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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by PunisherAS

  1. Nah. Most people who say they quit a mmorpg are lying.


    Normal people with no unhealthy attachments to a game just do something else they enjoy instead. So unfortunately you will not see a big reduction in irrational complaints


    Funny part is, your probably right.

    Its as bad as people who said they cancelled yet they still hover these forums and reply to every dang thread about someone quitting. lolz

  2. How about you get off these forums about cancelling.


    A.) If they cancelled, you really think they'd be in here?

    B.) This gives room for those people who did cancel and expect to seek that their opinion matters by blasting the forums with posts that they aren't rejoining on how bad this game is, and by seeking attention on these forums.

  3. I've had that bug before. It'd display basically a background and you'd be stuck unable to move.


    Also, I believe that Force Charge shouldn't have the same exact cooldown timer as a Inqs. smash ability. Heres an example.


    Force Charge

    Smash, fall off platform with nobody around.

    Wait for cooldown,

    force Charge

    Smash again, this time get tagged by 3 Sorc's with lightning.


    Oh boy I love it.

  4. Took me 5 days total in game time to get to level 50.

    I didn't skip quest dialogues till about after Nar Shadaa where I left off In beta.


    I actually watched the Class Quests all the way through, and had sometimes to where I waited an hour on end for someone to help with just a heroic.


    Its not hard. Some of us play about 12 hours a day.

  5. Pretty sub par coming from Bioware.

    I'm level 35 now and I've come to notice that a lot of the Caves/Heroics/Space Missions involve recycled content from a previous mission.


    For example.

    The higher you level the more space missions you get.

    You get the same exact track, pathway, enemies, with added shields and maybe one or two different units.


    Some saves and heroics have the same exact layout, whats the point of doing a flashpoint when they all look alike?


    Caves especially on Tatooine look all identical, and its annoying. You go into an area and your like.. wait? Didn't I see this somewhere before? Then I'll be able to trace where everything is because its just like the last one!


    Anyways, Rant over.

    I will still play SWTOR and I still love it.

    No hating.


    Just seems Bioware got a bit lazy.

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