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Everything posted by upzie

  1. <3 how your posts keep beeing completely ignorant, its a treat for us reading the forums, keep up the good work.
  2. Still getting 5.5k+ Discharge crits as decep (on fresh 50's Grantede) or 5k on geared with stims etc. stacked.
  3. Just gonna comment on that. I absolutly agree with you, the grind in Aion was mind numbing in every aspect. Rifting was absolutly amazing and fun. The game died for me @ 50 because of the lack of pvp Rifting, and no warzones/battlegrounds (I love world pvp, but flying around 30 mins to find 2-3 ppl just aint fun, if I log in, I want to be able to just start doing what I enjoy
  4. Tbh it doesnt feel worth going above 10 2x/0/1x in madness unless you got 4x pve for the 15% crit. If you do have the extra crit its very fun though.
  5. Love how your mixing the abilities of 2-3 class's together to creat a super class that needs nerfs, your hillarious. /bump so ppl can have a good laugh.
  6. No just no - Unless its a super short game I usually hit 300-500k dmg in a warzone in my tank specc. If your not doing dmg as tank, your doing it wrong.
  7. Basicly just keep the abilities with cd a place where you can watch them easy. This is My bindings But it all boils down to personal preferance.
  8. The Reason is DPF (dmg per Force), Maul outside duplicity proccs are horrible in that department (25 force 50% armor pen), dont let a "high" number fool you, specilaly while lvl'ing. This is one of the biggest mistakes made by players new to Assassins. Also 31/0/3 would proberly be better for you @ your lvl for lvling. Basicly use DPS gear with that specc, Wither and shock on CD, pop FL when you got 3x of Harnessed Darkness - Also Discharge on cd vs multiple mob pulls. And when your not doing all that Trash for Energize proccs. Straight forward, more effecient than your current build for lvling.
  9. upzie

    Assassin PVP Build

    One suggestion, put it in the Assassin forum, wheres there a slight chance ppl will care. After all thats why there are specific class forums. Your just taking up space in this fora.
  10. Never ever, ever ever ever etc. Use maul unless you got a duplicity procc. If you dont have the duplicity talent, then dont maul, ever.
  11. yes, and its not really beeing gready 30% less dmg from enemies are nice no matter how you look at it.
  12. This thread is fun. OP, the problem is not the class, but you.
  13. Seeking pity, because you do not succed in an easy pvp envoirment. Thats sad.
  14. No you mean, that in "your" oppinion its bad, there are plenty of ppl who enjoy it. Welcome to mmo's.
  15. are you talking about dps in pvp or pve ?
  16. upzie

    get rid of it!

    Sure, get rid of pve gear while your at it then.
  17. Just thought I would clarify a few things as a 31/0/10 Assassin This is true, if your fast enough, as soon as they Force Cloak they can Mind Trap you. Techincaly they can spike(throwdown) you before Force Cloak to make sure you dont use stealth scan, and no sin worth his salt will do that before you used your escape on something else. Just not true, most of our migitation comes from Armor and our Energy/Internal Resistence from Darkcharge when you got the talent Charge Mastery, wich also gives us about a ~450 heal on a 65% procc every 4,5 sec. So basicly all of our migitation works vs you guys. Not to mention that good PvP Tankasins dont even use a shield generator, but a focus for dmg. Basicly this is how Decent PvP Tank Stats Should look like, so as you can see we migitate your dmg fine. Tankasins also got a ~10% of total health heal on demand and lets face it all pvp'ers are using Biochem medpacs so add that ontop, then your looking @6-7k extra health on demand, alongside Force Shroud. If your going to compare things then atleast use ppl with good gear as a refereance, you can allways say that bad players in bad gear do not pressure you. A tankasin who uses his rotation prober will put out alot of pressure, specialy during his Harnessed Darkness Lighnints wich also heals for 12% of their total health in my case thats ~2k health back and ~5k-7.6k dmg(can be more or less depending on oppenents gear, but its around those numbers on decent geared ppl) in 3 sec, uninterruptable outside KB or Stun(this is just flat dmg no crit or migitation is considered here). And This is usuable every ~10-12 second. Besides that you'll be doing 5% less dmg through Wither And shocks are critting between 2k-4k in shadow with energize and reck. Dont get me wrong, we are by no means the best single target dps'ers, but through selfhealing, interrupts, stuns, gap closers, pulls etc. Our dmg is very solid in 1v1 situations. This just confuses me, seeing as madness is one of the weaker 1v1 speccs assassins got. I am not writing this to say your class is bad or your bad, but your layout of the fight sounds like a decent player vs bad players. And there seems to be alot of gabs in your explantion of the fight, and what Assassins are capable of in it. Wich in turn could be misleading for some of the ppl your trying to help out.
  18. Its a chance that you dont need to take if you dont want to, its a rng element wich I personaly enjoy, its a gamble, either you get an amazing result for taking the chance or you get punished. Lets compare it to a "non rng" super skillbased game like SC2, do you take a chance and make a hidden fast expansion to improve your income drasticly giving you a huge advantage, or do you play standard, if you take the chance and get scouted theres a very good chance that you will be punished for it. This is basicly that in a mmo format. And you can easily dominate Huttball w/o touching the vents. Your own fault 9/10 for not paying attention to the ppl, and placing yourself in a bad spot. As for getting dragged into a fire, well either save your trinket/escape ability for this, wich is basicly just a tactical smart play on your oppenents part, and if your not the BallCarrier then he basicly just wastede one of his best abilities on nothing. And dont compare x to y, appels and oranges everything got its place. Thats an issue on your part, never had issue passing the ball to a teammate when needed. The aoe part is actually one of my favorit things, since you can actually use abilities to intercept a throw, just like in regulaer football. Blame the ppl on your server or yourself for making a faction imbalance. But it would have been nice if BW made all 3 warzones like huttball in regards to queueing vs same faction. If your dont enjoy, then trade as you say, in the end its about having fun when your spending as much time on it as you do in a mmo. Personaly I think your approaching this issue from a wrong angle, but each to his own.
  19. upzie

    Huttball Agian!!!

    Huttball, great warzone <3
  20. Threads like this makes my head hurt :<<
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