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Everything posted by Chaostie

  1. Exactly. A lot of you seem to be saying "how can I survive 4 /6 /8 Sorcs doing such and such to me?" You don't, you die. I'm sorry if you feel like you should be able to solo an entire team on your own, but you shouldn't.
  2. You're upset that you get killed all the time by Sorcs. What do you expect when 75% of a Warzone is made of Sorcs?
  3. I don't know, how do you avoid getting lit up by 6 tracer missles? Don't fight 6 BH's at once. Ta da!
  4. Since they are complaining about Sorcs specifically, yeah it kind of does. If Sages and Sorcs were truly mirrors, then we turned all the Sorc players into Sages, everyone would complain about Sages instead. Someone plays a Warzone. 5 of them are Sorcs. You get killed 5 times by the other classes, 10 times by Sorcs. Guess who's OP? No one, there are just more Sorcs gunning for a kill.
  5. Read other posts please. Faction imbalance does not equal opness.
  6. For that justification, I think you should look more at "top tier" players rather than just your run of the mill Warzone with everyone doing their dialies / mucking around / etc.
  7. This. :| Just because you cannot beat a class / player doesn't mean that class is OP and needs to be nerfed. Maybe you just need to be better.
  8. I hate it too! I should be able to play an hour a day and be just as good as someone who plays all day ever day! Balance! Fairness! Nerf them all!
  9. I think you fail to understand how they deal with credit farmers. They don't ban every single one that pops up, the observe and then break the system they use getting rid of all of them, both that are reported and those that aren't.
  10. Damn. Well thanks for the answer. Least I don't have to waste the time for it.
  11. I wasn't able to find an answer, and a submitted ticket resulted in "we've forwarded this bug report to a relevant person" {a question equals a bug?} so I'm wondering if anyone knows or has tried before I got and get rid of 10,000 Dark Side Points. My question is, if I earn say the Light Side points to get to the top tier and earn all the titles, would I be able to keep those titles if I turned around and went all the way back down to the bottom tier of Dark Side, or would they simply disappear?
  12. A. It has an MMO atmosphere because it's an MMO, if you expected anything different then quit now because it's never going away. B. It's glitchy because it's not even a month old. It's not a platform game that doesn't grow or change as it goes on. If you don't like it, don't play it, simple as that. The majority {if not all} of your complaints are just pointless opinion that you devalued and explained the why within the first few sentences.
  13. I don't think Warzone's are ever going to be PUG friendly. Not something that has an objective that is throwing random people together. The only kind of Warzone what would be PUG friendly would be something where the only point is to kill as many people as possible. Hopefully it will get better the more people play.
  14. I don't understand how people compare a 7 year old game, with 7 years of fixes and updates and tweeking, to a month old game. I just don't. Population has already been explained to death. But all the bugs are expected in a brand new game that isn't released to platform, and therefore is constantly being improved upon. If you want to continue to compare it to WoW, compare it in equal states. Guess what? New WoW versus new SWTOR, SWTOR wins hands down.
  15. They need to make something like Halaa to inspire more world PvP imo, at least for a "quick" fix while they think of other things.
  16. True healers don't heal for the rewards. I play to win, and I heal because I enjoy it. Get out of here with your nonsense.
  17. Why? They are two different classes and abilities. All type of damage absorption abilities from the same class let alone different classes has been stack able.
  18. Yes please. ;_; I wish they'd do this now for... Everywhere. Okay, maybe Jedi don't go around killing each other, but anyone in the Empire sure does.
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