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Posts posted by Verain

  1. Thanks man, that's almost assuredly it. I did the warzones the night before the patch, and so did the others who ended up not getting Sithmail. That also explains why some people got her and others didn't. I'll just chill and wait, sounds like it is under control.
  2. Yes, thank you bioware for allowing me to finally earn credits without having to compete with the CM whales. I can now sell mats on the GTN after my ranked pops. Please keep up the QQ I love seeing the whales cry when they are forced to do content.


    Psh, whales aren't complaining, they have the credits to outright buy your stuff. I'm not sure who is complaining- I think most are confused about the variety of content that can make these things, or something.

  3. Is he showing up as an alliance alert?


    I've never joined an alliance nor had an alert, on any character :p


    But to quote that announcement page:

    "If you’d like to battle with Hexid by your side immediately, you can unlock her as a companion at any time via your in-game mail."


    And others have confirmed in game that they have Sith Holocommunicator mailed to them, which I do not.

  4. I completed the 3 warzone cheeve before the patch.

    I did NOT complete any flashpoints.

    I do NOT have advancement in the story (edit: beyond about Makeb or so) on any character


    Hexid was not mailed to me. I know one other player in the same boat. I don't have Hexids in any mailbox.



    What went wrong? According to:



    " Darth Hexid will join forces with players who complete three PvE or three PvP missions through Group Finder between November 8 - 27, 2017. Beginning November 28th, you can recruit Darth Hexid as part of a mission on the planet of Odessen once you complete the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion story. If you’d like to battle with Hexid by your side immediately, you can unlock her as a companion at any time via your in-game mail. "


    Shouldn't she be in all my mailboxes?

  5. I had a character with all her T1 crates stored, and I opened all 90-ish of them and got 3 each of the 2 things. I suspect the rate is higher on higher crates, but I don't know.



    Either way:


    1- Everyone is opening crates forever

    2- Some people are running top raids and ranked pvp forever

    3- There's a mostly-finite need for these mats

    4- The mats and the finished product can all go on the GTN


    I think this is all fine. They haven't changed their design, it's a minor upgrade, and it comes from multiple sources, including just playing the game. This really seems like a great amount of angst over a fun minor upgrade.

  6. Yea, it looks intended. I think that ALL targets are considered aoe targets, and there is no primary target. I'd like to see that changed, and I suspect it is a result of a technical limitation. I also think it was nerfed a bit too much. But, we did want less controls, and now there are less controls, all while controls remain pretty powerful. So that part, I think, worked right.


    I was really hoping we would get a motivation to hit a meaningful target with EMP, instead of just having the EMP versus a turret do the same damage to the player that EMPing the player does, given that one is trivial and one requires both sides to play.

  7. I have always wanted to be able to enlarge the ship bar, or gain access to a dom bar and a TDM bar. Drako has mentioned that hiding selections prematch from all players could be nice. I like the idea of having two slots be "hidden" so the enemy team can't see what you queued as well (like it would be obvious if you have a ship there or not, but not what that ship is until you have flown it in that match).


    Basically, the bar is a real part of the game, and its implementation is more "what ships are in your hangar", and I'd like to see a bit more recognition of its role.


    Anyway, buying extra bar slots for fleet req seems like a good idea to me. You'd still need to keep it limited, but I think seven slots would be great.


    Maybe it would be a lot of technical effort for little play gain, I don't know.

  8. I opened up something in a command crate that claimed to be from ranked pvp and command crates.


    I don't understand the patterns yet, and if someone could give me a rundown it would help but...



    The goal here is to make a long-tail item that is kind of chase. It even incorporates the crafting system, while rewarding players who win at really hard content, and avoiding being BoP to allow them to be eventually filtered down to players who have played the economy. Are the stats on these things really really wild or something? Or just BiS by a bit?



    I guess I'm not seeing the outrage as justified. This game gives me BiS pretty much everything for playing GSF for long enough, that seems very generous already. I dunno.


    Not trying to offend.

  9. All of those ideas are really bad, and even if they weren't, none apply to GSF without absolutely wrecking it.


    This thread makes it sound like team queue is (a) new and (b) undesirable. In fact, it's been around since the game launched, and is clearly incentivized by everything from the group queue button itself, to the team size, to the game goals, to the complementary ships. Pretending that this is something new from the mergers is really odd, but I guess if you were on a totally dead server previously with pops as rare as they were then, that drove all the good teams to bigger servers long ago, you'd be surprised about it.

  10. I guess my complaint has to do primarily with Gun Ships. I find that having a second weapon is utterly pointless.




    Good grief.


    They are massively important on gunships. Every weapon a gunship has is specialized for something. Plasma is the most accurate, and does the most in raw damage, but the damage can be mitigated and its killing power is pretty low. Slug has lower damage than the others, especially versus shields, where it gets no benefits, but has good shield piercing and totally ignores damage reduction. Ion does ok damage to shields, but very poor damage to hull, while applying powerful controls that your teammates or you can capitalize on.



    I'm not going to think to hammer someone's shields down with an Ion Railgun and then swap to a Slug Railgun to squash the hull.


    I was doing this from about the first day I played the game, and you should be as well. Ion railgun deals very poor hull damage, but is a good shot to lead with because it hurts their ability to escape or attack your allies.


    There's another advantage: when you use a railgun, your railgun goes on cooldown. If you weapon swap immediately after you release the shot, you can begin charging your second railgun right away. Otherwise you would have to wait .88 to 2 seconds, depending on weapon and crewman, to begin charging your next shot.


    You should absolutely be doing this.


    If there's a problem with swapping weapons being on the "1" key, change it to a key you can press. Depending on your mouse, you may consider putting it on there. I just leave it on the "1" key because I play with most of my buttons mapped to be under my left hand, and the "1" key is easy to hit that way.


    Using something like Torpedoes is also pointless; the ship is too slow and unmaneuverable to chase and lock onto anything.


    This is a problem for just the type 2 gunship, where you can also run slug and plasma if you like. But proton has some good advantages too, because it is a really good weapon now. If your opponent presses distortion, you can begin locking a proton immediately. If you see someone at 11km use an engine break, you can begin locking a proton immediately. In these cases, which happen decently often, you don't have to chase opponents around, you just cast a missile and get hull damage or at least a break. It can be better to swap to proton than staying on slug. You also can swap when you need your weapon energy to regenerate. Again, this is not the strongest ship and you should consider avoiding it for that reason, but this strategy when playing it is one of the better ways to play it. It is certainly not better off as a slug-only machine.


    If someone has closed the distance with a Scout or a Strike Fighter, it's just a matter of time until I'm dead.


    Obviously swapping to proton doesn't help if you are in melee with a decent scout or strike, but NONE of your weapons on the type 2 gunship are good at that situation. That's a weakness of the ship, not a problem with swapping to proton torpedo when it is correct to do so.


    What would be far more valuable to me, to fit my style of flying, is an additional defensive component or System. An EMP pulse, Interdiction Mine... Hyperspace Beacon, maybe, to bring the team utility (or bring me reinforcements) or a Repair Probe would be something of a defensive cooldown for me, and also my allies.


    I don't really want gunships to gain any of these abilities.

  11. This is a really odd request. Totally bizarre IMO.


    First things first: No scouts or bombers get the X-CHG Weapon System, so they already do what you want. On the strikes, the type 3 strike (Clarion or Imperium) has a "system" ability on the 1 key.


    Only the gunships always have to swap, and that's for a really good reason: you wouldn't want just one secondary weapon on them, and all their secondaries involve odd stuff with the mouse that you couldn't put anywhere else.


    In any event, only five ships out of the twelve have this.

  12. I have been hit in a lot of matches by ion spam while sitting behind a sat and the gs pilot spamming on a defense turret.


    Which costs you a small amount of engine energy. That's a control, but it definitely doesn't compare to the massive drain a full charge does, nor the serious control debuff applied from T5. It is DEFINITELY not comparable to taking all the EMP debuffs on your ship.


    I never said "things are fine", what worries me most however is when things are being nerfed so soon while we just got a new update after several years of getting nothing.


    Eh, I share that concern too. I wouldn't argue for nerfs that I thought would delete these components.


    About "my play can be impacted by an allied player nearby who doesn't know how to avoid a missile", I assume you mean the aoe effect will then hit me like it does to the pilots who didn't know how to avoid a missile.


    Yes, exactly. It's frustrating that the presence of an incompetent ally can be worse than if that ally were dead and waiting for respawn. I don't think that can never be the case or anything, I just think it is too much right now.


    Well, the fun thing is... if the same pilot doesn't know how emp field works and surprisingly he hits it while I am in the area... then my play is impacted in a positive way :D


    He's less likely to buff you if he doesn't know it buffs you though.


    Other then that, the defense turret doesn't avoid a missile anyways, nor does the bomber deployed drone


    True, but you can at least observe those and know that they will serve as EMP bait. You are at least taking that risk.




    If you crush gsf for these people by not holding back a bit and make your goal to win 50-0 or 1000-0, guess what happens? Yep, they don't queue again and the waiting time will be long.


    I mean, I'm not going to trick them into queuing by pretending that they have a shot when they don't. I'm just going to shoot them with as many blasters as I can and stuff.

  13. Just got out of a 50-5 TDM against Drako's premade, and yeah, the EMP/Slicing spam is ridiculous. Pretty much locked down immediately by one person or another and then missile spammed to death. The lockouts at least should not stack.


    If we went 50-5 in a match, I don't think there's a lot of component balance details you can get out of that. In a match that onesided, you'll get lit up by pretty much anything.


    The effects don't really "stack". Stacking is like "50% turning reduction" and "50% turning reduction" becoming either 100% turning reduction or 25% turning reduction. With EMP effects, each one just causes a lockout independent from the others. If ones are from the same source, the newer will overwrite the older.

  14. At first, there was the ion rail spamming gun which people (including you) defended.


    I was in favor of mild nerfs to ion railgun for quite awhile. I like the current version of ion railgun better than the last.


    Now there are more options to kinda like the same effect which we all now use and some would say it's overpowered.


    To be meaningfully controlled by an ion rail required someone to succeed at a hit roll on top of aiming at you. The EMP control effects are aoe in nature.


    The chance that the devs will nerf this as you suggested may be (hopefully) minimal because you can't get everyone satisfied.


    I have no idea what the chances of a nerf are. Do you like the current levels of control in the game? Do you think it's still too early to call for a nerf? I think these effects are spread too easily and force players to respond right away, and your play can be impacted by an allied player nearby who doesn't know how to avoid a missile, for instance.


    Suggestion: Hold back when you are ahead + when you have what you think to be overpowered equipment but use it to fuil extend when you are behind and are carrying the fight.


    I don't understand this at all. Why would you hold back? How would holding back help you win?

  15. I think that there's a bit too much CC.


    It's still pretty early in this patch, and I don't think that the meta that this is crafting is unhealthy, but I think there are too many lockouts, too frequently, and for too long. I'll go into the three CCs we are seeing quite a bit of:


    1- EMP Field

    EMP Field seems to do a great job of making a node safer to assault. It does good job of buffing allies and debuffing enemies and clearing mines, all of which are its jobs. I think that its duration of 13 and its cooldown of 25 represent too much lockout. The prior version of this was too weak, with range bugs and a 45 second cooldown. Because EMP field gets stronger the more frequently you press it (a version with halved cooldown and duration would be stronger), I think the cooldown should come up a bit, to like 30 or even 35 seconds. I'm not sure what the correct number is, but we moved into a mode where you never really recover from the first EMP before the second hits you.


    2- EMP Missile

    This has a pending aoe player damage nerf, which should help anyone who spends time on nodes, especially bombers. I think it could also use an aoe control nerf, such as halving the lockout durations aoe player targets. EMP Missile serves as a "priming missile", an easier to land missile that makes locks easier on your target, and that seems fine, but the penalty for being caught in the aoe feels overly punishing for being near an objective or ally who couldn't avoid the missile. Unlike EMP field, where you have data available to you about what is going on (the EMP field ship moving into range), EMP missile only gives you a warning when you are the target.


    3- Remote Slicing

    Unlike the other two, this move only seems to come out in TDM. Like EMP field, you can see it coming, and unlike both of the EMP effects, it deals no damage at all and is always single target. I think its uptime is a bit too high though, and its engine drain also seems to be really aggressive. I think the duration of the debuffs should probably come down by a couple seconds- to 9 or 10 from 12. I also think that the 60 engine power drain could be less as well, because it is pretty punishing as so much engine is hard to recover from. The addition of an engine power drain, however, is a big part of why the move is useful compared to its old, useless format.



    Of the three, EMP Missile and EMP Field seem to have reasonable common usage on all maps, whereas Remote Slicing does not have such universal application- plenty of TDMs will have no remote slicers at all, and it is a rare build in domination.


    I think that the CC in the game is good, but I do think you get more of it sort of incidentally. The direct CC ability of remote slicing requiring giving up more is fine, but it is still a move with a lot of synergy as long as it keeps its low cooldown and engine lockout, which I think it should.



    My disclaimer is that we are all still early enough into the patch that we don't have a mature meta yet under this ruleset, so my ideas could be out of place.

  16. WOW ... are you getting a free t-shirt for that sucking up? THEY GET PAID FOR THIS DUDE.


    They are still working ludicrous hours to make this happen, and it's risky maintenance on a live server. I'm cross I can't play, but their schedule slip hasn't passed into crazy-world yet or anything.

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