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Everything posted by DarthEccen

  1. Clearly you and Adami both have issues with reading comprehension, since Enkidu just explained how he was being flippant and wasn't attempting to be accusatory.
  2. He translated Eric saying that the slots were not an exploit as Eric saying that no one would be punished for any of their ill-gotten gains. Read the first line of his reply. To be frank, I find it hard to believe you could not even possibly see how he implied that people exploited it.
  3. Or maybe give unnerfed slot machines to people that didn't use the Ravager's exploit!
  4. Your assumption that your paraphrasing correct is pretty flawed. I'm speaking specifically to "we're not going o prosecute you for ill gotten gains from the current mechanics of the slot machine." The gains were not ill-gotten, at all. Eric's stating that reaping as many rewards as possible from the slot machine was not an exploit, in my opinion, makes that pretty clear. You're the second person I've seen so far, saying that the slot machines were "exploited", as if to say that people taking advantage of the bugged Ravagers rewards and the people who used the slot machines prior to the nerf, can be approximately equivocated.
  5. Kudos for both showing your age with that West Wing example, and also using a West Wing example.
  6. Lets not open this can of worms. We have enough things to QQ about in SWTOR alone.
  7. And how could you possible equate Eric with Casey? Casey made executive decisions regarding Mass Effect 3's story. Eric is a community manager. He's effectively a messenger to the player base. I'm not seeing the comparison here.
  8. You know, I wouldn't even be mad if, instead of nerfing the drop rates, they had just replaced the scrap with something else entirely. Bring the levels back up to what they were previously and give us companion gifts, maybe. Which we can then use to boost our crew members skill mission effectiveness, provided we don't already have our companions at max affection, already. Thereby encouraging more players to continue running crew skills missions. Edit: Finished a thought.
  9. The only reason they were investigating drop rates in the first place was because of the whining that the crafters (most of who were price gouging) were doing on the forums. Thus, yes, we can in fact quote him saying they were working as intended without mentioning the fact that they would be adjusted, because they never would have been examined in the first place if crafters hadn't made over a dozen different threads on the forums talking about how the "global economy" was ruined.
  10. I stopped reading after this sentence, btw. Your entire argument falters here. Eric explicitly stated that the slots were working as intended. The fact that slots were adjusted dramatically, after player feedback was received, does not render this fact null. The first iteration of slots was never "broken."
  11. FYI, there's already a thread or two about this in the Bugs Report subforum.
  12. Perhaps we could compile our own list for them to copy/paste?
  13. I can't wait until Bioware releases the Togruta species. When they first come out, their tentacles won't clip through anything. It'll be marvelous. Then people will ***** about Togruta not being able to wear hoods. Their cries will drown out the forums. Eric will make a post talking about how Togruta armor appearances are working exactly as intended, but due to player feedback they will be adjusting some of the clothing options. A week later, you'll see Togruta, hoods up, giant head tentacles clipping through them.
  14. Whether or not this is "swindling" depends entirely on if the current drop and loss rates are exactly as (newly) intended or if someone accidentally misplaced a decimal point. If its as intended, then this is absolutely swindling.
  15. They'll serve BudlIght for the first hour, and after that they'll put in your proposed mixture having only realized after the fact that alcohol might intoxicate the crowd.
  16. This new drop rate wasn't mentioned in the initial post discussing what drop rates were going to be adjusted, either. Either Tait forgot to address this, a developer forgot to pass on the information so that it could be addressed in the post, or the new drop rates for certificates are bugged. Or, I should say, I'd accept either of these explanations as plausible.
  17. Since Bioware seems to be caving to every player whim these days, what do you think the success would be of us demanding punitive measures against them for exploiting the player base?
  18. Only way to test is by getting it and then racing someone. Simple, straight line, point A to point B.
  19. I'm against this nerf, but can't you turn coins into sellable reputation items?
  20. An interesting food for thought: This doesn't just reflect badly on Bioware from a company to player relationship. Bioware is now going to make less money on the cartel packs because less people will buy them to get access to a slot machine.
  21. How about Bioware makes a mini-game that rewards players with purple crafting mats? Then when GTN gougers cry about how they're not making millions in a matter of weeks, they can nerf it.
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