example - pre nerf and post nerf DG.


    I've always said I would like to see the fights being actually impossible for the first week. The challenge would be to see how close to killing them you could get. Each subsequent week or 2 after that they would get progressively easier. With raids being able to revert back to the top difficulty (buff system) if they wanted to.

    The top difficulty would award you the title. Not the timed run imo.


    Also with Styrak I actually liked the knockback mechanic but it drags on for far to long 1 or 2 times would be ok but needs more interesting tactics/ added phases. Troll tactics are always appreciated too (purple circle).

  2. With 2 groups, hopefully 3 soon, but at the same time, we've had people leave at awkward times due to IRL, which doesn't happen in guilds like Hatred, DILIH, Aurum Gaming and DNT, because it'd mess up your rotations like it sort of did for us... So yeh, there's people between :p


    It happens to all guilds, if you only have 8 players nightmare capable then it will impact you more (thats the advantage that bigger raiding guilds have). Conversely the disadvantage is more player rotation and skill variation. (People raging over not being taken / people not good enough to come etc).


    For example for next content you could field 2 groups that have cleared. However if you had 1 group and the rest standby to swap comps try different things etc you might clear quicker but your members would most likely not be as positive about it.


    Either way those with lower numbers / players who leave due to being bored whilst waiting for content are generally a big loss to any guild as not many of those players are left (and if they are they are generally spread across multiple guilds now).

  3. I don't.. :D our guild chat is usually filled with "you scrub... I ain't healing your squishy SIN tank anymore..."


    Just grouping a BULK of the "Causal" players as $hitty.. is not a fair title. Lots of RAID Awareness that comes with experience and group composition really plays a BIG factor in clearing NIM content. Trusting each other, communication and good ole fashion "Move out of that bad circle under you" come into play. I've run with several guilds and some are professional and very excellent, some need walkers and some have good folks but struggle to get the composition just right.


    They could have gone with "Nan marōdā" (Winkso! ;) ) or "Those of lesser perception" its just a nickname they use in their guild. Looking past that the opinions are shared by quite a few people.


    Multiple guilds who previously competed in progression raids are experiencing difficulties keeping groups interested in raiding with the current set of content. Having to wait until April and then June for a new difficulty but nothing new isn't really that appreciated by many. Especially with games such as ESO / Wildstar etc coming up.


    Nobody cheated. News posts are not "fake." Forum thread rules do not invalidate kills that actually happened. It's attitudes like yours that make me, and many others in DNT, dismissive of progress tracker threads in general.


    Not copying the whole previous quote ...


    The way I see it World First full clear went to us, first kill on a number of bosses went to DNT due to skipping. Thats the system that was in place by BW. Thats the way it is. Had 2nd boss not been killed that first week and BW had subsequently nerfed it and it was then cleared it wouldn't really be any different.

    Will never be able to tell had you not skipped whether you could have killed it before us.

    All I really care about personally is who killed the hardest boss in the game. At that time it was 2nd boss. Most likely because I was part of the group who killed it. Don't get me wrong I still find the 'Mathematically impossible' thing funny :p


    (When I say us I'm referring to the group that was in on the kill)


    Lets all try and encourage more participation in the competition not drive people away from it. Past is behind us and NIM is a long way off.

  4. Not sure that timing your only interesting patch 4 days after ESO is the best plan. Basically if you don't like Starfighter nothing to do until then (assuming people interested in anything but Starfighter stay around).


    Quite shocked how long its going to take to develop the nightmare ops. Will wait to be extremely impressed by them given the lack of other actual MMO content.

  5. If you are taking significantly more damage (assuming you are mixing the tanking equally) it could be down to your cooldown usage. A lot of the improvements you can make come down to the fight and situations you are in. Once you learn what works and when to use things it will get better.


    If its just a perception because you are lower on health then that is likely to also get better from the above or at least you will know that you don't take more damage from the replies here.


    Also 24% def with stim feels better for me (ofc if you want to get technical you can tailor your build to each fight but I tend not to unless its required.). Try to get some spare mods and experiment with it.

  6. If a tank does need an agro dump for whatever reason, they should be able to call for it and get it. For example, I call for my DPS to agro dump at specific times during Raptus due to the threat debuff from the tank curse. They know where the issues are, and they're happy to oblige when I ask. In turn, I try to provide them with the confidence to blow out their hardest-hitting attacks without fear of turning the boss at an inopportune moment and wiping the raid.


    And this is exactly what is required in a progression raiding group. Mutual trust in the group that everyone plays to the best of their ability and reacts to the changing situation. Well put.


    Every player in the group is responsible for tanking, dps and healing something might be your main focus but you are still responsible for the others. If tanks and dps take less damage the healers can do more damage. If the tanks hold agro well the dps are more confident to do more damage and in turn avoid more damage because they feel like they don't have to 'push'.

    That's why un nerfed DG was the best fight in the game. Everyone was playing all the roles to the best of their ability to down it.

  7. My opinion differs slightly on agro.


    IMO saying a dps should unbind (never use) their agro dump is a little like saying tanks and dps shouldn't use a medpack or self-cleanse because the healers should be good enough to cleanse & heal through all the damage.

    (re-reading this it comes off a little strong. It's not my intention for it to be that way but I feel like it should stay in)


    Whilst it is every players responsibility to always improve and for tanks the way they play and hold agro is a major factor. It is also the responsibility of every raider to assist each other.


    Raids are about players working together. You train as a team to work together. When you work together well enough you progress through raids. Never try and make someone in your team fail.


    - As a dps I expect players to be capable of using an agro drop during a phase change, target swap or after a precast as well as during a fight without it impacting overall dps.

    - As a tank I expect players to be capable of recognising where a dps (and which one) is likely to pull agro (for example the above scenarios) and take steps to avoid that.


    Having said this a mistake like loss of agro, player death etc.. will always occur how you deal with that mistake and improve/ carry on from it is far more important.

  8. I run lower-level ops all the time to help my friends and guild. I roll greed on the stuff that isn't an upgrade for me because, y'know what? That's the fair thing to do..


    I'm curious If you run things to help your friends and guild do you not also then roll for those players so they have a better chance of getting it?


    In general the topic can vary between people rolling because they need something on another character/offspec/companion or just want to sell it. - for the OP's question I think its ok to roll for alts however personally I would prefer it if people would say before - at the same time I would like people to not persecute someone for doing so too.

    It's a public group and you can't control the morals of others. If you take offence ignore them and move on. You won't group with them again. Personally I would rather someone say something before they take an item but that is why I would run any groups I set up that way. If you join a group its up to the leader of that group to set the rules


    Additionally Slafko...

    You're not? Could have fooled me.

    Then re-read what I posted. I never said it was a bad system or bashed it in any way.

    The operative word here being appear.

    This is why I used the word. I didn't post it for my benefit it was to show you how interpretation of rules can differ,

    Not really sure why you questioned it. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.:rak_09:

  9. My guild follows the same looting rules as the one you're bashing here: NEED = main chars, GREED = alts and companions.


    I am not 'bashing' Need & Greed systems. At the same time your guild does not run a Need/Greed system. It runs a Priority system with small amount of loot council. This is exactly what I was referring to when I said that players who dislike public runs with Need/Greed should join a guild and run with them instead.


    In addition, off topic, your looting rules appear to reward those who do the least work for their gear. If I go out and run multiple story mode runs to get coms mods and enhancements why should I not get an item because it is of less benefit (less + stat) just because a member hasn't bothered to do this and turns up in lower quality gear?


    There are always issues with guilds looting systems see the above paragraph but the OP's question was for pug groups.

  10. Question for OP and those who have posted in agreement with the 'People shouldn't take loot for alts' camp.

    Would you rather that person came on an under-geared alt or a fully geared main to carry those not so geared through?


    I know my answer. The faster you do the run the quicker you can do something else for gear. I would rather someone brings a main in full 78s and rolls for their alt. Rather than endure a long rubbish run (which will most likely fail at last boss) where everyone is in 66's or a character or role which they are inexperienced on. Just because they don't want to be accused of being a ninja.


    Public runs are free for all to join and loot on (depending on who is running them). - ALWAYS ASK THE LOOTING RULES BEFORE YOU JOIN.


    If you don't like the need / greed system but still want raiding gear join a guild which has different looting rules and go on guild runs.

  11. The point is previously this wasn't the case. Regardless of what happened if you got the full cast of lightning off you received the full benefit. Now its random luck how many stacks you end up with after your lightning.


    Whilst it will generally work out the class shouldn't be punished when it doesn't.


    Also the waiting until it is needed to cast it is an example. Others where it would be a pain if a tick was resisted would include:

    1) a phase change (depends on the fight)

    2) an interrupt (includes knockback)

    3) mob death



    Edit - have seen the replies, I can't reply until weekend too busy with work for a write up

  12. You don't even need to tank Calphayus (last phase) until just before you place the first yellow circle but that's not really the point.


    Its more just in general, if you have built it up and then save the lighting until you need to channel (just before stacks drop) then your first tick is resisted it sucks or if you have no stacks and are trying to build them.

  13. There is no skill to keeping up a 12 second buff PVE or PVP. A timed rotation is not skilful it is frustrating.


    People seem to forget about co-tanks when discussing tanking stats / spikes etc. IMO the sin tank should feel like you are working to stay alive (like in TFB and S&V NIM). When you get your skill and fight knowledge it was great, felt like your skill really impacted the tanking style (using shroud at the right points on kephess / tfb etc was fun).


    So a Sin tank couldn't tank everything solo - thats not a big deal, its the reason you have 2 tanks. Now its just: ...rotation...zzz...


    Now it feels like you are helpless when you take damage (notice I said feels like) because you dont have the option of healing yourself back up as fast when off tanking, have to rely only on the healers and to get back to your self healing you have to use one of your cooldowns.


    Also I liked the Shadow pun so I'll attempt one myself. "Sins are in a Dark(ness) place right now". - Not as good but oh well.

  14. Thanks for the update. I was getting curious and this saved me from having to PM you to check on your subscriber status. Finally, I can relax and get some sleep.


    Be sure to let us know the moment you subscribe again. Or if you buy any CCs. I'm terribly interested in all the ways you spend money on entertainment.


    Finally someone who asks the questions we all want to know!


    if you don't mind I would also be interested if you do any of the following:

  15. I think if this was added the easiest thing to do would be to add the following by simply swapping the animations from Rep and Impside versions.


    Scoundrel / Operative - Single Pistol / Blaster Rifle

    Gunslinger / Sniper - Dual Pistol / Sniper Rifle


    Commando / Merc - Cannon / Dual Pistol

    Vanguard / Powertech - Single Pistol / Blaster Rifle


    Others may be a little more tricky as only some of the animations would be transferable.

  16. Thanks for the clarification - I was wondering if you would be able to discuss why characters above lvl 30 are not affected?


    Even if it was on a even larger timer. For example a lvl 50 or 55 character would be flagged for rename after 6 months of inactivity..


    The majority of my names which were lost after server merges were first lost to a very low level character. Then after the subsequent merge for the 2nd time they were then lost to a lvl 30+ character (If I had kept the name on the first merge I would have kept it on the 2nd too).


    It seems like an odd limit to place on a level which quite a few might have easily reached if only for the class buffs when they used to enjoy playing and have since left (for example)

  17. I'd have loved it if Malgus wasn't dead.


    It's not been confirmed he is dead. There was an interview quite some time ago discussing whether he would return / his apprentices etc.. said something along the lines of "It is not unknown for masters with the force to survive such long falls" etc... However I agree that he most likely will not be back.


    My guess would be more on the Rep vs Empire War-front especially with the ships patch.

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