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Posts posted by richardya

  1. the pug vs premade arguments need to stop. its getting to the point of idiocy.


    ranked warzones are designed specifically FOR premades. if you dont want to fight against guild premades, you can go play in the normal warzones. you can still get war hero gear, granted at a slower rate, but you can still get it.


    there are no avenues for both good and bad players to participate in warzones and have fun. if you want to participate in ranked pvp, i suggest you either start making a lot of friends that you can form a group with, or you join a pvp guild.


    Who said we dont want to fight premades? I never had trouble with premades in unranked and dont anticipate losing to all but 1 or 2 guilds in ranked. Two premades of four can beat a premade of eight.


    I assume the reason people do not want others in ranked is a typical forum thing that enjoys looking down on others that I do not understand. If you have 7 people and need a filler then either use LFG or wait 5 hours. I would argue the LFG tool is preferable.


    If ranked are only for ranking and not gear they should give the same reward as unranked. Until they offer the same reward people should stop telling people to go to unranked.


    Premades are not better than many of the pugs I have been in. PUG's of good players can beat many premades. I have done it before and expect to continue to do it.

  2. Enough


    Every class says they are gimp because an intelligent team will focus them.

    Intelligent teams just need to focus DPS Shadows, gimp gunslingers, gimp mercs, and gimp healers........etc etc.

    Intelligent teams cant focus everyone, just because a player is focused and dies does not mean his class is gimp.

    If they are focusing you in your pre-made and not your healers then get gaurded and get healed and you win.

    Commando/Merc is to Voidstar what Guard/Jugg is to huttball.


    Teams of Tank Healers are not good. You need DPS.

  3. The spawning is actually, in my opinion, an attacker advantage. There is no glass timer for the attackers. This also puts the luck factor into the WZ. If you get a buuch of kills when the glass is full you willl probably cap, if the glass is empty you are screwed.


    By the way, in Voidstar it is quicker caps the developer seem to favor, in Civil War it is more turnover, if I was not clear in my original post.

  4. It is apparent that the designers wanted more captures of objectives. They want more turn-over of objective points. This was obvious by the way they designed Novare Coast and prior (side speeder speed) changes. Essentially, the longer it takes you to get between points, the more it favors the team that is down. The team that is ahead, is now forced to defend the actionless objective with two players. This gives a number advantage to the team that is behind.


    Do you like this change?


    I like the concept behind it but.... The jumping the wall in civil war was one of those organic player created things that I enjoy in MMO's. Voidstar I am not used to yet but this seems like it will actually make the new strategy to hit one side 8 Vs 6 constantly and nothing else. Maybe it will require more coordination by the team that is ahead whereby respawning players rotate to the actionless side as the two defenders rotate to the action side.

  5. Just one comment about the "Predictability" of infiltration.

    This is really only an issue in a 1 v 1 battle. If you're in a mosh of battle, it is common to do the two twirls on one target and then unload on another. Additionally, if there is someone else (or multiples) attacking your target, the target may not be concentrating on you. Most players don't know when to pop the defensive, (in high level ranked this will change.)


    I have big issues with force management & I would like some type of buff to the regeneration or to Proundity/Blackout. It just doesn't work out if you are doing what you are supposed to. I think when you play against teams of well geared people and you unload everything and they are still up, you can not be out of resource when the spec has defensive weakness (ie glass canon.)


    I have been doing pretty well with infiltration. The War Zones in SWToR generally favor the player that is alert and tactical and knows the other classes/players, more than the player who maxes out his damage. However, if playing in high level ranked where everyone is playing at a high level and well geared, I fear I will be forced to switch to KC.

  6. So your incentive for joining ranked warzones is to gear up ... I don't think you understand the system at all. No use for me to explain it, but if you're pvping for the 'lootz', then you're definitely not going to like the system. Ranked WZ's will be a quick way for everyone to play on equal ground gearwise, and that number beside yourname will be the bragging rights, aswell as the ladder rankings. It's a competitive e-peen thing.


    OK, so you think people will not join ranked if it offers better rewards than regular just for the rewards?

    You are entitled to your opinion, I 100% disagree. I think many (90%) people will join ranked just to go after rewards.

    If it is epeen and bragging rights it should not offer better rewards.

    I don't think we disagree so I am not sure exactly why you are arguing.

  7. No the point of ranked warzones is so that equivalent teams face each other. If 8 men 'pugs' choose to fight other 8 men 'pugs' so be it. That's a good thing because they fight equivalent teams while gearing up.


    I am saying that people who do not care about rankings or competition will still join ranked for the much better reward. The point was specifically made that Ranked Warzones would only give cosmetic advantages. Not stats.


    Re: the quote, there are also indications subsequent to your quote that there will be solo ranked.

    I can quote you that ranked war zones will be live in 1.2 if you want. A quote does not mean much.


    How do you see that as a "problem" ?


    I see that as a "solution" to the gear gap and getting r@p3d as a new 50 in Recruit gear vs WH-Aug-geared premades.


    I agree, I see that as an advantage and 8 man teams as an advantage. What i say above is the problem with an easy fix. Give the same reward for regular and ranked.

  8. There is one other imbalance.


    The backstab "shadow strike"" ability is a force resource nightmare. The conventional wisdom is not to use it except when the buff is up, the buff is called "find weakness" for the Shadow and ________ for the Sin. The Assasin gets to see a graphic on the opponent when it the buff is up. So if they see the opponent turn purple or something they do a shadow strike and it uses 1/2 the force and gets a crit multiplier. The shadow does not get a visual indication, the shadow has to keep an eye on his tiny buff bar for a buff that looks exactly like another buff to intelligently use this ability.


    Very underrated imbalance. I think this is huge. Much bigger deal then the project delay that was talked about endlessly.

  9. You can't solo queue into ranked warzones. .... not yet anyway.




    Don't be so sure.

    Besides if this is true, everyone will be in /general forming 8 man teams with strangers. The point of ranked was never to give better gear out to those people.

  10. The people who want ranked war zones seem to want two things:

    • They want to queue with eight man teams
    • They want good competition


    The problem is that ranked war zones will essentially be the new regular war zones. If the reward for ranked war zones is ranked commendations, and you are able to solo queue into ranked, what is the point of ever queuing into the "regular" war zone? It would be pointless to queue into a regular WZ to get a third of the reward that you get for queuing into ranked warzones. After you achieve battlemaster gear there is no reason to ever queue into regular WZ's again.


    Ranked War Zones will turn "regular" into a lower tier WZ for (pre battlemaster) the lesser geared player. I am not knocking the new system, it will allow 8 man queues and will put lesser geared people in a separate tier. My only point is that everyone will be in ranked once they are live. This means you will still have the issue with quitters which will be exxacerbated because it will really hurt teammates now and you will not have a way to queue "for fun" without compromising your rewards, when you log on alone or without your team. The competition level (besides in 8 man) will be the same.


    The simple solution is to give the same reward/commendation for regular and ranked war zones.

  11. although to be honest some classes should just never be there (Gunslingers being a good example) and so I may just run it in out of principle.


    GS is very underrated in huttball. You guys may not see it, but a well timed flash grenade, a well timed root and well timed super knockback, a well timed aimed shot knockback, is the reason you are not dead. Sometimes we, for whatever reason, end up on the offensive part of the field. We can also hold the ball in cover with hunker down until someone is in position for a pass and no one will pull us anywhere.

  12. Passing is risky and we can just jump to teammates every 20 seconds. We've gotten enough leaping interceptions to know just how risky it can be!


    I am on the other side of the fire, you have five people beating on you, I can do it, I know I can make it the last 20 feet to the goal line if you just pass me the ball, give my GS a chance.


    And please dont give me the "sorry bro, didn't see you" I know you lie.

  13. Do not get me wrong, they are the best ball carriers in the game. But, these guys never pass. Generalizing, but it's true. Not for everyone, well maybe everyone, not sure.

    I played sports (unlike most of you (joke)) as a youngster and we had people like this on our teams.


    Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest. I feel much better now.

  14. It's simple math.


    At one point in Civil War you reach a stage where one side has to three cap in order to stand a chance at winning. At that point the losing team might as well go for defender medals.


    Simple math is that when you enter the WZ you should immediately go to one side and give up. Watch TV, this way you get the most medals for least effort mathematically. This is what the quitters are one step away from.

  15. These people who want defender medals (read posts above) are usually the first to give up. Absolutely no fun to play with. I would assume they would rather play with other quitters so it seems like two groups would be great, one for quitter/defender medal people and one for people who like playing and competing.


    The problem is, if we did this, eventually the quitter group would try and squirm into the regular people group because they would realize that it's the qutters who blame their teammates that are generally the worst players. They just don't know it b/c when they lose they blame their teammates. So in their delusional heads they are good players,


    There is no point in any game where you can not mathematically comeback until there is 7 seconds left. On my server there is one guild that is really elite players. A guy recorded matches on twitch.tv and I was once curious to watch so I viewed one match. He (recorder) was empire and the "elite guild" (republic) had three guys in Novare getting crushed, the guy who was making the videa was at south and you would see the three elite players (rest of the team was defender medaling at West) go and take on six at south. They kept losing but kept trying. Maybe thaat is how they became so good.

  16. Once the WH set is complete, it seems like replacing some pieces (ie gloves) components (ie armoring) with components from another piece (ie feet) might be beneficial. So people who complete the WH set can have another objective in gear to strive for even if it is minimal gains.


    Is there a spreadsheet anywhere that lists the stats of all the components of the different War Hero sets? I need the component stats (armoring, enhancement, mod) not that overall pieces stats.

    If not should we all team up and make one?

  17. I would prefer to group with people at 9K HP rather than quitters.

    I would prefer to group with people who don't bind the pass rather than quitters.

    I would prefer to group with people who never call out "incoming" rather than quitters.


    Unfortunately, as a non-quitter, I am stuck grouping with quitters who blame every loss on the guy next to them and take credit for every victory. The fast queue times have brought all the people who can't deal with losing out again.


    I would rather put all the quitters in their own pool of players and make them play with eachother. Desserter buff is my 2nd option. I would also prefer a week long penalty. That way we don't have to group with them.


    Sorry. You don't get to dictate what I do with my playing time.


    If people always leave "your" warzones, you should probably look at what "you're" doing to drive them away.

    If you are leaving you should look at what you are doing. Losing 50% of your matches is not abnormal. Deal with it quitter.


    I drop out of the match before it even begins...... I'm not sacrificing my time for others that want to casually pvp and don't care about their gear.


    Ladies and Gentlemen meet the quitter psychology.


    ... soooo i left. if people join a warzone undergeared, i don't feel bad leaving them short more players so they can just get demolished by the augmented war hero premade on the other side.


    Yea, screw the rest of your team that is well geared, you need your wins.


    I have no intention of playing with teams full of Rambos who then expect me to do everything for them.


    Translation = If I am losing I quit and blame my teammates. It's either that or lose.

  18. The key is to time your "Rambo run" to coincide with when your team can comfortably defend your turrets


    100% true, the best time is when you see a batch of rezzed comrades joining a battle.

    I don't do this on my GS .

  19. In the opening, you need to sacrifice the node where most of their players go. You need to send players who know how to LoS and stealth and CC to keep as many people at the losing node as possible for as long as possible. If you send two guys who occupy their four players for a minute or two you are in good shape. If you send no one they will immediately move players to the nodes where you had the numbers advantage.


    You should always keep an eye on their players count and if they ever leave a node defended by one you should attack it, even if you have two nodes. This is not being Rambo, this will force them to defend nodes with two so you don't lose the numbers battle. If you are a good 1v1 player this is a good strategy. If your side has one node and your team is attacking left and you solo attack right, you may force them to move players right and thereby help left. So don't assume this player is trying to Rambo. This is only true if you can attack well and not die fast. This works if you make them think they are in danger. If they think that one more attacker will jeopardize the turret they will call for help.


    When calling inc you should always call the number incoming, if one player is incoming you should not cry wolf and get your entire team come to kill one guy.


    When you are behind, the key to gaining a node is switches. you should switch between nodes often, but not predictably, to try to catch them in the wrong spot.


    Sincerely Yours


  20. You think Bioware has the foresight to add things that make sense? What are you smoking?

    I thought it was a good idea.

    Anyone on test have an idea if this is available?

  21. Will the group finder have a field for pvp, specifically ranked PvP. I am sure there will be times when a team can only field 7,6,5 etc players, and not the full 8. Rather then forgo ranked, they may prefer to see if they recognize any names in the new group finder tool and invite a highly regarded player to queue with them..


    What say you?

  22. When you are out o combat and have the ball you run at a faster speed.

    There is also the speed pill located in both pits.

    There is also force speed and Knights have a group speed boost.


    If you saw an entire team hacking that was from different guilds, chances are you are wrong.

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