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Everything posted by -Zajo-

  1. So the points he mentioned that actually bare truth is a result of him being a butthurt baddie? So what his anger and frustration is visable in his post, learn to read what he says instead of focusing on his way of typing. I could point out thousands of responses that only says L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff. And I'm glad to read you're doing good on your character.
  2. Been reading forums long enough to be selective about what is being fixed or not, especially things I find important. No need to worry about me. Regarding my voice, I have spoken many times. On forums and in tickets. All I've gotten back is droid responses and closed tickets. I have limits. And your last statement is exactly the reason why there are ppl who feel disrespected as a paying customer. Personally I'm not worried about them losing a few, as I understand ppl enjoy different things in a game and play differently. Some will stay and some will leave. What does worry me is the dissapointment I have about this game, when I really would love to just be ok with it. Would suck that the first mmo Star Wars game that comes out is so not for me!
  3. Republic, Tomb of Freedom Naad
  4. Cancelled my sub yesterday and uninstalled the game. Hoping for changes.
  5. Sorry but I did not get if your response was an agreement or a way to claim I'm lying?
  6. Fourth thread today about this I think but I'll write in this one as well. Yes it is frustrating, especially for those who do nothing but pvp. Past few days has been worse. Yesterday more then 80% of the queues were bugged. It becomes increasingly difficult to not get angry or frustrated when this bug has been going on since start. Then add the group disbanding after the wz's and you got yourself a nice soup if bioling frustration.
  7. You know those small things that happens over and over again? That eventually becomes a huge issue becaus it never gets sorted? Well this is only one of em. That window pops up regardless of what your doing, it throws you out of preference menu and even out of create a ticket window. Funny thing is that if I want to close a create a ticket window without even adding anything the game asks me if I really want to close it. But the companion window bypass that protection and closes everything down. It should come back and land in the "Pending" queue.
  8. May I ask how healers do less? Even less then a healer who does heal + dps. Just as dps/tank tries to kill ppl on the other team while trying to win the objectives, just as much work is the healer doing for keep up his/her teammates while they try to kill the enemy and at same time focus on objectives. Difference between a full time healer and a hybrid player who heals and dps is that those who enjoy the healing part doesn't want to be less validated for their job. A healer is usually responsible for more players in a wz. They need to positioning themselves right, they need to make sure to be in los to heal, they need to defend themselves againt the enemy while healing their team, they need to add cc in event it can help a teammate in trouble. A healer can never only focus on him/herself and the enemy. A healer needs to see the whole picture of him/herself, the team and the enemy. I'm not saying healing is extremly difficult and needs to be easier, I like it like that. However, I believe healing sould be rewarded equally for keeping your team up during a wz as dps can focus on, well just that, dps. Unfortunately I can not give good solutions to this but I'd like it to be looked at.
  9. Seen the same thing and even reported the player. Wouldn't have reported him if it weren't for his completely mindboogling response (after he done it twice in a row) of "QQ more" I mean .. really?? It also happens when faction goes against faction and ppl from the same guild ends up on both sides. The ppl catering more to their guild will take the ball and pass it to their "friends", they will take the ball, carry it to their own finish line and then let themselves get killed and/or just do nothing in the wz. While the others from the same guild on the other team won't give a rat's toe about meeting their own guildmates and do everything to kill em and win the wz. Unfortunately things like this will happen in a game where it allows everyone to be on both sides. Things like server pride or faction pride dissapears and it's all about who can troll the most.
  10. However it seems like this is a problem many feel is wrong. I respect the way you play and want to play. Maybe you should try and not get so angry at people for wanting it different?
  11. It is impossible to contribute in a good way in a wz by only hitting one button while healing. I'm sorry but it seems like you know very little about the work of a healer. It also seems like you refuse to understand what the OP and many others are saying. They do not want to go outside of their main class objective (healing) to get the same amount of medals as their fellow teammates (dps). Please remember that dps/tanks can earn the healing medals only by using medpacks on themselves. The only time a full spec healer should focus on dps is when his/her teammates are out of danger. Being forced to do dps only to get an equal amount of validation for their gameplay is not correct.
  12. Obviously there are healers feeling they shouldn't have to do dmg to earn as many medals as those dps'ing or tanking. This is a completely valid thought and feeling. Obviously there are healers that like doing the dps thing while healing and feel that's completely ok. This is a completely valid though and feeling. Obviously there are people who can not resist the urge to comment in threads like this without posting replys that easily could be shortened with "L2P, QQ more and Can I have your stuff". We all experiance the game in different way as we are different as individuals. Learn to respect other ppls opinion. If you do not agree, at least try and write a constructive reply on why. Save us you adolecent need to shield yourself against a possible attack by writing offensivly from start. As a reply to the OP's post. I'm a healer at heart. Have been in all games since 2003. 3 days ago I respecced to dps for this reason alone. I am now earning in avarage 8-9 medals in a good game. When and if the system changes I will respec back to heal. As a carrot for you. Dps is so much easier, calm and enjoyable, not to mention rewarding. Nothing like to focus on yourself and the enemy infront of you instead of having to focus on yourself, your team and where the enemy is placed. Good luck!
  13. You don't need to be spoiled from other mmo's to realize the healing needs to be polished a bit. I agree that it should not be a 2 button spam or even simple. But, healing needs to be polished a bit for it to work. Not all healers but many healers don't enjoy the healing part and that's not because they are use to easy mode but because the game has favored dps and kinda put heals on the shelf. It should be fun, not feel like a strain or a job. I refer to my previous post for other examples of what needs to be fixed.
  14. As a 50 healer myself I'm very torn on the matter. In a sense it's nice to play an mmo where the healer is not over powerd (warhammer i.e). Never played WoW so can't say anything about that. While I do manage to keep some ppl up in battles I also feel the strain of having to do it. Yes it takes a lot to heal well in a wz, and it should. But lets be honest here. There are limits and it's supposed to be fun. Not feel like a under paid job. My biggest issue is I have to do dmg just to even remotly get close to anything resembling medals. I should not have to. Just as dps shouldn't have to heal to get medals. From my own experiance I feel healers are appreciated by other players. I don't always get MVP and I never get as many as the main dps. However I do get medals on and off. The lag and the ability delays are a big problem as a healer though. I stack alacrity and even if my main big heal is ment to take 2 sec it almost always takes an additional sec. Now this might not be a problem to other chars or even other healers. But this game is ment to be fast paced. Very few stand still for 3.5 sec's for their 2.5 heal. To be honest most ppl don't expect to be healed and run away or hid behind a box/wall/pillar/hill etc. This breaks our los and the 2.5 sec's becomes useless. I think swtor has a good start on having balanced healers but they need to make healing worth while and not treat it as a third grade ability.
  15. 1. EVE Online - I can't even begin to tell you why without writing a novel. 2. Warhammer - 1.5 years I paid for that game. Everything I did was PvP. Shammy love <3 3. Just have to add Counter Strike - Simple, working pvp and the game is still going strong since release 1999. My dream is for mmo's to stop being commercial - I miss the quality.
  16. Enjoy the game a lot as a single player game. I do my quests, I follow the story, I barely ever space through a dialog. Doing pve I'm content, many things could be done better (as always) but over all they did a great job. Now I'm a pvp'er at heart. All mmo's I've played since 2000 I have focused on pvp, some mmo's only pvp. I love everything about it and my fav char to play is full out healer. The healing side in swtor is an abomination. By far the worst healer I've played (apart from pve, where it's nice). So not only am I unable to play the style I enjoy but the entire pvp system is a joke. A few examples I mind * The lack of brackets * The fairy dust/colour splatter warzones (I mean come on, are we ... 6?) * The immense lag (prolly cause of all overdone fairy dust) * Only 3 warzones (zzz) * The annoying debuffing every time you die not to mention loss of group * Inability to have enemy and defensive target at same time * What's up with the giving away medals? Do we really need to ego boost on that? Personally I think dps/healing/objectives points are enough * I wanna see the enemy team (names/stats/lvl etc) at the beginning of the warzone and through it all via a "warzone window" * One thing that wont change but that I do feel is sad is the fact we can fight our side in warzones and the ability to roll both races on same server. It removes the feel of server pride * Obvious over powered characters * The fast pace, more fighting than dieing would be appreciated ... and that's only a few (tried not going into details) From my point of view, all we want is to fight each other. If it happens in a nice setting, great, if not then we will be happy if the fighting works. We want it to be semi balanced and all classes should bare importance. We just wanna play what we enjoy spending our time on. Then you'll have our money, pls respect that. Again I'd like to point out everything in my post is my own personal feeling and experiance from the game. Subscription will end when I'm tired of the pve.
  17. I lvl'd purely through pvp in WAR, would never do it in SW. Anyone able to do that has my respect. Mythic you missed something in this game
  18. Could it be that the planet is harder for some classes? I don't need to L2P (as this is the general constructive comment from some) as my P is just fine. However I still felt it was a big difference in difficulty from previous planets. Those of you who felt no change and had no problem pls post what chars you have.
  19. Felt the same, compared to the other planets this one is a real challange. I am currently at the same lvl as the mobs (36-37) and doing the Atiss (spelling) hanger class quest took at least 12 deaths from my companion. Lots of planing and patience was needed to go through those 6 groups before the boss but it is doable. Just ask someone for help if you're still stuck in the quests, I'm sure others wouldn't mind helping.
  20. Thank you! Tired of English players (us) contra Spanish/Italian (them) posts. Ever since someone opened up the can of worms by separating nationalities as a fault to queues more and more posts gets added per page about this. The solution is not nationalities, the solution is those behind the creation of the game.
  21. I know it might be too early, but .. do you wanna marry me?
  22. Sorry the post was a tad to difficult, I forgot to add the /sarcasm in the end.
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