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Posts posted by Kjetl

  1. Yes, right now the wait time on warzones (save the 50 bracket, where we don't have the population to do hardly any) is the only perk to playing Republic.


    This is a good solution since it kills multiple birds with one stone:


    1) It will help "fix" Ilum.

    2) It will help rebalance the population when Sith figure out they'll wait less if they re-roll Republic.

    3) Sith will then get more warzones besides Huttball due to the increased Republic population.

    4) It will get us off the Dev's back.


    This will make the Republic happy, since they will get a boost in population. It will make the Sith happy, since warzones will now be more than just another Huttball vs Sith. Finally, it will make the Devs happy, since one of the major problems in the game will get deflated quite a bit. Really, at this point, the biggest issue in the game isn't a bug here or there, or that we can't progress with Kira, or whatever, it is the population balance. I'd be putting everything on the table to fix it.


    Imps have faster queues on my server.

  2. Hear me out on this... I know some people wont like it.


    Add a 3rd faction on Ilum, pirates or something, that both Republic and Sith and join until a certain # of pirate players is reached and capped.


    Ex: 100 Republic vs 200 Sith --- > Spots for 75 pirates open up.



    Why would I play pirates?


    Offer a credit boost and/or valor boost for playing on the pirate team.



    Who will I be?


    Do it monster play style from LOTRO or Skaven style from WAR - Have pre-set character archetypes to choose from each time you respawn with a certain look / full list of skills.



    What happens?


    Bioware needs to find out some lovely little formula that would calculate the # of Reps/Imps in the zone and find out how many spots to offer up to each faction until there are three population balanced factions.



    Who gets the credits/valor ?


    Use a shared inventory system - Your Trooper or whoever you're playing gets whatever valor/credits/rewards you obtain while playing as a pirate.


    Would this really work?


    Idk, just throwing stuff out there.


    And who do you expect would play these pirates? The Imps who are already zerging for the win? The Reps who are getting zerged? Why would either join the "third faction" monster play solution?


    As to your last question, it didn't work in Warhammer... Although it was a lot of fun ganking high level toons with a lvl 1 on a skaven.

  3. You know what's wrong with internet today? Everybody thinks they're a frickin game dev or journalist and think they are right all the time. People need to know it's not easy to just "rollback" a lot of players. This will take a looooong time, or they could just frick you all up by remove all Valor gained yesterday and today. And that would suck for people who only play warzones and not Ilum pvp. I just play PVE so no problem for me if they decide to rollback valor gained yesterday and today.


    Right because rolling back a db is hard work.


    Mythic did this every time a huge exploit was found in a new patch in DAoC. Yes, it sucked to lose progress made during that time, but everyone understood it was better than flooding the economy with ill gotten gains, etc.

  4. Subtle advantages such as slight animation lag do not turn a class from balanced to overpowered.


    The only major animation problems are the pebbles taking up to 2 sec to impact at 30m, and the delay on mortar volley. Everything else is less than marginal. Neither of those make the classes in question significantly worse, either. They should still be fixed, but no, it doesn't somehow make the class incredibly overpowered.


    Says the Imp... Wonder what your tune would be if the animations went rep?

  5. Let's see...


    My max fps in Ilum today was 24.7 fps when we were away in a group of 3 and no imps around.


    I have an iCore7 @4Ghz, 24 GB of DDR3, 2 GTX 560 ti's with 2GB each (oc'd). My CPU uts were under 35%, my GPUs were 37%. My latency was 62ms. My internet is fine, and quite fast.


    When we had an ops group against 3 or 4x as many imps, my AVERAGE fps was 7.4 fps.


    I then said screw it, at least I can run some WZs on an alt. Except I kept crashing to desktop in WZs.


    My CC breaker on both toons was in almost perma cooldown -- even 5 minutes after the first use.



    "Potential problems"? Lol

  6. What's there to discuss? How much you (Bioware) just borked your game? We did that before you implemented this abortion, and you put it out anyway.


    The only thing left in the discussion is for Bioware to say "Yeah, you guys were right, we're rolling this back until we can figure out what pvp is."

  7. My only gripe about Biochem is the fact that all of our raiding consumables use the Grade 5 compounds/samples.


    I have to log on all day every 30-60 minutes to send TWO companions on Bioanalysis Grade 5 missions because THERE ARE ONLY TWO MISSIONS THAT YIELD RAID CONSUMABLE MATS!!!


    Seriously, I just looked at my list (I'm 400 btw)


    Moderate: Compounds

    Moderate: Compounds





    ...can't make Stims for the raid tonight if there aren't enough SAMPLES IN THE WHOLE GALAXY!


    This is what it's like every time I log in pretty much. It's unbelievable. And I assume it's that bad for everyone because there are absolutely no Grade 5 samples on my galactic trade network.


    ...now let's look at Grade 6 where all these raid stims SHOULD be;


    Abundant: Samples

    Moderate: Samples

    Abundant: Compounds

    Abundant: Samples

    Moderate: Compounds


    ...oh how I wish Grade 5 had some missions like that. -_-


    /rant over. =( I should have stayed Artifice.. it's useless for tanks but at least I had fewer headaches.


    Uh... go to Voss?

  8. Yes its stupid, but lol @ you complaining with a 1/8 ratio... thats not bad at all, a lot of people are 1/10 or worse.


    i'm valor rank 39 and have 3 pieces....


    My buddy has opened over 100 bags. His rewards? 2 main hand only sabers (sentinel).


    Yes, you read that right. 2 tokens from over 100 bags and they are duplicates. His companion does have a wicked lightsaber though...



  9. Guess what, you guys won't get your quest done and neither do us, why? cause we still need you guys to flip the points.....fail zone is fail...


    A smart empire player ^^


    (and no, I'm not being a ********. Maximilus can see the future)

  10. If BW wanted to fix this, they could just revert the rewards back to the launch. They nerfed the rewards in a lame attempt to stop afk leveling in WZs (instead of just implementing a vote kick system).


    In addition, having daily quests that require you to win warzones, and then giving you matches where you fight a double premade of champs and battlemasters with 1 lvl 50 and 7 guys under lvl 15, will not motivate that 50 to stick around. And I'm not talking about queues with any wait (instant pops!), so it's not like that was the only possible match...

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