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  1. Jinnobi - you get nothing for figuring out the connections, my main is a Jedi Consular Chi-Quan.
  2. Just wanted to say thanks for this thread, I rolled my first Sage this weekend and after looking around decided to go with the 3-7-31 Balance. I do more pvp than pve with my main Shadow tank and wanted a good viable pvp dps Sage build. Nice to have a place to go and look at options later on. Thanks to the OP and all posters for an informative discussion.
  3. I use this one of Powerr's 30-0-10 I use a mix of Stalker/Survivor gear to get more dps, use the shield and Survivor blade, if you want more dps you can alter as you like. I ran inflil up till a few weeks ago, this build gives a lot more utility in pvp. The one you show will work well too, just depends on your likes.
  4. Got into first 1.2 WZ's Sat all Repub - pugs, 8 wins, pretty much 50/50, no blow outs for either side. From my experience I'd say it's more in-balance than before, no more chain-lightning and mortar spam which kept my frame rates normal. Much more enjoyable in my opinion.
  5. If rated WZ's are not ready, that's fine, no one wants a sub par experience, but to wait till the last minute to announce it is bush-league at best and gives concern to the veracity of any BW statements. Obviously they didn't just discover things weren't working right.
  6. The question was pve specific while the answer appears to be about commendations in general, and given by the guy in charge of pvp development. I hope you are more correct, but the only information available at this time.
  7. From March 16 Q & A : DinesenDK: Will it be possible to exchange lower level planet commendations for higher level commendations in the future? Georg: It’s something we had in testing but took out as it lead to a majority of players not spending any commendations and just uptrading them, which defeats the purpose of the commendation system. I can see us re-opening this topic a while down the road, maybe in context of discussing something like the much requested Legacy Bank. Hope that helps, and not the answer I wanted either.
  8. This happens to me fairly frequently, like almost every day. What is most annoying is when you are running missions out in the boonies on another planet while doing warzones and the kick sends you back to fleet, doubling the wasted time. Plus the lag in Civil War at the nodes can be prohibitive to even playing the game at time, especially when going against the lightning/rocket spammers.
  9. I hit BM Saturday morning, so about 98% leveled the "old"way, and was full Champ geared without ever seeing a token. I have since opened 3 BM bags with no BM token, no surprise, may never see one. It takes 1k mercs and WZ's to buy a BM, so really don't see how gear is being given to anyone. My experience has been the better player will win most of the time regardless of gear, everything else being equal gear can make the difference, seems about right to me.
  10. Well done, good information, keep it up, and thanks.
  11. uhhh... Bio has already said there will be cross server pvp, just won't be ready for 1.2, so to be helpful in your comments, please fact check first.
  12. Huh? Medium armor less survivable than light? Might want to check on that one.
  13. Just got booted from Civil War because speeder wouldn't load so I was considered awol. Happens almost every day. So not all desertion is desertion it's a flaw in the system for some.
  14. No, you can only hold one bag at a time. Your welcome.
  15. Wrong I get DC'd or crash out at least three times a week if not more, so this is a legitimate argument. Mostly right, although I think some leave because they can't tolerate the idiots they got thrown in with, I have felt this way but never done it. Don't know that it is "good" for anyone but I could accept a 30 min debuff, even considering the DC problems, to discourage those who leave willingly. I have alts, I can still WZ.
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