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Posts posted by Kjetl

  1. lol alot of crying lol i find it hard to make friends i want to see the same people over & over join a guild if you want to see the same people everyfay i for 1 want to PvP not make online friends i have a Real life for friends i just want to play the game!


    Then you should have rolled republic. You can reroll you know.

  2. Ive had quite a few conversations with people saying that they prefer to do pre 50 PVP because its more fun and dont really care about the gear.


    Just wondering if others have seen this trend?


    I know many people doing this -- at least as a break from the train wreck that is Ilum.

  3. I'm sure you could still fight with people you know and like on your server, but whats wrong with broadening your horizons and meeting new people to fight against? There are some really slow que times out there.


    Sith and Jedi getting along Hmmm sounds interesting.


    Can I group with those people? No.

    Can I run Ilum with those people? No.

    How large of a chance is there that I will ever see those people again? Using WoW as an example, 'Slim and None'.


    Your point again?


    Queue's have slowed down a bit, but as someone is bound to mention, on republic, I have little issue with queue times and almost never have a rep v rep wz... (But, on another note... BW, wth? Rep v Rep huttball??)

  4. Creative thinking here -- I like that.


    Another thing to consider is leveraging expertise (in lieu of the health bonus) to address faction imbalance.


    A simple thing would be to make expertise only function for the underdog realm -- yes, a lot of empire players would be lining up to cry sad tears, but then again, so what ;)


    Balances would need to be applied (e.g. for 10:1 expertise would need to multiplied, but at 2:1 perhaps reduced).

  5. Some explain the rationale that getting to actually PLAY Warzones, Operations and Flashpoints somehow breaks the game. Cross-server group finding tools are one of the main reasons I went back to WoW after two years. "It's really a different game now," my brother said, and he was right - you didn't have to give head for 6 months to become part of some elitist jerk guild in order to get groups and progress.


    Your sense of community can be better achieved with improved open world PvP, as opposed to deliberate and archaic restrictions on FPs / WZs. Prioritize the matchmaking system so that groups from the same server are always formed first, even in warzones against the opposing faction, so that whenever possible you are playing people that are "local" and can be "remembered" to gain a reputation.


    When not available, proceed to 2nd argument line, where you cross-server match to fill the needs of the group / warzone.


    Done. Ya got problems with that? I'll bookmark this thread and listen to your logic.


    Better yet, don't force me to cross-server queue AT ALL.

  6. I can't say I have seen it that bad, but I have been on some lope sided teams.


    Just yesterday I was in a Civil War match and our team was 7 vs the Repubs 8. We didn't lose a person nor did we gain one.


    I simply don't get it. People jump in and out of Huttball like it is a cool thing to do, yet in my first Civil War match in close to a week and we go a full round without even one person filling in the missing spot.


    As for those who say it is the bug where people aren't listed in the OPS part of the UI ... I counted heads before we took off. counting to 7 is easy to do. And no new members joined.


    Most Reps see it that bad on a daily basis.


    What's worse is that when someone joins, or even 2 people, it resets the timers with no sensible reason for doing so.

  7. You completely missed my point. Games Workshop had nothing to do with game balance whatsoever. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero. That was all handled by EA/Mythic


    They had nothing to do with class balance.


    They did, however, forbid a 3rd realm.

  8. Just for grins, I don't believe in EA, and I no longer work there for a reason. We (those of us working there) called it 'The Borg.'


    However, that said, you ideas of how publishing works aren't valid. Your idea that EA ruined Warhammer, is also not valid (Games Workshop had a far more drastic impact), although EA did hold them to the release date.


    I learned long ago, though, that some people won't believe the sky is blue, even when you explain it with physics ;)

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