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Everything posted by SgtJeremy

  1. Give people stun immunity for 12 seconds or something after being stunned. Or give Stun Immunity after you use your stun breaker so you don't get stun spammed. I was playing earlier. I got flash banged, I waited it out, then I got stunned by an Operative, I used my stun breaker, then I got force choked and I was dead. Too much fun. I need to lern 2 plai
  2. It's a PvP game with a crap ton of PvE content.
  3. The only classes I have trouble with 1v1 are Operatives/Scoundrels. Although I make an concerted effort to not 1v1 anyone because I am not particularly good at PvP. I can hold my own against the average Assassin and more often than not walk out victorious assuming it stays 1v1.
  4. It does feel odd, maybe I am just so use to the cast time before.
  5. Stopped reading at "you nerf down the sorc and you nerf up the jugs". 10/10 for sure.
  6. Assuming this person cares about Legacy level. To be honest I don't think I've bought anything I desperately needed from the legacy perks. And possibly this person isn't big on crafting, which is another thing I am too lazy to do. But if this person does like the Legacy unlocks and Crafting then making characters on two different servers could be problematic. These are valid points though and should be taken into consideration.
  7. Actively tried to get away from Revan? Gets his own cult, a bunch of Flashpoints about him and a Expansion about him. Yes, they are trying very hard to get away from Revan.
  8. As much as I'd love for a larger credit cap that's just so I can un-sub and not worry about not being able to buy stuff off the GTN. But I sub mostly for the unlimited warzones to be honest. Sounds like a waste of $15 a month when I think about it.
  9. When your sub ends you get 6 slots. That is the worst part of going from Sub to Free in my opinion. I like to make a bunch of characters at once, then rotate through them. That way leveling doesn't feel all repetitive and grindy. Although playing through the same planet 2-3 times at once could seem uber repetitive.
  10. Legacy wide HK would be nice, but given there is a CM unlock for Section X in the Cartel market I don't see it happening.
  11. I always wondered why people play Star Wars and use Snipers. Go play CoD filthy casuals. Any ways I think we could use more swords. I only like one sword in the game.
  12. It's gonna be a warm day on Hoth the day this happens. At this point I've lost all faith in Biofail to get this done. Who knows maybe they surprise me and actually get something done right for once.
  13. Force Storm was literally only good for stopping caps. I highly doubt the nerfs were for PvP although all the PvE kids will blame PvP because why not. As a PvE guy primarily with my Sorc Force Storm was pretty over powered. 9 times out of 10 I didn't even bother with any other skills. I'd just run around, bubble myself, and drop Force Storm on everything. Chain lightning I felt didn't need to be touched though. Bioware might have went over board with the nerf gun there.
  14. Engineer/Sabotage looking good, looks like Empire side is holding strong too. Interesting to see.
  15. If you were in a regular warzone queue just ignore them. No one cares about winning or losing in regular warzone. Sure you get less comms in losses but it's just an avenue to get Warzone gear and shouldn't be taken that seriously.
  16. Nope. Sad to say. I love Bioware, or at least the good portions of the company but this game is pretty sloppy and with out the lightsabers, bounty hunters and what not I would not touch this game. To be completely honest I got this game because of my love of Kotor, and this game doesn't really come close to the magic of Kotor.
  17. I love these threads. More crying over nerfs. I wish to see more of them.
  18. All low level AoEs are amazing. And trying to out kill trash mobs against a Ranged class you will lose 9 times out of 10. When you hit level 60 you will be laughing at your Sorc friend trust me.
  19. Just goes to show how stupid those players are and how dependant they were on that skill. As soon as we weed out those idiots all will be well. Or at the very least those people will actually have to learn the spec and we get better players. Highly doubt option 2 comes to fruition but we can dream.
  20. Swtor Forums response to everything is to pout and cry endlessly. Honestly it is the only reason I come here now, to laugh as the plebs scramble around demanding unrealistic demands.
  21. You certainly know your stuff, I am a sniper. I do make an effort to avoid Operatives at all costs, but they seek me out like vultures on a dead carcass. They are smart to attack me because I am unable to beat them 1v1. So when I get focused I usually just follow a team mate around and hope to survive the warzone
  22. Good question, I am not entirely sure. I'll vote Guardians and Juggs because I see them the most.
  23. The tears, they tickle my soul.
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