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Everything posted by Dokar

  1. Changing AC doesn't affect story at all, changing class does.
  2. Thursday, October 24th @ 6:30 PM PDT / Friday, October 25th @ 1:30 AM GMT http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20131009
  3. The problem is after a while people just see it as the "boy who cried wolf", they see everything responded to with "That would take a ton of work.".
  4. The journey from 1-50 with all the story is great and really the only thing worth playing to me. After 50 it is more tedious than fun.
  5. Any feedback that describes a problem can be useful no matter the tone as long as you are not too arrogant and willing to listen. That is the true skill of those good at customer service.
  6. If you are sending it back to be cooked more then you are telling them how to cook it.
  7. Clint Eastwood said it best. Harry Callahan: Yeah... you're a legend in your own mind.
  8. 1 Mil at best ..the second quarter this game was out it reported 400k net sub loss to 1.3 Mil subs that was with 400k more units sold ..that is a loss of as much as 800k sub in one quarter.
  9. They are not asking for choice to be taken away they are asking for the auto-flagging to be removed. That still leaves manual flagging.
  10. What I do is anchorhead -> jundland ,doing the southern vaporator last -> up through Anek to southern outlaw den then out the tunnel to the Krayt graveyard and Dune Sea
  11. After you do the southern most Vaporator in Jundland you can go up the ridge with NPC's overlooking Mos Anek hop down and into the back part of Anek and out without firing a single shot if careful, then just ride up and to the southern Outlaws Den entrance.
  12. If you wait till the last minute then all you have is the 24 hours gas station gift cards to chose from.
  13. It is more like a child getting presents at what is supposed to be another child's birthday party. And I am someone who doesn't even like PVP.
  14. People also left because story ended at 50 and they weren't interested in rolling alts.
  15. I thought EVE online was skill based and doing very well.
  16. The authenticator is free on Iphone and Android.
  17. Bioware licensed the engine more a year before they were acquired by EA. This one is not EA's fault.
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