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Posts posted by PunisherAS

  1. I dont truly see why people are so eager to post on why yhey are leaving. I played this game from beat to about 7 months after it came out. Got burnt out and left until this past March. Got interested in other games and then came back just this month and am enjoying the game tremendously. Sometimes a break is all ypu need. But when I did leave I did post on the forums that im leaving just to get attention. I left quietly and came back quietly. The only ones who had I left are those that I play with in game. So seriously getting upset over the fact that you rushed to 50 and are now quitting because of lack of end game is your own doing no one elses.


    Hopefully I can come back and enjoy this game once more.

    Didn't mean to double post, was supposed to edit my previous one. :rak_03:

  2. So what? Nobody cares. If you like it, you stay and play. Little is gained. If you don't, you leave. Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional. All it shows is your lack of character. You stayed home from work to play the game so your co-workers had to cover for you.


    That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


    You misunderstand, I scheduled off a few weeks ahead of time for vacation.

    I didn't just call out of work.

    GG. :rak_01:


    I guess that's my fault for not really explaining.


    Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional.


    That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


    No interest to excite anyone, just express my opinion.

    The fact the thread has 8 pages was beyond what I'd thought it be. I expected it to have 2-3 posts, and it fall into the darkness of the forums.

  3. Just before anyone gets to my topic and spams "Can I have your stuff?" this is my honest opinion on where this game is going. These are my big thoughts on SWTOR and why In my opinion, doesn't provide for a lot of people.


    I do warn you its a long video of expressing my opinion.

    I even throw out some awesome things I like about Wildstar.

    Even have a conversation with my 2 year old daughter. :)

    And..... guild chat here and there.

    But I promise its mostly about SWTOR. :D



    Here's the Highlight you can view if you feel like hearing my opinion.

    Its about 29 minutes long if you can dread the long talking.




    Honestly I've had some wonderful times in SWTOR and loved every minute of it, but day by day I seem to lose my interest in this game. I've been here since day one and express it in my video of my disinterest in the past previous months.


    I do want to thank Bioware for helping me find some great people in the game to hang out. From SWTOR we finally disbanded our SWTOR division and branched out to new games. I thank Bioware for that.. we are now a community instead of a SWTOR Raiding Group.


    But, I hope this game improves in the next few months or a year so so I can come back.

    Hopefully Bioware can hear my opinion and find out why a good base of people are leaving. I know out of 500k people that I'm not the only person who feels this way.


    Till then, good bye everyone! Thank you for reading. :)

    I do really appreciate if someone actually watches my video.

    Goodbye SWTOR and to the adventures ahead!

  4. Scum and Villiany + Rise of the Hutt Cartel = April 9, 2013

    New content = October 1, 2013


    April 9, 2013 - October 1, 2013 = 6 months of grinding same old boring content.

    Sorry Bioware, but you wont be seeing me after my 30 days are up.


    Nightmare difficulty isn't "new" content. You can argue as much as you'd like but, its just something Bioware wants you to think is content so you'll stay longer in this lifeless game. Same bosses, same trash, just upgraded HP and one or two new mechanics which is not content.


    Character Customization isn't "new" content either, its already in the game when you first create your character but if you want to redesign your appearance better have some real $.


    Cartel Packs aren't "new" content either, charging us for 10 cc for titles or fireworks to celebrate events is STUPID.

  5. ok...

    New content:


    ALL OF S&V

    (come 2.3) 2 new flashpoints

    Brand new dailies NOT on makeb


    Changed content:

    NiM TfB

    HM 55 flashpoints


    Quite amusing how people don't have the brains to even read the point I'm getting at.

    I'm not saying the game doesn't have content.


    I'm stating that its a very shady business model because YOU HAVE TO PAY for the expansion, Even as a subscriber you can't do any of the new content that is released freely unless and ONLY AFTER you buy the expansion.


    On top of the money I spent on the Collectors Edition, subscribed since day 1, and spent a small margin of money on the Cartel Market, why should Bioware be inclined to release content that completely requires a 10$-20$ purchase? It'd be one thing if you could still Level to 55 and do operations if your not interested in the expansion, but the sole fact that its required is ridiculous.


    If Bioware really wanted to make things alright, Subs irregardless if they purchased the expansion should be able to Level to 55.

  6. And how far have you gotten in NiM TFB? It's not really the same operation if it's an actual challenge.


    As for Makeb giving you 3 1/2 to 4 levels for storyline it's on par with almost every other planet. Then there are the GSI Missions, Microbioncluars & Seek Droid missions both where really fun in my book, and the dailies on Makeb. It is a ton of content for 20$ and a steal for 10$.


    A challenge? When did a "Challenge" become "content" Same mobs and same trash. The only new content your getting is fancy new animated armor, and slightly modified boss fights.


    A steal it might be, but still shady business model.

    Subs aren't getting unlocked access to the game if you think of it the way I'm trying to explain.

    You have Limited Access even as a sub until you buy the expansion.

  7. You think 10-20 bucks is a lot of money?


    No, I paid for the expansion,

    I don't think its right that a Sub that PAYS EVERY MONTH, would be required to buy the expansion to be able to get this "Free" content they release.


    If your paying for a subscription, your supposed to get "Unlocked Access" to everything like Operations/FPs/PVP and etc, but in reality you can't unless you buy the expansion.


    Its still very shady.

  8. um, so you mean like other MMO's do? WoW as a prime example. At least this one is 10-20 instead of 40-60


    Yes, but how much content do you get out of WoW expansions?

    I got 2-3 levels out of the Makeb Storyline... you call that content?

    Do you call Nightmare Mode of an operation we've been grinding for months content?


    Please explain to me how Biowares price should even be close to 20$..

    If I'm a subscriber and I don't buy the expansion, what "New" content would I be receiving just out of curiosity.

    I FYI do have the expansion, just making a hypothetical situation.


    Can't change my characters appearance, that costs money

    Can't play new operations, because I'm required to buy an expansion

    Can't play on my server because everyone transferred out, so now I have to to enjoy the game.


    Just a few examples of this crappy marketing.

  9. Whether you like it or not, anything after Level 50 should be considered paid content,

    not "Free" as Bioware will tell us.


    Heres an explanation on how this shady business model works.


    They release content that is Level 55 Required like the new Operations. This forces every person that has intention to do ANY kind of end game to buy the expansion. So guess what? All those new Level 55 operations that are "Free"? Too bad, you HAVE to buy the expansion first. Thats 10-20$ PER PERSON that intends to continue to end-game.


    Just like server transfers, delay them to the brink of where your subs are fed up, or their servers are dead like Oceanic/APAC and basically have everyone who doesn't want to stay on that dead server or even play the game to transfer with them. Most players leave dead server, players who are left on dead server have to transfer too to even play the game.


    Its a very crappy business model, but outside the Subscriber Fee we pay monthly you have to look at the other fees they might try to force out of us later down the road.

  10. I ask myself numerous times if I should un-sub. This game other than raiding with my guildies provides me no interest. I don't spend my free time here, and I don't find interest in doing so.


    ITS JUST SO BORING. Grind grind grind, daily, daily, daily, grind, grind, grind.

    The only thing helping me get through Raids alone is my guild.


    If it wasn't for my guild I wouldn't be playing SWTOR.

    I'm patiently waiting for ESO, Wildstar, Final Fantasy to come out, I know those will provide my interest for awhile. When these games come out I will definitely be quitting SWTOR. I've been a sub since day 1, even bought my Collectors Edition and tested in Beta, but in reality there is NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do besides grind. Content updates to Bioware seems to only be diverted to the CM. We're supposed to be getting all this new content free and we don't.


    The way I look at it

    Any content after the expansion is paid content, due to the fact that you HAVE TO BUY THE EXPANSION to even experience any of the new content. Its a BAD business model and THEY KNOW what they are doing.

    Same thing with server transfers coming up, they are allowing APAC to transfer over off their dead server, what does that mean for the people wanting to stay there? Enjoy lifeless server and bite their tongue and buy a server transfer because THEY HAVE TO to even remotely enjoy the game. Once again its a BAD BUSINESS MODEL and VERY SNEAKY. Its all truth and Bioware knows it.

  11. Also, feel free to come stop by and hang out on Stream with me and the guild during raids!



    We're a great awesome guild that has come to be a wonderful Community. We play a variety of games as well DEFIANCE being another big one. Come drop by and hang out, we're always up for expanding our community. With convenient raid times and a lenient group of players, we're always here to make your stay welcoming and enjoyable. We understand things come up and real life happens, we don't expect you to dedicate yourself to SWTOR every day of the week. We just expect you to keep up with the progress and be able to show up with your characters fullest potential. We're a laid back guild and we understand that there are things are more important than the game itself. Just remember, we DO expect you to show up and attend as much as possible! Well, I hope you come out and join our awesome community and hope to see you soon!

  12. I am soooo tired of recolored armor. Why not come out with new armor? Like, actual new armor. Especially with the new dye system, these sets are nothing special other then they glow a little. *Sigh*


    Because then you get a Starmie looking mount that your character can't even see over to drive.

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