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Everything posted by AydenStorm

  1. It is kinda sad that you have to delve into the EU to make more sense of what is happening in the Phantom Menace. I like all the Star Wars movies, sure I like the OT better, but that is mostly cause of their feel, and how the actors themselves sold their roles. Most of the Prequels seemed to wooden for me in their acting. Didn't help that Lucas directed all of them. Even ANH, when watched with a far more critical eye falls for some of the same issues that the prequels did, but the ingenuity of it, and the delivery of the roles saved it. I reviewer said it best. "Watch it, love it... its Star Wars. The prequels could have been the greatest films ever, and they would have still not lived up to the Original Trilogy. We had been given hope in our childhoods, and there was no way another set of movies would return that sense of naivete and wide eyed innocence of that time of our lives."
  2. The problem with Bethesda games (IMO) is that they lack Immersion. Bioware sells the story far better than Bethesda. I will admit that if you want an open world, with pretty much anything to do... Bethesda is the best, which is why it is their own niche within the RP strata of games.
  3. GM Chris is absolutely right. Star Wars is about good vs evil, and it has been proven time and time again that there is no "gray" path to understanding. You either use the Lightside, or the Darkside. "Gray Jedi" like Jolee Bindu and Qui-Gon Jinn were still Light Side Jedi, they just did not always agree with the tenants of the Jedi Order, and were often at odds with the Council. While game mechanics do not support it (cause you can stay neutral pretty easily), canon has repeatedly made it known, trying to balance light and dark inevitably leads to the dark side. Nice to see someone from the Gamer Nation getting quoted!
  4. I would like to see another Star Wars RTS with more of the elements of "Rebellion" rather than "Empire at War". Just throw in some meaningful ground combat and bam! Great game! I would also like to see another Republic Commando game, or the shelved "Imperial Commando" Game. FPS games are huge, and Republic Commando was a pretty awesome game.
  5. Oh he had attitude. He was very prideful. Sidious foreshadows Maul's demise in "Darth Plagius", basically saying that if he does not control his pride and arrogance he would be defeated. Him toying with Obi-wan in the reactor shaft in Ep 1 definitely was his undoing.
  6. I actually probably would have done the same thing as Walsh. Those Padawans probably had lightsabers, identifying them as Jedi. They were acting inappropriately to the teachings of the Jedi. The padawans responded, they RPed back. Some of you guys have been the cornerstone of Star Wars RP since even before the game launch (I was there too, just not a forum hound so did not post much), and of course we all have different opinions. The only, "only" thing I would say Walsh did wrong was mention in his write up that his character was a Jedi Master. If he would have left that statement out, there would be less heated words bandied about, since it does sound like he tried to "god-mode" and push his views on someone else without their permission. We have to respect the lore. Jedi were trained to act a specific way as to protect themselves and others from falling to the dark side. It was a Jedi's duty to stand up to these threats and approach them, even if sometimes they were distasteful. Walsh's character was totally justified in his actions.
  7. As a Rper on Vrook Lamar I am sad that my Rp is now dead!
  8. KOTOR 2 is an interesting beast. While KOTOR 1 was the traditional go beat up the bad guy, good vs evil story, KOTOR2 was more of an inward journey of discovery for the Exile. If I really had to break down the plot, I would say that Meetra herself was the antagonist, while Sion, Nihilus and Traya were simply foils to get you there. Plus, half of these outlandish claims that Revan is the most powerful ever come from Kreia's hero worship of him.
  9. It's Canon! Luke, Sidious, Yoda they are the greatest of their respected professions. EVER. Sidious would cackle and laugh at Vitiate, laugh at how weak he is by not truly mastering the Dark Side. The trinkets, the rituals, immortality at the cost of all life. That is not true power... Palpatine understood that. Luke in his prime is more powerful than any Jedi or Sith, EVER. This is also canon. These days he has to fight multiple Sith at a time, while taking care of a crutch or two, while injuired, while tired, or just plain fight what is essentially a god in Star Wars, and he even then is victorious.
  10. I agree. It was one of the best Star Wars novels I have read in a long long time. I really like how it rationalized midichlorians (though i would have been fine if they were never created). You really get to see alot more of Palpatine, and how he comes to be.
  11. He had the potential to be twice as powerful as Sidious, but after he was crippled (physically and emotionally) he was only 80% the strength of Sidious. The end of a building cycle of power that led to the most powerful Sith Lords in history. Revan fought some of the greatest threats of his era... yes I will give him that. Remember that guy that Vader was 80% as strong as. The ancient Sith bowed to that guy as their superior and master. And Revan did not win all of his battles. Betrayed by his student and left for dead, and after his redemption he gets "roflstomped" (I won't give any more spoilers) by someone who canonically is nowhere near the power of Sidous and Vader. You guys need to keep grasping at straws.
  12. I personally would read them all. I prefer the OT novels and the world afterwards so I would start with Shadows of the Empire, then move to Truce of Bakura... etc...etc. Zahn's books are great. He created fun characters that were not jedi who were still relevant to the setting and world. He was also very faithful to the characters as we see them in the movies. Plus Talon Karrde, Mara Jade and Thrawn? How can you go wrong!
  13. For Jedi. 1. Luke Skywalker - His father's potential realized. Most powerful Jedi ever. 2. Yoda - Most powerful Jedi up to the rise of the Empire. 3. Jacen Solo - before his fall, he possessed great strength and wisdom. 4. Kyp Durron - Originally more potential than Luke but retconned later. Still powerful. 5. Mace Windu - Master duelist, one of the few to fight Sidious and "win". 6. Jaina Solo - Sword of the Jedi. Very non traditional, but very skilled. 7. Mara Jade Skywalker - Former emperor's hand, strong with the force. 8. Ben Skywalker - Luke and Mara's son. Only a teenager but amazing powerful. 9. Obi-wan Kenobi - Wisdom beyond his years. Obi-wan overcame great obstacles. 10. Anakin Solo - Before his untimely death he was considered one of the most Powerful jedi in modern times. For Sith. 1. Darth Sidious - The culmination of a thousand years of teachings. The Dark Side in human form. 2. Darth Plagius. - Master of midichlorians and life. Twisted the force to suit his needs. 3. Darth Vader - The chosen one. 4. Darth Caedus - Jacen Solo as a Sith. All the power, all the rage. 5. Darth Krayt - Former Jedi of the clone wars, usurpers of the galactic empire. 6. Darth Tenebrous - Plaguis' master, sought the same, was killed before he could succeed. 7. Darth Zannah - Bane's apprentice, master of Sith sorcery. 8. Darth Bane - Founder of the Rule of Two 9. Vergere - Fallen Jedi, partially responsible for Jacen's corruption. 10. Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith. - Fought Luke to a standstill. Jacen's teacher. Canonically speaking, the most powerful should be the ones closes to the movie trilogy, since that is when the Jedi were at their peak, the Sith as well. Power creep has happened during the EU novels, but the list is sound.
  14. I just wrote an entire reply to a previous poster and because I previewed it I lost it... Ok. Short version. Most of what people post about Revan is irrelevant to him actually "dueling" Vader. People keep saying that once he put the suit on he was frankenstein and useless in a fight. Of course he had to adjust to his body moving differently, but once he did he was even more deadly. When Vader dueled there were no half measures. Each blow was a killing blow. It was almost impossible to parry him when he was geared up and ready to fight with how much power he struck with. He had immense power with the Force. Greater potential than Yoda himself. In the RotS novelization it said he was the most powerful Jedi, he just lacked the control needed. In his later years, even when he was reduced in strength he was still one of the greatest fighters in the galaxy, battling Jedi that were heads above their predecessors (this comes from LA itself, the Jedi of the prequel era were the most powerful to date.) No one is saying that Revan is not cool. He was us, we lived out his greatest adventure, that is what makes him great. But you can't put him on the same level in power as the being created by the Force to bring balance to it. You can't put him on a level of a man who battled some of the deadliest fighters in history. Ranging from Ventress, Dooku, to even his son Luke. Vader would win...
  15. What? Maul was going to use his political savvy and clout he had garnished over decades of being one of the most trusted and valued members of the Jedi council to stand up against the perceived corruption of the Republic to forge an alliance of like minded individuals to from an Independent government of Seperatists and wage a long war against a larger foe? Sorry, Tyranus was used perfectly by Sidious as well. Maul would have been very ill-suited for leading a government.
  16. Once Vader acclimated to his suit he became even more powerful and deadly. He augmented his Form V Djem-so to compliment his new strength, size and reach. While he may not have been as agile as he once was, he was by no means a lumbering oaf.
  17. Ok, your line of logic here lost me. Obi-wan was considered to be one of the greatest Form III Soresu practitioners in the galaxy, probably history. He was virtually invincible while on the defensive and was considered one of the Order's greatest warriors. He and Anakin were almost like brothers, and knew each others moves inside and out. Dooku was an undisputed master of Form II Makashi, a form specifically designed to fight other lightsaber wielders. He was considered one of the greatest duelists and history, and one of the few that was able to defeat Yoda or Mace Windu in duels. About the only force power that Vader could not utilize was Force Lightning, since he did not have living extremities. His power with telekinisis was nearly unmatched, and his pure physical strength added with his force power made him a match for pretty much anyone he fought. For force sake he took on eight Jedi including a few masters at the SAME TIME, and won, even after they deactivated his lightsaber. Lucas has come out and said that the prequel Jedi Order was at its peak, the strongest they had every been. The Jedi were the most powerful they had ever been. There is no way the Jedi and Sith of old were more powerful than their modern counterparts. I like Revan as much as the next guy, but against Vader? No way.
  18. It will probably blow your mind to know that Wooden Ship happens about 3,000 years after SW:TOR. Or about 1000 years before the films.
  19. While I don't disagree that the Prequels did not have a "villain" that we saw in the forefront, it would not have fit to keep Maul around. The entire basis of the prequels was the fall of Anakin to become Vader, with a sub-plot of discovering the Phantom Menace (Sidious). Having a central "villain" would have directed the Republic against a central foe... they did this with Grievous and Dooku (to a lesser extent on the later, he was a sympathetic character to the galaxy). Having a "villain", a directed powerful foe would have worked against Sidious' plan. Were the films disjointed with bad pacing; Yes. Did they lack a main character to sympathize with; Yes. But, Maul would have only served to work against the Emperor. Plus, having him being defeated by a mere Padawan in Episode 1 would have taken the teeth out of him. At least until the Clone Wars series came out, you had an impression that Grievous and Dooku were legendary powerful villains.
  20. The Novel "Darth Plaguies" goes into more depth of what Maul was to the Sith dynasty. Even beyond that, look at his name. Maul. It implies weapon, and that is what he was. A tool for Sidious to use against his enemies. Palpatine never intended to further the rule of two, he wanted to rule forever. That was his master's goal, and then Sidious continued it. Dooku, Darth Tyranus. He was the tyrant the galaxy would focus on while Palpatine gathered his own support. Sidious himself, and insidious threat that no one could see... the Phantom Menace as it were. Darth Maul was basically a sacrificial lamb from a story perspective. He was dangerous, killed a respected Jedi master, and his appearance began the build up of the threat that would eventually lead to the Clone Wars. Palpatine created the perfect Xanatos Gambit, just like the Joker did in The Dark Knight.
  21. I love how people who are trying to prove their favorite characters are more powerful than the movie films, by pulling out the GL line about him personally not believing in the EU... In doing so they totally destroy their own arguments.
  22. Of course not. We see this in a more limited form today with firearm technology. The basic technology has remained the same for over a century, but refinements in technology and materials have made weapons today more deadly than they were a century ago. Hammerhead cruisers had turbolasers, hyperdrives and shields, but they were not as refined and advanced as the ones used during the GCW. As a previous poster also stated, the galaxy had seen a millenia of peace, of course weapons technology would stagnate. Even a hundred years past the films, we see the same technologies, but fitted on more powerful starships.
  23. I believe they have come out and say they have purposely "retconned" the art style from Tales of the Jedi as poor design choice. In all honesty the technology used in the Star Wars galaxy has not changed much in the last four thousand years, probably longer. We typically see refinements or adaptations to existing technology rather than brand new innovations. This is not a all together unseen trope in space opera.
  24. Superman is his own greatest weakness. Moreso than Kryptonite. Even post Crisis Superman in "toned" down level is still super powerful. He may no longer be able to move planets or rearrange the universe (silver age Supes), but he still is super strong, super fast, super smart, and just plain super. A Jedi would not be able to defeat Superman. Not that a fight would happen for to long, some other great evil threat would rise up and they would have to take it on together.
  25. I will usually wait (unless that character has done it to me of course), and will usually help clear the mob, attacking the character's target so not to steal xp from his mob. Just being polite.
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