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Everything posted by Willsor

  1. Why cant they just roll out patches in different timezones at their specific "non peak" time.. it wouldn't be bloody hard to do, I know loads of MMO's that did that
  2. Hmmm, I just tried that, he puts some debuff on me, and I get these electrical explosions on me every tick which **** me. any suggestions?
  3. Hi Just for the fun, I want to kill the coruscant world boss.. I'm a level 48 scoundrel, and I can't kill him. He just hits me for about 4k twice in a row and I'm pretty much dead, despite me using my shield and dodge move. He doesn't cast anything with a visible cast bar, I just die almost instantly. I remember a friend solo'd it at level 50, and took literally no damage, but that was a while back.. has something changed that stops high levels soloing it? If not I can't really imagine 2 levels and some epic gear would change the damage taken from 4k to 0. can someone explain it?
  4. Just got a duster cowboy style hat from Red Reaper on my Twilek, and it looks freakin ridiculous. I wouldn't expect a clipping issue this bad from a game from 2008 let alone 2012. Did they even test this? How did this pass quality control? /signed
  5. That is not the case AT ALL. Some of us have attacks which can only be used in physical positions compared to the enemy, ie behind or when they're stunned, Because the game is buggy in this respect, I often rely on my skills being available to judge whether I fulfil these requirements for the special attacks.
  6. Yeah this change is REALLY annoying for me as a scoundrel.. I have lots of situational attacks, like ones who require the enemy to be stunned, or ones that I must be behind them. In the old system, I could clearly see, at all times, despite any global cooldown when I could use these skills, as they would be light coloured all the time.. Under the new system however, because skills only become light after the global cooldown, It means the situation skills also are like this, meaning I have only a split second to judge If I'm in the right position, ie, between the time between the global cooldown ending, and me using my next attack.. Please give us the option to turn this off!
  7. It seems it was just a bug. I did exactly the same thing again, but equipped then unequipped the item, and the armour value showed up as a decent amount Cheers
  8. Ok.. So I am about to hit level 40. I have my level 40 pvp gear all set up, and I wanted to get a set for Risha, my companion. I bought the dancer's outfit (why not^^) for her, and because it's crap armour rating on its own: I got the Orange level 40 pvp boots from the vendor. Extracted all of the mods Put them all into the Dancer's boots. The boots stayed on armour 4 or something really low like that. To make things worse, I extracted all of the mods again to put back into the level 40 pvp boots, and the armour of the boots stayed at a stupidly low value this time. Why did this happen? Is there any way to make the social armour have decent stats through mods? Cheers
  9. thanks for this. Not to brag but I do all these things, so I guess it's the rest of the team's fault I joke.. But seriously, can't spread the word enough about passing.
  10. Agreed we do have all those skills (Well I don't have in combat rez - yet), but they all seem to pale in comparison to the aoe kb and speed. it's not that I don't want you to have those abilities period, it's just that in the context of Hutball, where speed and shaking off attackers are essential, they seem a bit unfair. purge - Useful, but only in a supporting role, our team must already have the ball to make this effective. snare - Moderately useful, most of the time people break out of snares fairly quickly. aoe snare (talented) - Don't have this yet in combat rez - Don't have this yet disappearing act (vanish) - VERY useful in other warzones, but only for saving your own skin in hutball. Especially as you can't stealth carrying the ball, and since you can't heal with stealth, you won't be able to get back into either escorting the ball handler or defending your line very fast, otherwise you will just die again, as you usually use stealth when you're losing. tranquilize - Both you and the target must be OUT of combat for you to be able to cast this heals - Probably useful (Im not spec'd for heals.) dirty kick (w/ talented speed increase) - Very Useful, probably the most useful. But I'm spec'd dirty fighting and this is still only 4 seconds (which the enemy can still break out of) knockdown (talented) - Don't have a knockdown yet dodge - Pretty useful, but only 3 seconds, so that's probably only 2-3 skills I can use in that space of time accuracy debuff - Not much use for hutball really. defense buff - Don't have yet So admittedly, looks like I may be spec'd wrong to be very useful in Hutball, and I'm only level 37, so I probably haven't got the most useful abilities yet. Thanks for this list. It's given me a bit of hope for future levels
  11. @Draeb I agree about that - Scoundrel's are definitely not weak at the other gamemodes. I dunno, maybe I just hate hutball...
  12. @Smokeydubbs Yeah I don't really know the empire very well, but in all honestly, there isn't that much time to look in a game of hutball what all the enemy classes are. But 4v1 will not always end badly for the 1, as in the situation I described during the end of the tie game. @Aribethx Isn't that the idea? no one is supposed to just have an inherent skill advantage at the beginning of the game? Why should the force push or force speed classes just be able to instantly defuse a sticky situation when a scoundrel cant?
  13. I agree, a smuggler ( I am scoundrel FYI) would be very useful in that situation, but when you have an uncoordinated random group team who can't/won't communicate, it becomes useless because there is usually no one to pass to
  14. Ok This is getting ridiculous. Smugglers (gunslingers/scoundrels) literally have no abilities that are of ANY use in hutball. Consider the empire sith. They all seem to have force push, and the mages seem to have force push and force speed. Even the mercenaries (not sure what archetype that is) have an aoe knockback with a movement impair after the knockback. What do scoundrels get? a stun that ends on damage, and a stun that doesnt. Great. PLEASE just disable force speed and the aoe knockbacks, they are just retardedly op in Hutball. >trying to kill the ball handler. Force speeds away. Great. He's won. Nothing I can do about it, unless VERY fast on the flashbang, and hoping its not on its ludicrously long cooldown. >Again, trying to kill the ball handler.. his mate comes in, aoe knocks all 3 of us off the metal walkway, into fire pits and the lower ledge. Again, he's won. Consider this situation, happened to me at the end of last game. it was 1-1, 15 seconds to go, enemy team had the ball, we just needed to be in possession to win. Nearly killed the ball handler, when low and behold, he force speeds away, and a mate of his jumps in and force knockbacks All 4 of us killing the handler. The enemy team win. There is literally NOTHING we could have done in this situation. Sure scoundrels get stealth, brilliant. What use is stealth in Hutball? Consider this: If 4 enemies including the ball handler are running at a stealthed scoundrel on the highest walkway.. what do? Maybe he throws down a flashbang to aoe stun (Ends on DMG) for 8 seconds? Yeah great, then all 4 of them use their individual stun breaks and move on to kill the scoundrel almost instantly. Sure he could put bleeds on them, but that breaks his own aoe stun, rendering it useless. However, if a Jedi had run at those 4 enemies? Different story entirely. He uses an aoe force knockback on all of them, scattering them all over. maybe one gets knocked into the fire pit, 2 get knocked onto ground level, and 1 gets knocked on to the ledge below. What about a vanguard? uses the wire pull technique thing to pull the ball handler onto the other side walkway, or a lower walkway, or into a firepit, instantly breaking up the ball handlers escort group. having the ball handler force speedy speed run away would make the smuggler useless for a good 10-15 seconds, depending on the amount of enemies already attacking him, excl. the ball handler. Having the ball handler knock all of his opposition off a walkway to the ground level and other walkways? Easily a 10-15 second gap before the smuggler can make it back up there again! That's not even including the amount of force chokes, force holds and stuns that jedi's/sith seem to get. To all empire sith and jedi, think before you comment here. The equivalent skill to this would be letting the smuggler have a 10 second stun that doesn't end on damage and cannot be removed with a stun removing skill. You can't just "remove" being thrown on to another walkway or level in the playfield, so why should other players just "remove" smuggler's ONLY usefull CC in hutball at the tap of a button. Thank you. Constructive criticism only please.
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