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Everything posted by SgtJeremy

  1. Knight Enchanter Inquisitor would wreck house. Opening rifts obviously is a huge plus. Not to mention how versatile a Mage inquisitor can be. Making the dead rise, opening rifts, or doing whatever it is Knight Enchancters do. On top of being able to revive and make barriers, burn, shock, or freeze opponents. Sith Inquisitor has lightning and bubbles, but really all they can do is delay the inevitable. Would be a good fight though.
  2. I play a class until the story and/or combat starts to bore me, then switch to another. So on and so forth. Some classes lose my attention quicker than others, but overall I don't stick to one character for long.
  3. The time saved nuking all the bad guys with a DPS comp is lost healing and then dismissing/resummoning companions. Because both me and my DPS comp take damage I'd have to heal myself between fights regardless. At least with a tank only he/she would have to heal between fights, and not much because they are tanks and take little damage regardless. The only time I'd say double DPS is viable is early on when mobs are crap, in my humble opinion. I'd run Double DPS one day just for the challenge, although I'd say it is more annoying than challenging.
  4. Not gonna lie when this game comes out I'll likely go Preferred for a good long while. Not even sure I'll play Swtor in the months following the release of Fallout 4. I've been dying to play this game back when the bug/glitch fest New Vegas came out. While it was enjoyable somewhat after they fixed some of the bugs it doesn't hold a candle to Fallout 3.
  5. Level 55 is your max considering you are posting on the forums and you get the expansion free for subbing. The level 60 stuff is only available if you purchased the Shadow of Revan expansion.
  6. Avoiding overlapping is not what should be done. But minimizing the overlap so you are still scanning new spots without missing a spot. The fact the scanner uses a circle makes it hard to scan the area effectively without some overlapping. Although the chances of the item being between the first scan and the second scan is unlikely. But still possible. As for the OP. If it takes more than 30-40 minutes chances are it's you and not the actually scanning. It's never taken me longer than 25 minutes to find a piece. If at all possible try find someone to hunt with you. Despite being an older quest, most just buy HK on alts with Credits, you might find one or two people hunting them down.
  7. It seems very luck based. Sometimes I can get a piece in under 15 minutes, sometimes I am there for 30+ minutes. And it is overly tedious.
  8. Bounty Hunter, although (No spoilers) chapter 3 kind of let me down. Agent was all right. People make it sound better than it is, so if you do play it keep it in perspective. Not going to lie, none of the stories are all that great. But considering we get to play essentially 8 stories they are all pretty good (Excluding the main planetary stories).
  9. Any and all changes will be blamed on PvP. Just, just do it. PvP sucks because of PvE, PvE sucks because of PvP. That is the status quo around here.
  10. They are saving it for the expansion that will feature Malgus.
  11. I want a Gormack comp. Gormack are sexy as ****. I know there's that whole "Gormack can't leave Voss" thing the Voss have, but I still want a Gormack companion. Although from what I gather they aren't going to do another Companion. Would also be nice if they would continue adding onto the existing comps. 2 expanions and no additional companion conversations. Pretty weenie if you ask me.
  12. Manaan is at the top of my stronghold wishlist, Alderaan being a close second. I wish Tatooine was cheaper. From what I heard not many people like it, yet it still costs an arm, a leg, and 2 lekku to buy. I personally like it just not rich enough to buy it. And don't see the value in spending my Cartel Coins on it. One day though, it will be mine.
  13. So instead of putting cover points in better positions to avoid the "cannot see target" they just stop adding them? I admit I hate being forced to roll into cover because 9 times out of 10 I get put in a compromising position or I can't see my target. But there were situations where I enjoyed it and thought it was cool. I won't miss them but regardless it would be nice if they would just make things work instead of scrapping the idea entirely.
  14. Yeah, going full light or dark is stupid in their own ways. There are a number of Light options that make me cringe. I play neutral on 90% of my characters.
  15. Losing the 50 Makeb mods sucks. 53 is useless because I'd rather just level twice and get really good Rishi Mods. I can make do with the crap 50 mods from the old Corellia vendor (On fleet). Wish they left the Makeb mods though. Do people actually buy those 53 mods? Serious question not trying to talk down to people who do.
  16. Loving these PvP changes. I am a pretty noob to the ways of PvP despite spending the better part of the last year developing my PvP game. So I never really was able to get any Ranked PvP rewards and that makes me sad. Now I won't have to be as sad.
  17. That's what happens when you make what should've been a console single player game an MMO. I love this game but for as long as I've played, which has been since launch, I've never added someone as a friend nor have I ever done any sort of questing with another person (maybe I am just anti-social). The only exception being Oricon dailies or something like that. Doing Flashpoints is one thing but otherwise I keep to myself. Unless someone in my guild or someone in general needs help with something then I'll help run them through something.
  18. There is a quest on Rishi where you dig through scrap piles looking for an item. And if you search the wrong spot it gives you a little compass to tell you which direction to go. If they had this feature for when you are within 25m I would be happy. The last 25m in my opinion is the hardest to get. Maybe I am an idiot but that is a feature that would greatly reduce my search time. I guess we could take it a step further and just nerf the whole quest to make it easier. At this point most people are just unlocking HK on alts. Although that diminishes the value of HK, and thus making people less likely to spend 1mil credits or the 350cc to unlock him.
  19. This covers every faction in the history of factions across all factions in any game, movie, tv show or whatever. Throw in naive, and bam every faction is flawed in it's own way. As are people. Nothing is perfect.
  20. Not gaining any experience is a dream scenario? Yeah I bet. The 12x boost ends at 55 anyway. Lern 2 Stur wurs bruh
  21. I don't think this person is looking for Mace Windu's armour specifically. But armour, or in this case robes, that are similar.
  22. You make it sound like they bumped you down 5 levels or something. Lol.
  23. I think if you buy her through the Legacy it's 300k. But you need legacy 30 or 40 for that.
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