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  1. Heat Sigs are working. What is not working is the HSM power. It does not take into consideration our own personal Heat sigs and it looks like HSM damage has dropped even in comparison to the Tool Tip. What is not working is the fact that the class is reliant upon TM spamming to be effective. Too many powers demand use of TM to proc. Its crutch that is being used to make it seem like there is some sort of dynamic interaction is taking place. Pre 1.2 I press 3 buttons over and over. Post 1.2 I pressed 4 in a constant rotation. 1.2c I am back down to 3 again. Others can be put in rotation for sure to maximize damage but the basic rotation is only 3 powers again. HSM needs fixed.
  2. The concerns that I have is that HSM is no longer worth the heat it costs. I now have one viable rotation and that includes only TM and Unload. TM hits harder and Crits more often the HSM does. HSM barely meets the Minimum hit in the tool tip with 5 stacks of Heat sigs on it. Now our rotation should only include TM, Unload and Railshot and then anything that you can shoot for free with thermal override. It is either broken or made useless. Either way your wish to a BH mercs rotation become more dynamic has completely failed. Power Shot hits harder than HSM now. You wanted to make the rotation more interesting and less repetitive then get rid of the required 5 stacks needed to make rail shot worth while. This change was based on PVE Boss fights and PVP only. The change made on an entire class was based off of 2 situations. One of which shouldn't matter because they are such a small yet vocal portion of the community. I will not be taken to raid tonight because of this. I have to level a Marauder if I ever wish to join in a Raid again. Please change this mechanic of TM and stop basing your quick fixes based upon PVP and boss fights only. If these 2 things are truly that damning to a specific power then the problem lies in its mechanic and not its affect. Have more than 2 powers that can proc unload for example. Get rid of the extra damage from heat sigs for rail shot and just up the damage of rail shot. How about make more than 4 powers actually worth their heat Cost? Anything but at least think about it next time you do this please. Testing would be nice as well. Cheers.
  3. In PVE on my merc BH with 6 pieces of Rakata gear, my damage output has increased. Not only do I do a little more damage I also have an easier time controlling my heat. I am wondering what they are talking about rotation changes. Now that the damage output of power shot has dropped there is no reason to use it in place of TM. So the only difference in my rotation now is the fact that I get to use Unload more often and I vent heat faster. I can fight flat out for 2 minutes straight before I have to pop Vent heat. The only rotation difference that I can see is that I can work in Unload more often. Everything else stays the same. I did notice if I tried to maintain my old rotation without using Unload as often as I could that My DPS dropped significantly. I tried many different rotations and the best thing I found was situational use of Unload worked the best. TM TM TM (Use Unload) HS TM TM( If it procs again use Unload and the Chaf because what ever you are shooting will be really pissed off by this point) Rail Shot Thermal Override Fusion Missile Explosive Dart. Then I start over. I think there TM problem comes down to the fact that Rail shot will need 5 stacks of Tracer Lock to make it effective. If they got rid tracer lock and added that effect to TM in general it would stop the spamming. If I didnt have tracer lock to worry about I could do so many different things in order to maintain DPS and Heat mitigation. You would only ever need to hit TM again just to keep the Debuff up. I am not sure how it could be done but I like the procs on unload. How does Pyro look in PvE? I haven't tried to spec Pyro since the changes. Has anyone tried Pyro in raiding? Is there a difference in how it performs?
  4. For one it was you who demanded the extra servers it was the weeks of whinging about queues and having to wait 20 minutes to get in the game. Instead of letting them actually get real metrics by letting the game get past week 2 they only did exactly what the community asked of them. You didn't want a queue so now you don't have one. Welcome to rash nerd outrage that is this forum. Be careful of what you ask for you might just get it. Second who the hell cares what the sales earnings of EA is. Who the hell cares how much money is being made. What you should be caring about is are you willing to spend money on this product. If not then right there is the door. Instead of actually playing the game you sit out here and whine all day. Well unsubscribe and do us all a favor. I am trying to find information when I get on the forums. Game help crafting help, guides, community events. Instead all there is these pages of self entitled posts. Things about how "I" want things and about how "I" am the most important things and how "I" am right and everyone is stupid for playing the game. Please for gods sake clean up these forums. Make a separate area named something like Whiners Corner or something. Then move all posts like these into it. Some people want to use the forum as the tool of which it was intended. I wanted to check this post out because maybe it might have mentioned something about server populations and what not. Instead its just page after page of crap. Now let the trolling begin because this thread is dead to me. If I never meet any of you people in this game it will be none to soon. Have great day in your own pissed off little world.
  5. 99.99999% of anything in General Chat has nothing to do with the game itself. If someone asks a question or needs help sure I will help them. But almost every other question and or anything in general chat is either juvenile in nature or completely off topic. Its not that this game discourages social behavior at all in regards to the chat window. Its just that the majority of the players are in their guild chat with people they know. The lack of Zone Chat or local chat is the problem. If I want silly pointless chat well I can do that at a Bar with friends. I don't need to do it in an MMO. Unfortunately you cannot control the absolute junk and or filth that is screamed or posted in general chat. For that reason most people have general chat turned off. That is the unfortunate side effect of MMO general Chat. If I put everyone who said evil or worthless gibberish in General Chat on my ignore list, then that that is all I would ever be doing. To avoid that I just turn General Chat off. The only things I see are the people who I am running missions with and my guild Chat. I am sure that I am not the only one.
  6. If you own a full set of Rakata Gear will the changes affect us? Will it affect the entire Rakata tier gear? I would not like to have to re grind for the same gear again just so I can put it in Orange gear and not look like a clone.
  7. Re-Post into the correct Forum Empire Side Character Class/ Profession content. I am not talking about crafting, I am talking about player class. Mini Content/repeatable quest lines and or content for each class type. This can be done at specific levels throughout your career but most of the content would be available at top level. I can see this as being more interactive and can flesh out/immerse you in the content even more. Bounty Hunters: I would like to see a bounty board put up for this. In the case of PVE servers there would be a choice between PVE NPC Bounties and PVP Bounties. The only difference is that if you are on a PVE server the intended player character would be notified that he is a bounty and would have to accept the challenge. Reward the winner of said contest with some item and or ranking. If you survive enough bounties put on your head you get a title. If you kill enough bounties you get a title and or items. Operatives: Stealth Missions into Republic Territories to gather intelligence. Give the Ops a temporary power that allows them unbreakable stealth accept in very very close ranges.(Like standing right on top of someone) They can stealth into Republic Cities and click terminals/steal information from areas within the Republic zones. The stealth can only have a certain time limit attached to it and it cannot be used in any current PVP Zones and or War Zones. For PVE servers if you are doing these missions then only NPCs can attack the Player Character unless they are already Overt. If its PVP server then the Opp can be attacked by both NPC and Player Characters if stealth is broken. Stealth will temporarily be broken once said Terminal/item is interacted with. It will re engage after a 10 seconds or so unless the Player Character is attacked. Again Titles and or items can be granted for success. Sith Inquisitors: Jedi Artifact Acquisitions. The Inquisitors will want to gather as much information and gain an advantage over the Weak Emotionless Jedi. Have daily PVE missions to gather Artifacts and or Items from Jedi Temple Locations. If on a PVP server then the Inquisitor will have the chance gather that artifact/ information from killing a Republic Jedi Character instead of gathering it from a temple. If on a PVE server and you want to actually get the artifact from another Player Character then the Player Character will have to accept the duel/mission themselves. Sith Warriors: Similar to the Inquisitor in the fact that they need to gather information/items. This would however be centered around Armor/Lightsabers since Warriors are not as reliant upon the force as an inquisitor. Various Lightsaber Crystals. They would have to infiltrate Republic lines and challenge a Jedi Master and take his or her items. This can be done easily on both PvE and PVP Servers. Mind you the Crystals and armor components would only be Cosmetic only and would not affect stats. If not then it could affect our current craters. I don’t know if these are good or bad ideas but I would like to see something like this. I think it could increase immersion into the universe that has been created. I would like to see other ideas the community might have. Please post any Republic side, Space Combat, Guild, and Planet based ideas to increase game immersion. For Example Guild Capital ships that may be coming in the future. Allow all Guild Members to to have their personal ships docked on the capital ships. If a PVE or PVP space battle takes place then you can have the following scenario take place. A specific number of Crew men must stay on board and maintain its systems. Shields, Lasers, Navigation, Life Support. Have a little mini game and or task that they must be able to perform to keep the ship running. The Rest of the guild will get in their respective personal Ships and then attack the opposing team(PVP or PVE) ships. Space combat for these scenarios would stay the same accept the ultimate goal of the attackers would be to get close enough to the other capital ship to start shooting its keep components. (Shields, Thrusters, Lasers). These kinds of things that will help you feel more invested in your character and your guild. Add any ideas or you may have to this post. If it gets popular enough maybe BW will look at it and take some ideas. Maybe not. But one can dream cant they? Cheers I re posted this here because in the General Discussion forum the post wasn't hostile or mean enough to warrant a reply.
  8. I think it would be sweet as well. The kind of ideas I am looking for are things that can help the environment seem more life like. Something you would like to invest in. For Example Guild Capital ships that may be coming in the future. Allow all Guild Members to to have their personal ships docked on the capital ships. If a PVE or PVP space battle takes place then you can have the following scenario take place. A specific number of Crew men must stay on board and maintain its systems. Shields, Lasers, Navigation, Life Support. Have a little mini game and or task that they must be able to perform to keep the ship running. The Rest of the guild will get in their respective personal Ships and then attack the opposing team(PVP or PVE) ships. Space combat for these scenarios would stay the same accept the ultimate goal of the attackers would be to get close enough to the other capital ship to start shooting its keep components. (Shields, Thrusters, Lasers). These kinds of things that will help you feel more invested in your character and your guild. Add any ideas or you may have to this post. If it gets popular enough maybe BW will look at it and take some ideas. Maybe not. But one can dream cant they? Cheers
  9. Delete This post please as it is not in the correct forum.
  10. Some things cannot be cleansed by any class of healer. That fight you are talking about has a trick to it. The only way to stop from being debuffed to death is to hit the admiral as soon as he pops out of stealth. You can force choke, interrupt him. The trick of the fight is to stop him casting those debuffs on you. Any damage or interrupt will do. For some reason some debuffs do not fall into any category that can be cleansed. There are quiet a few of those kinds of debuffs during end game. The Admiral is pretty easy to beat once you find out his trick. It took me about 3 trys on my Juggernaut to figure out the trick. Once you do this he is super easy to beat.
  11. Player Houses and cities = Good Abandon Player cities = Bad(And most were) Crafting = Composite Armor Only Composite Armor with only one look. That or your robes for Jedi. All other armor was dress up doll stuff. Of no use whatsoever. Stun Baton is better than a Light Saber.(Only in SWG) Combat Medics Nuking a planet because there side was losing a guild battle? Only one Crystal Was the best Crystal and everyone had it in there sabers. There are many things that SWG did good and badly. Mostly it was good for its social aspect. You could play Star Wars Sims. Most everything else was broken and never fixed. They never could get an AT AT to turn. I loved it when this 40 story thing just freaked out and got stuck on a rock and started rotating in place like mad until it killed everyone's PING and you had to leave the area or the city until it despawned. A few things that would be nice that SWG had that SWTOR doesn't is the Social Classes. Non Combat classes and Server Events on the regular. It was nice when Vader showed up to destroy your town. Active Bounties for Player Characters on PVP and PVE servers. Class Specific Daily's would be nice too. Many other little things to make the game look and feel more dynamic. But to say one was better because of this that and the other is just silly. They are 2 Different Games. One team has a competent useful support team. The other Finally address all the Major Issues its game had right before it closed its doors. More has been done to balance play since launch is SWTOR than SOE did up until NGE. Do any of you remember having your loot disappear from your house and or inventory. I do. Did you ever get any of it back let alone a response. I never did. Or that month my Jedi Spent in his house because a Krayt Dragon spawned right in front of the house and I couldn't get out. No one would come and get me because I had to hide my location and live in sticks. If not I would have been Permikilled by Bounty Hunters and I would have to spend another 6 months making a Jedi. I couldn't afford the Permanent weapon and armor damage it would have taken me to get away from that thing. Didn't matter how many I times I called and email SOE that stupid thing sat there all day every day for a month. This is 2 different games in 2 different eras with 100% nothing to do with each other. Star Wars is its only commonality. Lack of Endgame Content. They already added another High level Flashpoint within its first 2 months of launch. As far as raiding is concerned has everyone done everything on Nightmare mode yet? PvP End game. Name one MMO that has gotten PVP truely right other than Eve. Maybe there are ones you like more than others. But none of them have it right. A true equal PVP experience can only be done on games with limited player classes and no specialization. See (FPSers and Starcraft.) Everyone has to have the same abilities at all times. Its just how well they use them. MMOs by there nature are not set up like that. Now that BW has seen that there is a vested interest in PVP they have stated that they are going to put more work into it. Give it more than 2 months. This game has everything I want and has the potential to offer so much more. I just dont expect it to happen over night. Right now I am happy with my Characters and will be rolling up another to see a whole new story. I have 2 left on Empire to complete and 4 more on Republic to complete. Thats a lot of gaming time I have waiting for me.
  12. A thought here to fix this issue would be to assign a block to Crit Orange gear. If you put a Tier Armor, Mod, Enhancement into orange gear, it shuts off the Augment Slot. Viola everyone back on the same field of play. That way it can be a purely ascetic change and not a whole game changing change.
  13. If they just do the same token drop as they do now, then they can just add extra items to the vendors. Lets take eliminator columni gloves for example. The Token can buy either. (1) Eliminator gloves themselves if you like the look. (2) Eliminator gloves mod kit. Maybe do the same thing with the Commendations as well. The only problem that I see is the Min Maxing issues. All Mods and Armoring are not created the same. For example the chest piece armor stats are much better than the glove armor stats. If they only assign set bonuses base upon the actual armor piece, then that will take care of that issue. The set must contain glove armor, chest Armor, Grieves Armor, Helmet Armor. If you dont have those 4 armor types items in your set, then you wont get the set bonus. I hope they don't over look that little bit. Guess we will see. As far as making the lowest level oranges and putting the best mods in it issue. The only thing I can think of would be make the Orange Armor itself come with some sort of bonus. Lets take level 30 orange crafted Synthweaving 200 item for a force user as an example. Maybe the force power bonus for that item will only be lets say 10% for a synthweaving 200 crafted orange. If you have a level 400 Synthweaving Orange level 50 Crafted item you get a 30% bonus to your Force power. Give some sort of incentive to purchase the top level orange gear. Otherwise this change will only hurt our armor crafters. Anyways any change so I don't have to wear my ugly tier chest piece on my Bounty Hunter will be greatly appreciated. The back sticks make them look silly. Cheers
  14. can kind of see what Bioware was doing but I don't think they understood what the masses were saying. We didn't want to make things flashier we just wanted to know when the powers were available. Right now its impossible for players who have to build resources up before they can activate powers. Everything looks like its not ready for use. Instead of Directly ripping off what WoW does with its timer. Lets try and get some ideas together for them. They don't know what to fix unless we are specific. Now mind you this is just an idea of how I would like to see them work. 1.) Go back to the original color scheme that was in place before this last patch. 2.) Keep the kind of grey sliding down timer that we used to have before. 3. Add a little colored button in the bottom right hand corner of the specific Power Buttons (This takes the place of the number timer from WoW). 4. If you are republic then an active power that can be used will be light Blue. If you are Empire the button will be its Dull red. This will indicate that the power is usable and has all of its conditions met. 5. If the Power doesn't have the resources available(Force,Rage,Heat...) then let the color of the little dot in the corner of the power be Yellow. (For Both Republic and Empire) 6. Right before the power is going to pop off of cool down regardless the little toggle will flash twice. The little button size I am speaking of will be sort of like the toggles on Sprint and what not. Only a little smaller and round. Don't make the colors too bright or it will take away from the action on screen. I think it would be simplistic enough not to take away from the action on screen. It would also help control your Power Conservations for resources a little better as well. Maybe if you saw the the little yellow toggle on the icon flash yellow you will know you need to build or reduce the resource needed before the power popped and was off of Cool down. Well that is my idea. Not sure if I explained it well enough. But if anyone else has any ideas about this please post. Cheers
  15. Please kill this thread as I see there was one already started.
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