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Everything posted by hamstercake

  1. Fly to the republic fleet Go to Leuro-Khian @ (coordinates (- 4757, -4516).
  2. Open up your character-sheet. Press the Companion tab. Open up your bag and then R-click the gear you wish to use for your companion. You can also drag each piece of equipment onto each and every slot.
  3. Hate to tell you man, but when being a scoundrel i can easily reach those numbers and higher.
  4. If a "Craft that" - "Loot that" is what you´re looking for? Try this: http://www.swtor-holo.net/
  5. I honestlly don´t know how supported the different gamepads is atm. But there a few articles about this. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19814-using-your-xbox-gamepad-for-space-combat Altho this guy is clearly using a xbpx 360 controller. Same with that guy I just did a quick google search and that´s what i come up with. Try your lukc there aswell. As far as mapping a Gamepad to this game goes. I have no idea. Many MMO´s i´ve played with a gamepad has had support by ticking a box in the options. Tbh i´m quite curious about this aswell. So if any1 has successully managed to get a gamepad (not a xbox controller) to work with SWTOR. please tell us how =) Thanks!
  6. I dunno if this is what you´r looking for. Biochem is so far not one of my skiils. But i find that this site http://www.swtor-holo.net has good guides when it comes to some of the crafting and gathering skills in SWTOR. Maybe you can find your answer there?
  7. I do see your point of not using companions as a side-kick. But the option not to summon them is there. Send them on craftings/missions while you and your friend can enjoy the gaming experience. I for one love the fact that there´s a companion there to back you up. I can now choose to focus on a healing class with some support abilities, while my "side.kick" kicks ***. If we were to compare this game to another MMO not using the option to have a companion by your side. You wouldn´t be able to mainly focus on a healing class (as easily). You would be forced to build a DPS/levelling spec and then after hitting cap spend money to respecc. WoW for example has another option. They´ve made it so that you can have two speccs quite early in the game. Making it possible for you that wishes, to play a class that´s able to heal/tank and DPS. I find that the way BW has approached this, is quite unique
  8. While i wait and to get rid of some withdrawal i decided to start playing KOTOR on my old and dusty Xbox. Not the same though =/ I guess when i´m not playing KOTOR i´ll most prolly monitor the forums:rolleyes:
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