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10 Good
  1. "Companions were nerfed because they were FAR to OP, they were able to be even more effective than actual players" I agree they were overpowered but here's the issue... we rely on our companions. The amount to which they were nerfed was a tad overkill. I dont mind a challenge but when each pull is a battle of survival you tend to think of the good'ol days when achieving the same goals weren't as painful. Making something more challenging when not fixing core issues like mob routing, quest bugs, lag spikes, fps drops, etc. tends to decrease the overall experience in which the game was intended. Also I appreciate your comment and you do raise many good points. Granted, i think you may have misunderstood my point about paying. I didnt mean my opinion was more valuable because I've been paying for all the little cosmetics/mounts/etc. I was merely stating that I've recently spent a wad of cash on this game thinking it was a lot of fun and then the nerf happened and i suddenly found myself struggling to get through simple 2+ heroics. I don't mind grinding. I'm a grinder. But when I grind I tend not to think of survivability as much as getting the task done as quick as possible to move onto the next grind. I love MMOs and what they involve. SWTOR is a unique mmo in which you are heavily reliant on your companions. They are/were used to substitute for another player. As it stands, they do not. A solution would be to match their power with ours. Don't have them surpass us, rather, balance it so they are equal. Afterall, they are characters and not "pets". I still enjoy the game and will try to move past this issue for now but to suggest moving away from MMOs entirely isn't really a solution as other MMOs have a bit more going for them. I think SWTOR may thrive but BW needs to consider a quick solution before losing more players, which ultimately impacts our community as a whole. There's a forum post about unsubscribing and it's clearly loaded with people quitting the game due to this issue. I think it's a bit extreme to leave right away but they have a point...other MMOs currently do it better. Again, I'm not quitting right away but if I continue to feel underpowered there's a chance I'll be leaving it for another MMO...which is sad because I love the concept, characters, story, and gameplay. I just don't want to struggle on something that should be simple. Let the challenge be for the challengers. Let the grinds continue being mindless.
  2. This companion nerf may have sealed their fate. So sad. They were so close to getting back on the horse. BW said they nerfed companions because they were too strong and the game was essentially playing itself. Let's look at this logically. If people want a game that plays itself because they ENJOY it more (key word ENJOY) then why tweek something people enjoy? Revert the changes made to companions and maybe you can escape this mass unsubscription mess. Keep in mind, the more people that unsubscribe, the less of a community this will feel like, thus, more people will unsubscribe. You're looking at days to fix this. Take a look your profit losses post patch. You really don't have time to sit back and collect data. You have to act now or forever regret your epic screw up.
  3. Patches tend sway 50/50 with gamers. Some love the changes while others hate them. BW...100% of your customers HATE what you've done to companions! Wake up! This was a huge screw up! *** did you do?! Dear lord. You may as well have just hit "DELETE" on the entire game. I hate to say it but if this isnt fixed in the next few days you're looking at a massive loss in revenue. If you wanted to nerf companions then you need to reduce our need for them. A level 65 shouldnt get smoked by two lvl 15 elites. You broke something that didn't need fixing. The best part is I was fully intending on purchasing all the little market items. This patch came out and I put the brakes on. If you're reading this BW, you can verify how much I've spent in the last month. You'll see that I wasn't kidding.
  4. Yup! I liked what they had done. Companions were very useful and i felt like i was playing with another player. This of course was lost in yesterday's patch. I struggle with +2 Heroics. Why? For what? Tank companion: I'm glad you upped the companion's ability to generate threat. FYI, it still sucks. Why? Because even if they manage to hold threat, they're dead within the first 15 seconds. Healer companion: Can't keep themselves up let alone me. Dps companion: They're dead...best 5 seconds of dps ever! +2 Heroics were a great way to kill time, feel like you're farming without the repetative grind, and just overall fun for all types of players. I'm also disappointed because when i came back I thought to myself "Holy crap this is fun! I hope this game gets a kick start and people start joining in!" But now I'm just sad. It had such great potential. The only way I'll continue subscribing is if this issue is fixed before the next patch. If it's not hotfixed in the next few days sadly I'm out. Just wish I hadnt spent so much money on the game this month. Would've spent even more if they had left this alone. Truly disappointing.
  5. I still don't understand why you would nerf companions so hard? Was the game too easy? Maybe it was too fun. I don't know. Either way, you've ruined something that didn't need to be tampered with. People enjoy staying alive, especially when grinding [2+ heroics]...may as well have a full group because my companion barely keeps me alive anymore. If you're going to try and make the game more challenging, up the rewards and fix your server/lag issues. That's like saying you want to make more money but don't want customers to enjoy their experience. "Gamers love when bosses reset for no good reason! But hey, let's nerf the heck out of companions though, gamers hate how fun it is to survive big pulls" DON'T nerf elements of the game that: A. Wasn't hurting anyone B. Was actually a lot of fun Why am I so upset? Because I gave you guys over $100 in a month. I truly started enjoying this game after a very long leave. Want to know why I left in the first place? I felt the game made me work too hard for very little. Well guess what? ....
  6. 100% agree. I left this game because I felt weak. Spent a lot of time dying. When I came back about a month ago, it felt good. My companions were keeping me alive and I didn't have to struggle to get through a simple, not-so-rewarding mission. Needless to say, I died 4 times during a 2+ heroic mission today after the patch. It took me 30mins to complete it. My companion couldn't keep us alive. Now here's my question. Why fix what no one complained about? Why not fix server/lag/input issues instead of addressing an element that made this game "too fun"? I don't understand how you can over nerf something to a point where even geared players feel like they're working too hard to stay alive. If it's a challenging encounter then sure, I understand. But I shouldn't have to worry about death when facing a group of 24s that are part of a bonus grinding mission. Very disappointing.
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