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Everything posted by Doreian

  1. Oh your one of those. Make a mistake and then pawn it off as a troll. /facepalm
  2. You didn't read the article then. Go back and actually read it. Thnx.
  3. It won't affect your abilities at all. The tooltip is misleading a bit but its setup so you cant have one of the campaign and a rakata one and have them both proc. It will not hinder your smash spec. Or hinde rthe relic from proccing.
  4. Yes the restriction is only for relics. You can have other bleed effects going as well.
  5. Its either one...not both. You cannot have two relics proc at the same time. This was actually discussed at length a while back. But no you cannot have both proc at the same time.
  6. Yeah a thread about the marauder helms and similar helms not showing over on the customer service forums stated by a 'yellow' post that the helms not showing is actually working as intended. They took them out without telling us and after all these bug reports they state its working as intended. Confused about this one.
  7. Here we go again...your opinion OP not fact. Move along
  8. /facepalm I am truly worried about the future of this planet
  9. Same issue since 1.2. No Helm/ "Human" Sith pureblood in legacy tree. Bumping
  10. Also dont forget to swap your mods and enhancements back into your Rakata gear (if you still have them) to get the itemization fixed.
  11. The respec cost resets every 7 days. Even if it says "you must pay 96k to respec" if its over 7 days since you last respec it wont charge you.
  12. lol this was great. Love the part where the BH found the droid playing the video game rofl.
  13. He pulls a palpatine...so who knows...same with that "other" guy.
  14. That works fine if the fight takes longer than 1 minute. I down by council guy too quickly to do that. And also judging by the way the OP understands his talents it doesnt matter anyway
  15. Just dont use any of your fury abilities and your fine. Im anni spec and never have issues with this fight. You only heal the group if you use beserk. Dont use it. Not a bug. Oh and also that talent is for "you" not the party. Beserk is the fury skill that heals for the party. Sorry I keep reading your post and you may need to reread the Marauder talents and skills a little closer.. All your bleeds work single. Not using rupture or saber is seriously hindering your dps. Again your fury skills are the ones that make the group buffs...not your talents or skills. Those are for you and you alone. Just do the normal rotation and when the fury skill pops...dont use it.
  16. Kind of off topic but still a reference to a book series. On belsavis (imp side) when you first land there is a tent with some officers and a prisoner and the dialog they speak is a reference to "The Corps" series by W.E.B. Griffin. The prisoner in question is "killer" Mcoy.
  17. My main is a trueblood sith marauder and I wanted something cool. So going by Luke and Anakins last name of skywalker I though how this sounded sort of like an indian type name. SO i named my legacy Bloodless to show how bad *** a warrior I was that I don't get hurt and also how I'm so in tune to the darkside my heart bleeds for no one. lol
  18. Sith Marauder here. I soloed Dromund Kaas, Balmora, Nar Shadda, Tattooine, and had already done Alderan with a group way back a couple weeks after launch. And I had Taris done as well. So the lower level ones are soloable.
  19. Well the other 2 datacrons for quesh are actually found on Corellia. I know I have every datacron in the game on my main. So that isn't actually a bug the rest yes.
  20. Come to Tarro Blood server. !75-215 people on fleet during peek hours(imp side) and about 100 or so non peak hours. we have a very healthy server and always FP's/OP's running and what not.
  21. The Freeing the Fallen daily gives out the mods and I am not 100% sure but I believe it hands out mods appropriate for your class. I usually get the deft or potent mod. Hope this helps.
  22. They will be available from a new vendor in fleet. And yes limited time frame until 1.2 then gone. And purple will be sold as well as white and others.
  23. You know the one thing the internet is good for is..."Everyone can be anything they want to be" And its amazing that people jump on here and all of a sudden they are marketing experts, game developers, computer guru's, they know all the inside information about a huge gaming company and oh yeah they are also.....psychics. I love reading these forums just to see what awesome professors and analysts have come up with on a daily basis. Keep up the morning rhetoric and giving me something to laugh about. *mumbles" "Now where did I put my internet degree....."
  24. Yes there are right now. Very few but I actually logged in an hour ago and saw a Rakata implant on the GTN for a cool 1.5 million creds.
  25. The fix for that is you assign master looter to the person who has gear assigned and they can loot it. Same goes for everyone else in the group. Just keep passing master looter to those that have the gear assigned to them. Waiting on BW to fix it is gonna be a long wait.
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