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Everything posted by Doreian

  1. Actually this isn't true. You can get the quest to purchase a stronghold but if you own it already all you have to do is travel to it and the quest will give you the decorations. I did this quest on 14 different characters after buying the 3 strongholds on one. I had 14 mailboxes, 14 legacy storage and maxed out basic items just from doing the intro quests. As well as the vendor droids and the vendor lady. I had more than I knew what to do with.
  2. That explains why I could log into fleet and there would only be myself....and rarely one other person. Imagine Imp fleet all to myself. Which lies the real issue at the beginning. They opened up too many servers to account for all the people playing....then alot of people left and they had way too many servers open.
  3. And he didnt even do the link right. Should of been this.... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Information+on+Galactic+Strongholds+Decorations+swtor
  4. I have a couple items from this event as well as some tokens left over which I cant do anything with. I picked up one of the weapons and it had the first ever mastercraft barrel in it, I was shocked!! I did get the mount and the pet as well. The mount is cool to look at but it drives so slow.....lol.
  5. Its called the Hyrotii Scrapper. I got mine from the Chevon event. Its looks like a drunk hit a wall with the thing.
  6. So far I spent 100k creds. Two rancors and three vectrons, plus the full set of kingpin armor, the droid coin pet and the blue vectron and still ahve 11 certs. RNG loved me on the casino. Hates me everywhere else.
  7. I came back to the game recently after having not played for awhile(stinkin mid life crisis and returning to college). I found that I had three stacks of all the grade 7 exotic mats in my bank. Thank god too because those are about to go up..way up.
  8. I just finished this quest last week for the second time.(I spent too many millions on alts unlocking him that I can no longer bring myself to do that) . What I learned was that the easiest way to do this is to find someone else who is on the quest as well and get them to help you. If not just keep at it.
  9. ESO is implementing something like this. Bounties that players can collect if you are caught stealing or murdering NPC's and dont pay up but run.
  10. They look like old 30's and 40's Chrysler cars to me. And the piping was done on alot of aftermarket cars.
  11. It is in so much as people seem to think that their guild leader is going to take off with 50 million credits and they want protection from that. Like I said before if the guild leader hasn't taken off with everything in the guild bank now then why do it after the deposit for guild ships is made? So yes whats in the guild bank is relevant because not all guilds dump their non GTN trash in the guild bank. Alot of big organized guilds have millions in credits already and expensive items in the gbank left soley up to the discretion of the Guild leader on what to do with them. So this boils down to a couple things. 1. Its too expensive for some smaller guilds(plenty of threads on that) 2. Worried about guild leader skipping out with 50 million credits (Guilds who are medium to small and have little value items in guildbank and low creds, or it wouldnt be an issue) So yes it is relevant. Again I apologize that you cannot comprehend that.
  12. It is relevant. I'm sorry that you are unable to comprehend the discussion.
  13. Did you even read the post I made and the response he made? Don't pipe in with some snide comment that makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the conversation. You are on page 6 and missed the 5 pages before it.
  14. If that is all you have in your guild bank then what is the point of having a guild bank? Or a guild ship for that matter?
  15. Its plain and simple. If you do not trust your guild leader or guild mates then leave the guild. It is not mandatory to have a guild ship either. If you or anyone else are in a guild just for the perks and hardly know anyone then you are doing it wrong. If you are in a guild and know everyone and have good relations then there isn't anything to protect. I mean the guild leader has had access to EVERYTHING in the guild bank already and hasn't made off with the stuff so why start worrying now?
  16. Im happy to see that this game is doing well. I was in on a few beta tests and early access. I have the collectors Edition and due to my class schedule starting I had to quit for awhile but now Im back and it was a good break. I actually have stuff to do on my characters again plus I love the character customization I did not have in the beginning. The game has grown and continues to grow. I also enjoy actually seeing people in the game and not being the only one in fleet lol.
  17. The Korrealis Mounts From PvP the first few months of the game and the white Korrealis and the Blue and Yellow Korrealis Mounts. Just because they are no longer available. While I picked up the white and the blue and yellow one when it was available I wish I had gotten the Red PvP one for Imps before it was removed. Also the nightmare mode mounts and that Czerka mount that looks like a taxi.
  18. I'm not under 100k but I participated in beta and subbed day 1. I remember watching twitter to see when the next round of early access invites were going out hoping I got mine.
  19. The problem with pets is that any time you "zone" anywhere they get turned off and have to be re brought out. People get to questing, loggin on crafting alts etc....tend to forget to bring the pet back out. If they made the pet like the sprint where its always on no matter where you go, pets would be more viable in my opinion.
  20. I have not had much luck in this game over the years but this casino thing...way different. I just got another jackpot with the last smuggler coin, to kingpin, to vectron(3rd one) It will come just give it time.
  21. I have spent 350k creds total and hit the jackpot four times. RNG is RNG. Two Rancors and Two Vectron mounts, plus full set of the King gear and the probes....my Smuggler is now a pimp.
  22. They are the Fortified Transparisteel Gloves. The Tor fashion site put the head in instead of the gloves. http://www.torhead.com/item/gojtefY/fortified-transparisteel-handgear#reward-from
  23. Have you ever actually played World of Tanks? There is no play to win. Yes they have some gold rounds used by 'gold' (which is bought with real money) But they are super expensive and don't offer that much more armor pen. And 99% of the players save them for clan wars anyway. I have played World of Tanks since beta and they have a great Free to play model. You can play the entire game without spending a dime and see ALL content without spending a dime.
  24. If you read where he said.....he did the highest one for his level. He then went and did the low level one. That is not the issue.
  25. Well the champion boss on Tat drops the right level blue/oranges. Currently farming him on my main to see if the boots drop. But I am having absolutely no luck with the gloves at all. I am looking for the blade tyrant's but its all the same bosses and drop ration and the only thing out of four full days of farming I have gotten was bracers/belt. Gloves are elusive and I feel the drop rate should be raised just a tad.
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