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Everything posted by PunisherAS

  1. Does 4 months ring a bell? Sorry you didn't have enough time in those 4 months to reach 50.
  2. Its more like getting an Oil change. Lets say its required to get an oil change ONLY at 3000 miles, not any before. Sorry, you can't get an oil change until you get 3000 mile (Level 50)
  3. Here, I'll end my rant on this pointless thread. Bioware is entitled to do whatever they want with their game. If you were rewarded a free 30 days great! If you weren't? Don't complain 4 more months down the road when they do give something else to level 50's and you aren't.
  4. "Because not everyone plays the same way. Some people level alts simultaneously. Some folks have very little free time. Some folks prefer crafting and socialising to leveling. It takes all kinds in an MMO. The issue here seems to be the definition of "loyalty". I think had the free time been given to 50s under the auspices of "you guys have been patient and yeah, we goofed on ranking wz" so here." So the top in bold should get a free 30 days over someone who's played numerous hours into content?
  5. I SERIOUSLY love people like you. People like you don't get what you want, so you go ahead and put words into Biowares mouth. They did not say ANYWHERE that you weren't a valued customer. If they thought you weren't a valued customer they wouldn't have given you a free taun taun. They look at the Level 50's who've done content numerous times, countless hours into mains, and more. If you haven't achieved level 50 thats your own fault. But, for us 50's who've been waiting for new content since month 1 we've been grinding ever since but we're still here.
  6. People gonna complain, its not hard to achieve level 50. It took me total 14 days in-game time to achieve my first level 50. Don't be mad that Bioware game free 30 days to the people who decided to play the game more than you did. I don't consider subbing since day one loyal. Playing the game to at least a level 50 is reasonable. If you couldn't achieve a level 50 in 4 months then there is something definitely wrong.
  7. I didn't "quit", but I haven't played in awhile. Yet, I have 6 month sub still going. I'm pretty sure once 1.2 comes I'll play more. I'm still kind of upset my char wasn't transferred over to the PTS or I'd be test like a mother.
  8. Glad you can understand Biowares point of view. They are going to make thier game "THIER WAY". Last time I checked, it doesn't take a child/elder to lose the ability to press buttons. It sure would be nice to lose the ability of whining though..
  9. Eh these outfits look kind of stupid. :/
  10. It looks epic irregardless how long it takes. I'll be waiting.
  11. So does this do anything to effect gameplay? Answer? No.
  12. I have the same issue, I got the same exact cooler and it heats up BAD when SWTOR is playing. I also have 2 GTX580's in SLI which heat up well up to 75c-80c. Game is poorly optimized.
  13. Some of you have been playing WoW for so long you expect every single game to have exactly like WoW has. This game is great, and if you can't get what you want you whine. And like I try to ALWAYS SAY, This is SWTOR not WoW. You can either deal with it or whine elsewhere. Bioware, please don't buy into the whiners.
  14. I think its pretty good. I get to completely customize the outfit in the collectors edition vendor. Pretty sweet.
  15. Sometimes when I switch from one character to another I end up having 4 skills instead of 3. Of course I can't do anything with the other one, and I also get a message from time to time saying "This crafting skill is unavailable" or some sort. The game thinks I'm on my previous character for some odd reason.
  16. Nobody said diplomacy wasn't allowed in SWTOR. In no way is it cheating, exploiting, or hacking the game system. The system is working as intended, just for once the Republics and Empire are working together to straighten out these imbalances.
  17. Yes, but your wrong at one point. Robbing a bank would be part of a Law. In which in game, there was no such thing. I stopped reading when you tried to sound smart by spelling "Lose" with "Loose"
  18. 7/10 Leveling It was pretty fun going through my class quest. After awhile, it started to get tedious on normal quests. 8/10 End-game Content I think the end game content is pretty straight foward, but what can I say? I'm in a guild that raids 3 times a week, so its easier and more fun to play with people you know. 7/10 Overall Game is in its earliest stages so expect some bugs here and there. So are just annoying some I can live with temporarily and some I don't even recognize. Expect the game to get better as more time progresses.
  19. I don't find it unfair at all. The server ratio of Repubs vs Imps are unfair. There were no rules saying we couldn't go into the opposing teams base and kill their turrets or even spawn camp. And who is to tell us its wrong for working as PVP is intended by grouping up in mass groups? It isn't OUR fault that the Repubs have less people. To me, I find it unfair due to they are going to punish the players because of the whiners who constantly complained about roll backs. God, I hope the same situation doesn't apply to SOPA. Or we're screwed.
  20. Where you at? Ignore the people who quit like two days ago and still continue to post here. Can't wait for the new legacy system as well as the guild bank. What about you guys?
  21. Random Loading Screens 1 PC lockup, 1 crash to desktop. None before patch Ilum is completely stupid, we invaded their base and multiple Imp heavy servers doing the same. Stupid UI cooldown crap. etc... *sigh*
  22. Please fix this Bioware, its totally unnecessary. Or at least add an option to revert back to normal.
  23. It makes me kind of happy. I have a bunch of regulars I can laugh with in my server due to Huttball all the time. But.. this day will show you the real community. I can't wait.
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